diy solar

diy solar

Earth grouding off-grid


New Member
Apr 5, 2022

I'm getting close to installing my off-grid system. There are only some wires and fuses left to purchase. Anyone with experience, please have a look and let me know if the grounding / earth schematics are safe.

Earth rod 1 is for lightning protection, while earth rod 2 is for general grounding of equipment.

Any other recommendations are gladly welcomed at this stage! :)

Thank you!

I've been advised to combine all the earthing into one point, but this seems to be like an ongoing debate for a long time...
Considering safety and function only, the grounding configuration as drawn will work and having 2 ground rods should not cause any problems. The issue that can arise with multiple grounding rods for different pieces of equipment in a system is circulating ground loop currents but in your case its only the solar panels on rod #1.
All of the solar panel installations I have seen tie the solar panel/mounting rail equipment grounding conductor to the ground bus in the main panel so everything is tied together.
In a case where there is a ground mount solar array that may be several hundred feet away I suppose it would be less expensive to drive a separate ground rod near the array rather than purchasing a spool of ground wire. In most situations the installer just runs the equipment ground in the same conduit with the other conductors all the way back to the panel.
It would be possible to move earth rod#2 so that I bring the grounding of the PV to it as well, and then it'll be one ground point for the entire system. :)

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diy solar