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diy solar

ripple control signal receiver interface?


New Member
Aug 10, 2022
Essex, UK

I hope this is the correct forum to ask this kind of question, if not please let me know.

My Growatt MIN 3600TL-XE has something called the Power Control Interface(PCI) used by radio ripple control receiver (RRCR).

Does anyone have an experience with this?

It's described on page 27 of the manual here

Screenshot 2022-08-31 at 11.49.50.pngScreenshot 2022-08-31 at 11.50.14.png

I would like to use it to control the grid export of my inverter, and, if I'm reading it correctly, it's simply a case of shorting out the correct pins. Which is something I could easily trigger from an Arduino or similar device.
Hi, Im trying to do the same with my growatt 2000tl-x inverter. The interface on my inverter is an RJ45, but with the same pin functions as you state above. I made up a lead and tried shorting out the pins as per the manual, but no change in output whatsover. Other inverter manuals state that the Power reduction needs to be enabled, but there is no such menu on my growatt.

Does anyone know how to ustilise the RRCR interface on these inverters ? Help would really be appreciated !!!

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diy solar