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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

You guys who are still posting have proven over and over again that you are nothing but trolls and haters .... and don't really care what the truth is. You'd rather cherry pick 1 study and totally ignore the other 99 that prove the 1 is flawed. I have nothing but pity for you, and find it sad that you wallow in so much bigotry and hate.
My hope is that there have been some lurkers who actually looked at some of the studies and other information I have posted ..... those people should have learned enough to find the truth by now and gained insight into the tactics of the untruthful ...... and can recognize those who simply have been tricked into believing a corrupt narrative.

I'm going to unwatch this thread and you guys can gleefully continue to encourage each others hate uninterrupted.
You guys who are still posting have proven over and over again that you are nothing but trolls and haters .... and don't really care what the truth is. You'd rather cherry pick 1 study and totally ignore the other 99 that prove the 1 is flawed. I have nothing but pity for you, and find it sad that you wallow in so much bigotry and hate.
My hope is that there have been some lurkers who actually looked at some of the studies and other information I have posted ..... those people should have learned enough to find the truth by now and gained insight into the tactics of the untruthful ...... and can recognize those who simply have been tricked into believing a corrupt narrative.

I'm going to unwatch this thread and you guys can gleefully continue to encourage each others hate uninterrupted.
LOL...I knew Bobby Bullshit would be back. And LOL that there are 99 studies that prove what you's the exact opposite! Look at the authors of your last "so called" proof. Buch of CONspiracy theorist morons!

Right...all of us have been tricked! That's what they were saying about "rigged" elections too!

You guys and your conspiracy theories are just too much!
I'm going to unwatch this thread

and you guys can gleefully continue to encourage each others hate uninterrupted.
I have spoken out against the hanging (or preferable imprisonment) of millions of health care professionals for the "crime" of advocating and administering life saving vaccines as advocated by members here on the other hand, despite being given every opportunity to speak out against the violence, you have refrained to do so, and you have the audacity to accuse others of fomenting hate?
He is flatly wrong. Every major actual double bling random controlled trial has established ivermectin does not work. Ivermectin initially showed promise in the lab outside of human bodies but the doses they used would kill a human. It should have stopped there but didnt.
That's what my doctor told me almost word for word.
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The dying continues at an average of 400 a day with a winter spike on the way.
MAGA is dead and last night orange jesus announced his new movement MAGAGA. That's right he actually included "GAG" in the name.
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The dying continues at an average of 400 a day with a winter spike on the way.
MAGA is dead and last night orange jesus announced his new movement MAGAGA. That's right he actually included "GAG" in the name.
I don't get any satisfaction from the deadly stupidity, quite the opposite, I feel nothing but sadness for those who are affected by it.
I don't get any satisfaction from the deadly stupidity, quite the opposite, I feel nothing but sadness for those who are affected by it.
If it weren't for the billboard between my shack and the walmart with an orange rambo coming down from on high to cleanse America and make it glorious and great again I would feel bad for them. Instead I feel bad for the folks they have bullied and terrorized for nearly 3 years. Now I'm just mad at these dipshits and the sooner they make their pathetic exit the better. My grandsons deserve that much from us at minimum. At some point you just have to accept the fact that nature has more than one way to sort out the best evolutionary strategy. Allowing the dipshits to die off is just one of nature's many ways of sorting it out.
If it weren't for the billboard between my shack and the walmart with an orange rambo coming down from on high to cleanse America and make it glorious and great again I would feel bad for them. Instead I feel bad for the folks they have bullied and terrorized for nearly 3 years. Now I'm just mad at these dipshits and the sooner they make their pathetic exit the better. My grandsons deserve that much from us at minimum. At some point you just have to accept the fact that nature has more than one way to sort out the best evolutionary strategy. Allowing the dipshits to die off is just one of nature's many ways of sorting it out.
Oh the irony that they make Cheeto Jesus look like Rambo...he had 5 deferments...4 for college and one for bone spurs.

I truly hope he chokes to death on a Big Mac.
A friend of mine is the head medical director of one of the largest health groups in San Diego. They have 600 doctors on staff. During the pandemic, he had a couple doctors prescribing Ivermictin to a few patients for prevention/treating covid19. These doctors were advised that if they continued doing this, they would be fired. All were Trump Humpers.
Oh thats real convincing evidence considering hospitals work hand in glove with pharmaceutical companies who were being paid a fortune by the govt to develop novel therapies, but couldnt make a dime off ivermectin because the patents had expired.
You people act as if hospitals and pharmaceutical companies arent motivated by profit and only act in the best interests of their patients.
Oh thats real convincing evidence considering hospitals work hand in glove with pharmaceutical companies who were being paid a fortune by the govt to develop novel therapies, but couldnt make a dime off ivermectin because the patents had expired.
You people act as if hospitals and pharmaceutical companies arent motivated by profit and only act in the best interests of their patients.
Name a single entity in the USA that is NOT motivated by profit. Even the police "police for profit". We live in a capitalistic country, if you have a problem with that, perhaps North Korea would suit you better?

Just because profit is involved, does not mean a product is fraudulent. Ever have a loved one have a heart attack? Survive cancer? Organ transplant? Maybe someone you love got an infection and needed antibiotics? How the hell do you think all that shit was developed? It certainly wasn't prayer genius.

Pharmaceutical companies spend billions developing the drugs that keep your sorry ass alive and healthy. Unfortunately, there is still no cure for stupid.
Oh thats real convincing evidence considering hospitals work hand in glove with pharmaceutical companies who were being paid a fortune by the govt to develop novel therapies, but couldnt make a dime off ivermectin because the patents had expired.
You people act as if hospitals and pharmaceutical companies arent motivated by profit and only act in the best interests of their patients.
Where to begin...

I could point out that if ivermectin actually worked (it doesn't), this is how crony capitalism works and that you vote for people who legislate for exactly that...

I could ask the obvious questions like...
Do you think they (government, doctors, pharmaceutical companies) should all oppose each other?
Where do you think ivermectin is made?
Do you think that the sale of ivermectin doesn't generate a profit for the pharmaceutical companies?

I can even post a link to show how ignorant that comment is...

Ivermectin Doesn’t Help Covid, But Generic Drug Makers Are Cashing In

Or I could just ignore that nonsense and look for a more constructive dialog and start it off with something like this...
I think all medical research should be done in tax funded universities and be patent free. That way research done in my country not only benefits people in my country, it also benefits people in your country...
Oh thats real convincing evidence considering hospitals work hand in glove with pharmaceutical companies who were being paid a fortune by the govt to develop novel therapies, but couldnt make a dime off ivermectin because the patents had expired.
You people act as if hospitals and pharmaceutical companies arent motivated by profit and only act in the best interests of their patients.
LOL...Batshit is back with his crazy Batshit theories!
It is possible to feel sad for both. Even the antivax nutters have loved ones who loved and miss them.
It is true.
I will also be sad for the loss of my nutter family members, even though they bullied and terrorized others including family members over 3 years and even though they were really shitty to everyone til the bitter end..they will be someone...not me...but I'll be sad for them. Okay... not very sad. A little sad.

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