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diy solar

Campervan/RV diy Battery Help needed.


New Member
Feb 6, 2022
Thanks in advance as this may go all over the place.....

I have 4 EVE LF280K cells and a JK 4s Smart BMS with 2 amp active balancer.
I also have the EBC-A40L Tester/Charger.

Before i start the build id like to have everything straightened out in my mind as to what settings i need in my BMS and whether the other equipment in the camper will all play nicely together.

In the camper ill be using the CTEK D250SE Split charger with solar input and a Sunshine solar 7 stage charger for when I'm charging from 240v shore hookup.

Here are the lithium charging profiles for both of these...


Tests if the battery can accept charge. This step prevents that charging proceeds with a
defect battery.
Max 5.0 Amp Time limit 2h

Charging with maximum current until approximately 90% battery capacity.
Max 20A until 14.2V Time limit 20h

Charging with declining current to maximize up to 95% battery capacity.
Max 14.2V Time limit 4h

Maintaining the battery voltage at maximum level by providing a constant voltage charge.
13.3V Max 20A Time limit 2h

Maintaining the battery at 95–100% capacity. The charger monitors the battery voltage and
gives a pulse when necessary to keep the battery fully charged.
12.6V‒14.4V 1.4A Time limit Max 1h pulse Auto pulse 10 days

7 Stage smart battery Charger
Float 13.5v
Bulk / ABSORPTION 14.4v

As I'm stuck with these settings on the CTEK and the Shore charger how will this affect my BMS settings??
for instance, i was thinking of setting my BMS to regulate the charge voltage at 3.45v per cell to leave a little head room and hope fully get more longevity from my battery but I don't know if this is possible with the Ctek and the shore chargers settings being fixed??

So that's the first issues aired, and now on to one I've not been able to get answered as of yet.....

I still have to capacity test and top balance my cells and will be using the EBC-A40L to do this.
Initially i was going to link the cells in parallel and top balance them this way but in another post it was explained to me that i would be better top balancing each cell individually and this isn't an issue with the EBC-A40L.
With this in mind I've been trying to find someone with the knowledge of the EBC-A40L to recommend a decent charge profile for my cells.... as i understand it and please bear with me as i am still a noob, I was going to set a profile as follows:

Charge with a constant voltage of 3.65v at 40a with a cut off current of 14a (0.05c as in the eve specs) then wait for 30 mins,,,
Discharge at 40a down to 2.5v to get the capacity of the cell and then charge back to 3.45v but ......
a) where would i set the current cut off for absorption at 3.45v?
b) is this even possible with me not being able to set any parameters in the CTEK or Shore charger???

That's enough for now as my head hurts and its 10 past midnight lol

any help i can get in my journey would be very welcome,

Cheers for now Dave
BMS is to protect the battery from over/under voltage at the battery and cell level. BMS does not regulate voltage but rather cuts power in/out to protect the battery.

The factory BMS settings are fine. CTEK is fine. Simply build, install and place in service.

If you get battery protection faults..... post what is reported and it will be easy to sort out.

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diy solar