diy solar

diy solar

Mpp6548 Well this is cool


Solar Wizard
Aug 23, 2021
We’ve been experiencing a heat wave and I’ve been watching the internal temperature in the inverters closely. I’ve seen them get close to 70c. The line/loads and PV currents to each are well balanced and as such the temperature of each inverter are very close. Today I decided to clean the filters though they looked clean and once removed they actually were. When I remove one, I could hear the fan change pitch. With both filters removed I decided to wait and see if the temperature changes. Both inverters were at 65c before and the one without the filters dropped to 55c within 5 minutes. This is notable because of the known previous uniform temperature. For the time being I’m leaving the filters off until the wave has passed. Put them back on before bug season because the only thing these filters can stop are bugs bigger than a gnat or hair, not dust. The foam is very porous, you can see through it but it’s air restrictive for those fans.
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It saved me today. We hit 115F the inverters only got to 61C! With constant 27% load AC.

diy solar

diy solar