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diy solar

Grid Feedback Question


New Member
Jun 20, 2022
Hey Everyone,

I'm a newbie here, but I’ve been reading posts on this forum for the last couple of weeks and hope that someone can help in my lack of understanding.

Background (very skippable):

I have a pair of large 48v lead-acid battery banks, no solar yet but will be installing in the next year, and I want to make use of the batteries now and be set up for the solar install later.

I’m in Arizona (SRP utility), and our solar credit program sucks, but I figure that it’s better than wasted potential, so I’d like to plan as if I am going to export to the grid.

I am looking for around a 36kW system (I know that I’ll need multiple inverters wired in parallel) that would be able to export excess power to the grid. I am fine doing a piecemeal system if anyone has any suggestions, but a couple of “all-in-one” inverters have been looking very appealing.


I have been looking into the LV6548 and it looks awesome! It’s even UL Listed but doesn’t support “Grid Feedback”. What component is it missing? Is there something I can add to the system, or between the inverter and meter to allow it to push back to the grid?

Please let me know what I am missing here.

Thank you!
You will need a grid interactive, UL1741SA compliant inverter. While many States require some but not all of the features provided by UL1741SA compliant inverters, most manufacturers only have one model that they can sell in 50 States.

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diy solar