diy solar

diy solar

New here, component question

With large SQL databases? Just type "usb hard drive corrupted on pi" into Google you will find out that your case is rare and usb powered hard drives crapping out is the norm.
Oh it's easy to find bad reports if you go searching for them. People without problems rarely report the fact. I've got three Pi running many SQL databases. One of them has been running the same 2TB drive for six years with 25 databases on. Most of those are small, but a couple are large with millions of records.

Some drives do need extra power. The Pi also needs a good power supply anyway. It's been a long time since a PI (1B) could be run happily from a phone charger and that one was only designed to run a mouse or keyboard from its two USB ports.
Had no issues with my Pi5 and USB3 powered SSD - have genuine Pi PSU, so maybe that's the difference. From an electronics point of view, if the power supply is delivering sufficient current and voltage is stable, I don't see the difference between powering a (relatively) low powered SSD from the Pi's USB 3 port rather than an external one.
I have a few pi4b and pi400 and all have corrupted with influx+graphana on official pi psu's and 100w gan chargers can't even get my touchscreen to work on the 400 because I have to separately power it which seems to disable the touch input. Don't get me wrong pi's are great but after all the fails I've had I just run externally powered drives if I use them now.
I was going to say the official documentation even recommends an external powered drive for HA but it still says SD card is fine...
Small wind turbines seem to be just not worth it, from all the examples I've seen.
Yeah, they are really expensive for the power they produce

I have had some tall straight trees come down in bad weather, so I've stripped the branches & left them to dry out, hopefully will be suitable to paint and erect for a sturdy base in a year or two

In the meantime I have plenty of time to make some long blades and find an appropriately sized alternator, probably out of wood so that will limit blade length to maybe 4m? Wouldn't want to go too big with a heavy piece of wood flying around at speed
When you read about home built wind turbines, the Alternator idea falls apart pretty quickly.
A large diameter set of blades will not turn fast enough for a standard alternator, and a smaller diameter set of blades will not harness enough wind energy to get the alternator to turn.
Take a look at what Kris Harbour did with his set up - took a lot of careful work, seems to do what he needs in his location.


diy solar

diy solar