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diy solar

Drop in activity on DIY Solar Forum?


Solar Wizard
Dec 12, 2020
Denver, mostly
Nothing scientific, but it seems like the amount of activity on this forum has dropped significantly in the past several months. I don't know any analytics that would show for sure, but maybe someone else does.

Is it my imagination?

If it has dropped, does anyone know why?

I thought that it seemed (again, nothing quantitative) that the traffic dropped quite a bit when the whole @Michael B Caro Group Buy thing blew up. But it also seems to have dropped down quite a bit recently.
I was thinking there has been more activity.
Much of it being "One-Hit-Wonders" and folks with a few posts about "I have to have solar backup power right now".
Maybe there are a lot of folks not returning because of poor wiring techniques and too many Amps. That would not surprise me one bit.
Maybe you are right. I finished my two battery builds and am waiting to deploy them, so maybe I'm checking too often. :confused:

On the other hand, you are in Wyoming, and I'm in Colorado. So maybe you are just seeing things a little further up. ;)
I suspect we saw an increase when Putin invaded Ukraine and everyone was a bit on edge about a nuclear exchange.
Maybe you are right. I finished my two battery builds and am waiting to deploy them, so maybe I'm checking too often. :confused:

On the other hand, you are in Wyoming, and I'm in Colorado. So maybe you are just seeing things a little further up. ;)
Just remember to go back and tighten all the connections again, and if its a mobile application do it again. And regularly thereafter.

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diy solar