diy solar

diy solar

Would you pick a string inverter or microinverter?

Snow Belt Solar

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
Northwest PA
Hello all,
In the process of building everything on a grid tie system(have panels and mount built), would appreciate input.

It is 30-340 watt panels about 175 feet to the breaker box in the house. I was kind of leaning towards a sunny boy 7.7 inverter because I liked the sps function but am wondering on just using microinverters. I'll have 3 strings of wire for the first option or one large for the second so the price is similar.

6/1 or half a dozen to the other? Or more benefits to one? Thanks.
As long as they not mounted on residential house or has shading issues, a string inverter(s) with a couple of MPPT inputs is generally far less costly. I would probably go with two string inverters to have some redundancy.
As long as they not mounted on residential house or has shading issues, a string inverter(s) with a couple of MPPT inputs is generally far less costly. I would probably go with two string inverters to have some redundancy.
Thanks for the reply. Are you saying go with 2 in case of an issue with a panel/panels then the other half of the array keeps working?
Inverters are not forever, one gets cooked, the other keeps running. Many inverters have multiple MPPT inputs so getting two inverters means double the MPPT inputs

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diy solar