diy solar

diy solar

EG4 6.5 strange voltage readings


New Member
Jan 6, 2022
Well, I give up. I can run either inverter on either string of PV one at a time and the AC is steady at 120v. When I connect one inverter to PV, one runs off the battery correctly and one off of the connected PV, voltage is steady on both. I just can't run both inverters on PV at the same time without the outputs on both inverters fluctuating by 40 v or so up or down. Works fine on just batteries. Also strange is when testing PV wiring there are 34 volts coming OUT of the PV Input ports on each inverter, even when I completely disconnect the solar to both inverters I still read 34 volts at the inverter PV inputs. I can connect up the PV wires inside the house and go out where they connect to the panels and read 34v heading toward the panels. When I shut off the inverters that drops to 10v coming out of each inverter on the pv input lines.
No AC input and all breakers are off.
This is a good one.
Also, if I connect a 1500 watt 120v load, a heater running on solar the output is steady 120v.

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diy solar