diy solar

diy solar

Solar Assistant MQTT Bugs? Software version:2022-10-30


Hacker at heart
Apr 29, 2022
Wilder, Idaho
I updated to Software version 2022-10-30 a few days ago and MQTT stopped working. I'm monitoring all messages (I see everything but SA) in home assistant, but I see nothing from SA. All states of all inverter objects say "unknown".


Home Assistant version:

Anyone else having this problem?

thanks for the heads up. I will stick with 10-17 version. plz keep us updated on any info you get
Im not sure where the bug is. No way to roll back SA versions... and I'm in the middle of climate/Tuya/ESPHome hell or I'd roll back HOME ASSISTANT and see if that was it...
have you emailed Solar Assistant yet about the issue ?
any way to check the timeline of the update vs the missing mqtt messages ?
not too sure how many people are using SA to send mqtt to home assistant, and have also updated SA software
Mine all seem to be fine.

I am on:
Solar Assistant 2022-10-30
Home Assistant 2022.11.2

Indeed it fixed the MQTT control for a whole range of inverter setting entities:

Screen Shot 2022-11-10 at 6.40.09 am.png
The one problem I did have after the change is that a few weeks ago I connected my SA via an ethernet cable to my router as I was a bit tied of the slightly flakey wifi signal and dropouts. In the meantime my router had assigned a different IP address to it.

I also had static IP assignment for the SA Pi which was being ignored by my router. But after a reboot my SA to HA MQTT was not working, and I had something similar to what you experienced, nothing was available in HA.

It was the IP address used by the MQTT set up in HA. My router had reverted to using my originally assigned static IP address for the SA Pi.

So in the MQTT settings (choosing Configure from the MQTT integration card in the Device menu) I changed the IP address back to my originally assigned static IP address and it all came back online.

Screen Shot 2022-11-10 at 6.47.56 am.png
The one problem I did have after the change is that a few weeks ago I connected my SA via an ethernet cable to my router as I was a bit tied of the slightly flakey wifi signal and dropouts. In the meantime my router had assigned a different IP address to it.

I also had static IP assignment for the SA Pi which was being ignored by my router. But after a reboot my SA to HA MQTT was not working, and I had something similar to what you experienced, nothing was available in HA.

It was the IP address used by the MQTT set up in HA. My router had reverted to using my originally assigned static IP address for the SA Pi.

So in the MQTT settings (choosing Configure from the MQTT integration card in the Device menu) I changed the IP address back to my originally assigned static IP address and it all came back online.

View attachment 119670
Yup, that was it. IP address. ?‍♂️?‍♂️

It's kind of shocking just how much crap we have to keep track of in our heads with all this gear! Solar assistant, Home assistant, Linux operating systems, inverters, networks, Unify Wifi networks, routers, dhcp tables, iOT idiosyncrasies, etc, etc, etc. It's a freaking full time job! But it's one job I do love...
That does seem like a lot of brain clutter.
I just like to monitor and adjust my system on my phone, from anywhere. I'm a simple guy, striving for a simple life.

diy solar

diy solar