diy solar

diy solar

Solar in South Africa a little different


New Member
Feb 4, 2022
I just spent 2 weeks in South Africa. The ranch I was at was thinking of going solar as their power is turned off for "Load Shedding" for 4 hours a day. This is the odd part. If you put solar in you are still required to pay a monthly fee for not using them. $50 to $100 a month. TIA ... LOL
How strange - that's weird. Next you'll be telling us they have to point their PV panels North :ROFLMAO:
I just spent 2 weeks in South Africa. The ranch I was at was thinking of going solar as their power is turned off for "Load Shedding" for 4 hours a day. This is the odd part. If you put solar in you are still required to pay a monthly fee for not using them. $50 to $100 a month. TIA ... LOL
Not entirely true. Our incompetent government is thinking about charging solar users, not yet implemented. As you say though - TIA - This is Africa - so good luck with the clowns ruining the country trying to get that monthly fee from solar users.
It simply won't happen law or no law.

And yes - we do indeed point our panels North :D

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