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diy solar

Think I killed my LV1012


New Member
Jun 9, 2020
Went up to our land this weekend and was hoping the single 175W panel would have kept my new SOK battery charged. At first it appeared dead so I tried to jump it with another 12V AGM battery. In my haste I shorted it it with the jumper cables. Thankfully the battery was not dead, it was already in protection mode for some reason so the only damage appears to be to the LV1012. I stupidly did not have it fused at the time (was putting new fuse block on). The strange thing is that it..... sort of works. The MPP seems to kind of work, but is temperamental, and the interver works for a while then cuts out, then back on etc.. I'm assuming I just fried it?

I am now looking at separate components, as I can see no value in getting an AIO for 12v systems. Anyone else come to the same conclusion?
If the battery is in a low state of charge, the inverter might behave oddly. Any way to know the battery state of charge?
Battery was fine. I was able to get it out of protection mode and it was at 72%. Begs the question what caused it in the first place.
Looks like I fried the DC 12V input. Hooked up a freshly charged battery and screen just flashes on and off.
Any chance you would be willing to part with the fried unit ?
Well, charger still works so I will probably just keep it in my pole shed as a backup. Sorry I did not respond earlier.
Well, charger still works so I will probably just keep it in my pole shed as a backup. Sorry I did not respond earlier.
It’s ok, I am getting use to it lol I made a post about used units or broken units that people would be willing to part with and not a single person replied. So…. It’s all good

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