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That Will Prowse Guy


New Member
Nov 16, 2020
Mesa, AZ
I've been watching that Prowse fella for several years and always knew there was something "else" to his enthusiasm & character.

I couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was until I ran across this video the other day and actually shed a tear.

It's worth the watch.

This guy is a poster child for anybody looking to get past the bullshit life throws at ya and actually achieve something in life.

I saw this video before, he certainly did not have it easy but there are a ton of people out there that have gone through hell and are now successful.
About 12 years ago I met a guy with 3 kids and he was basically homeless with the kids.
A friend of mine had known him before his misfortune told me he use to be a great furniture maker and asked me if I had any odd jobs I could give the guy. Apprehensive I said yes I have some outside Jobs I could give him. The first job he did was so well done that I gave him more work. A few days later he was in house doing repairs and building some new furniture. Within a month I had recommended him to several of my friends and he was soon working on their houses and was booked out. I would lend him money for new tools as he had a lot of debt he needed to pay off to get his credit rating back.

This went on for 3 years and in that time he got a house to rent and a vehicle to drive and paid me back the money I had lent him.
Soon afterwards he got a recommendation from a friend of a friend to work on a very wealthy guys house. That guy was so pleased with his work that he contacted a friend of his who was a major contractor in Florida. The guy went to do the Interview in Florida and landed a job as a crew member on one of the owners house construction teams. Two years later he was leading his own team with the company and a couple of years after that he was promoted to work exclusively on the finishing touches on Multi million dollar houses. He is now head supervisor for teams of guys and he basically goes through inspecting the work and making sure any issues he sees are corrected before the house is deemed finished.

Based on the House he told me he bought last year, plus the others he owns and the vehicles that he drives I assume he is now a millionaire.
He has remarried and his kids are in university.
He calls me every Christmas to let me know what is happening in his life and to thank me again for getting him started. Nice guy and succeeded because he has a super good work ethic, is a perfectionist and is very trustworthy.
I sure learn a lot from this kid and I got into solar after watching his videos and also learning a lot from this site from so many people with lots of knowledge from all over the world. Big thanks to Will, he sure earned my respect.
Thank you for posting this video as I have never seen it.

It just goes to show what a great character Will is. Like myself he could of put blame on his parents, but no, inspite of their shortcomings he still showed he loved them.

Thank you for everything Will and I wish you all the best for the future.
I've started watching Will just recently, firstly all things solar / batteries / etc. but somehow I've kept coming back and signed up in this forum as well. I just love how he formats his videos; relatively short but with a ton of information.

I've also come to know about his life story and how he is making good now, but that didn't stop me from buying from one of his links.

Thanks and wish you all the best Will!
Very inspirational! I once had Plantar fascitis, very painful! I went to a foot doctor who recomended shoe inserts and they helped. But I found these bags of chinese herbs that you put in your sock at night, and they turn from white to black by morning. They said the black was the toxins from your foot being absorbed into the herbs. Don't know how, but they worked. After two weeks, the pain went away for good.
I saw this video before, he certainly did not have it easy but there are a ton of people out there that have gone through hell and are now successful.
About 12 years ago I met a guy with 3 kids and he was basically homeless with the kids.
He calls me every Christmas to let me know what is happening in his life and to thank me again for getting him started.
Now that is the American way!

There’s too few stories of people getting a hand up these days- stories like this one. Most of the tales of overcoming hard times with a hand up that I heard growing up were from the 20s and 30s, plus the post-war years- and told by people who are for the most part passed away now.

Will’s story is inspiring for sure. He was a victim of circumstance but chose to exceed those circumstances. He is very fortunate with how things turned out for him because he’d be no less admirable had he merely overcome and been average- there is no guarantee of outstanding success in life. (Granted his work ethic and intentional self-education sorta leaned him substantially towards outstanding success in my opinion)

I personally expected more out of life. I made the incorrect assumption (or was taught to assume) that knowledge and ability with education and hard work would reward me with a medium-wealthy life. I had it too easy growing up.
What I know now, however, is that it doesn’t work that way. A notch or two above good work ethic, some ‘luck’ along the way, and intentional planning of one’s life with a willingness to sacrifice is worth more than effort, education, and knowledge.

In Will’s case a lot of his ‘sacrifice’ wasn’t by choice, although his responses created the same or greater effect.

So what was Wills most Exuberant Moment: (Hint, a battery was involved, now that removes 10% of the videos :p )
I found Will from his Plantar Fasciitis Survival Guide YouTube channel way before I knew he did the solar stuff. His no bullshit personality is the best. He's still doing all the Inverter, solar, battery stuff as it makes a great living but I can tell his mind needs to conquer other very different areas. Doing tear downs on his 100th Lifepo4 battery pack is a job now but not much of a passion at this point.
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Now that is the American way!

I personally expected more out of life. What I know now, however, is that it doesn’t work that way. A notch or two above good work ethic, some ‘luck’ along the way, and intentional planning of one’s life with a willingness to sacrifice is worth more than effort, education, and knowledge.

Interesting post, for many reasons.

I'm curious as to what / why you expected more? (If you care to elaborate - if not, that's cool too!)

I'm guessing you were born in this country, USA?

there is no guarantee of outstanding success in life
All power to Will and it's a great story but this is an important point.

We are often seduced by such stories of rising up from difficult beginnings but there always is a big chunk of survivor bias when we attribute success to such personality factors/habits/work ethic etc.

Before saying these attributes are keys to success, we must also consider the many thousands of others who displayed similar attributes but did not do so well.

And also consider those who did not display such good values/ethics but did well nonetheless.
sun powers most of this dance we all do☀️

it is very fun to observe and attribute my own efforts to the whole picture.. albeit small in scope

favorite part of Solar Forum is that we all seek to act on the Free Energy being delivered at Light Speed to each person

much appreciation to Will, and also Everyone Here
Yes, circumstances are different for everyone and life is far from black and white.

Some people have more luck than others, etc.

All we can do is look at the most basic of things common to the majority of people and will give everyone their best chance regardless of their personal circumstances.

For instance...

Will stayed away from drugs. HUGE positive.

Will had troubled parents but both of them were in his life & communicated with him, it appears.

I personally think your "survivor bias" link is a bunch of word salad.

All that's saying is for an accurate analysis you have to look at the big picture... same as everything else in the world.

No need to complicate something so simple.

"Survivor Bias" ... Pfffft..
personally think your "survivor bias" link is a bunch of word salad.
No, statistics suggest that difficulty with good instilled values or an individual’s decision to depart from one’s societal norms produce a higher percentage of ‘outstanding’ success. Even Elvis Presley is(was?) arguably in that subset.
So there is a legitimate observation from those of us who have overcome circumstances to ‘identify’ culturally and hence: a degree of higher recognition among some observers; a tendency to notice or recognize success in “survivors” subset over the norm (universe) that encompasses most subsets.
While perhaps not ‘significant’ it is a valid observation I think.
for an accurate analysis you have to look at the big picture...
And the big picture is ‘the universe’ of which all subsets are contained. One can’t remove or diminish any subsets and remain accurate.
there is no guarantee of outstanding success in life
All power to Will and it's a great story but this is an important point.

We are often seduced by such stories …
Before saying these attributes are keys to success, we must also consider the many thousands of others who displayed similar attributes but did not do so well.
on the other hand:
And also consider those who did not display such good values/ethics but did well nonetheless.
There are many times where people possess the characteristics shared by ‘survivors’ or others “merely” having good values/ethics and yet achieve success without ethics. True. But they are neither admirable nor enviable. Even the biblical Book of Ecclesiastes says there is a terrible thing ‘before the heavens’ that there are some good men (gender nonspecific e.g. mankind) that labor hard and never achieve and there are wicked ‘men’ who have great achievements for themselves.

There is no guarantee of outstanding success in life; there is also no guarantee the detestable will suffer economically in accordance with their behaviors. Which is a good segue to:

I'm guessing you were born in this country, USA?
Yes, born and raised in New Hampshire.
his outlook should be taught to the vast majority of the entitled weak minded plebes in this world.
But no, society is teaching dissatisfaction as the norm, competitive success is evil, and that ‘we’ (sic) deserve more.
I'm curious as to what / why you expected more? (If you care to elaborate - if not, that's cool too!)
I expected more because as a youth I was told that I could be anything I wanted- an astronaut, president of the USA, I would always have ‘enough.’ Just had to get educated and work.

I grew up just over the edge of poor and middle class. My parents both worked. If they struggled financially us kids never knew it, but in hindsight I can see periods where they did struggle; we always ate, never had welfare, and we were sent at great cost to private school. So I had an erroneous stigma: better education = better life. That’s only one component.

What I observed as I proceeded through high school and dropped out of my planned college MBA to join the Management Training program of a large immigrant-founded regional restaurant chain was in conflict with what I was told. No- everyone can’t be anything they wanted to be. There’s only one president out of hundreds of millions of possibilities.

I did the restaurant manager training job because I observed that college students statistically were not as well off as working people - they spent a lot of money on school, then went into the workforce inexperienced after 3-7 years and didn’t cross experienced people’s income until over the age of thirty. And then only a few exceeded the means and averages over the next 20 years or so.

Though above was statistically true, I was still in ignorance of other significant factors to ‘success.’ I didn’t have an entitled attitude, but I think I expected my experience, intelligence, and work to just bring what I expected to me. Naïve.

I was missing a few things. Like the proficiency of bullshitting my way to better positions “in the office” was something I didn’t have. So often I wound up working for bosses who repeatedly did stupid things and slithered out of consequences and I grew to resent working for bosses ‘dumber’ than me that had a silver tongue. Often I was outmaneuvered by college educated people who knew how to “play the game” or politically advocate for themselves but had poor intellectual capacity.

I became disillusioned. Plus, from 25-35 years old or so I had a riotous, very poor marriage situation and I just didn’t notice ’my part’ in my career path. I was extremely capable, just not proficient at positioning.

Fast forward: I had begun reading books like “maximum success” and “7 Habits” and One Minute Manager through the nineties which began transforming my thought. The blossoming internet introduced me to so many other resources that were not as easily accessible before.

While I still have virtually no “office politics” skills, all this education explained and normalized my thoughts. I realized my observations of other people (which I previously was wrongly interpreting as ‘jealousy’ based on the culture of my upbringing) were accurate, and that capitalizing on my strengths instead of bemoaning my ineptness for political mobility would recreate myself.

So hard work I realized was killing me. Not that we shouldn’t work hard, but life is more than that. There’s relationships and alegacy of character I can leave behind for others. I often do 60-80hrs/wk still. Temporary- by choice, to reach a goal.
I'm curious as to what / why you expected more?
So above is context so you understand what I type here:

I was taught work hard, treat others well, don’t change jobs/career just because you’re intellectually unsatisfied.

I’ve had one man invest into my life when I was about 35-40. That was a springboard. It wasn’t a money investment, it was a character investment. No put-down to my parents but they didn’t understand how to lead me, how to raise me for maximum potential. They saw my boredom as laziness, and I was told I was lazy even into adulthood. Now, at 56, I have the fortitude and wisdom to recognize so many things. I wasted a lot of my life living up to my parents expectations but never getting their approval- nor achieving financial success. But I worked hard…

The guy that invested in me, in my character, I call a springboard because that was the beginning of me accepting myself and reaching for my potential instead of reaching for my parents’ approval.

So much happier now, and I’m free to observe others in curious wisdom instead of comparatively or in wondering “what’s wrong with me?”

Recognizing that equal start or even advantageous intellect does not guarantee equal outcomes was freeing for me. I expected more because I didn’t understand the why and aspirations components of success are acceptable to think about and are probably more important than education or “hard work” so I was disillusioned.

Another great freedom I experienced was discovering how wealthy we are in the United States. I’ve struggled- seriously struggled- sometimes but in spite of never being on welfare was never truly hungry. And never have been on welfare.
But in the US we are so wealthy that people who don’t /won’t even work can eat better than me, can live warm and dry and get medical care.
I am so wealthy that I can afford to dine out while in other parts of the world starvation is growing for the first time in 20 years.
It is an awe I don’t want to lose: there’s food everywhere, I am warm and dry, and I can earn money by being helpful and kind and encouraging - I’m an above-average salesperson that very rarely uses “closing techniques” and never manipulates people or lies. People usually ask me how to get started. I’m not tempted to steal to eat.
I am wealthy. I am free. And being a capitalist I can provide others with what they need with things they are happy to pay for and make good money doing so. I don’t have to take money from others, I can make money from willing buyers.

I am free. I don’t expect more, I am trying to achieve more.
without digressing,

"drugs" is ambiguous.

many people need external materials to survive

usually water, food, absence of sun exposure

the molecule known as ethanol or alcohol can cause harm to the human biology.

many people live on the contingence of medicinal molecules. every being has unique needs; one molecule may heal one and harm another.

again, thank you all for pursuing a life powered by the sun.

for now, the gradient of effort to sustain life by the sun can still be dififcult to traverse.

much appreciation to the earth and everyone on it for carrying us all through this illuminated space.
Some inspiration from Will "Iron Man" Prowse, finished wiring my 4x 24v100Ah parallel system at nearly 4:00am!

How is Will related to David Prowse? Huge fan of Iron Man and Star Wars (and Spider-Man) here.

Spidey (err, busbars) was also here.

"Use busbars with equal-length wires" -- Will Prowse


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Will stayed away from drugs. HUGE positive.
No argument there.

I personally think your "survivor bias" link is a bunch of word salad.
It's a way to summarise the issue of thinking success is due to the common traits of the examples you can see, without also examining the examples you can't see. Successful people in fields of interest to us are by their nature more visible to us. We often just don't see the rest and so it's a biased sample.

Then of course we have the subjective notion of "success".

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