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diy solar

Solar Assistant sadness


If I can do it, you can do it.
Feb 5, 2022
Well, after 6 months of solar monitoring ecstasy. It finally happened...... it crashed and I had to reflash the SD card. I won't go into that 3 day nightmare. But the real sadness is from losing all of the logged data. It's like the last 6 months never existed. I can't even imagine how upset I will be if it happened again after a few years.
I think that I read something about saving the data externally, but can't seem to find it.
There's got to be a solution for this problem.
I really like the functionality and ease of use of Solar Assistant, but I'm very uncomfortable setting off on another journey with it. If I don't have any protection from this gut punch, next time.
Well, after 6 months of solar monitoring ecstasy. It finally happened...... it crashed and I had to reflash the SD card. I won't go into that 3 day nightmare. But the real sadness is from losing all of the logged data. It's like the last 6 months never existed. I can't even imagine how upset I will be if it happened again after a few years.
I think that I read something about saving the data externally, but can't seem to find it.
There's got to be a solution for this problem.
I really like the functionality and ease of use of Solar Assistant, but I'm very uncomfortable setting off on another journey with it. If I don't have any protection from this gut punch, next time.
be smart, use a ssd .
SA does a lot of writes, killing the microsd rapidly

be smart, use a ssd .
SA does a lot of writes, killing the microsd rapidly

Thanks, I'll check it out.
Is it plug and play? Technology and I don't get along with each other.
I need something that works for the computer illiterate.
Not hard for you, could be nearly impossible for me. lol
I'm an analog kinda guy. Sometimes I feel like 38 years of working with electricity has created a magnetic field around me. That causes problems with electronics. It could just be a coincidence. But cash registers, gas pumps, and VFD's seem to stop functioning when I'm around.
Not hard for you, could be nearly impossible for me. lol
I'm an analog kinda guy. Sometimes I feel like 38 years of working with electricity has created a magnetic field around me. That causes problems with electronics. It could just be a coincidence. But cash registers, gas pumps, and VFD's seem to stop functioning when I'm around.
here's a step by step yt..

Could also try a "high endurance" SD card like they use for dashcams and such. They're built to a higher write spec.
Do you think that would solve crashing?
I had only used about 10% of the storage.
This was mostly with one inverter. When my system is complete. It will be monitoring 8 inverters and 1 or more shunts. And possibly 14 BMS's. It would really suck, to lose all of that data.
Depends on what the reason of the crashing was. If it is was caused by excessive writes to the SD card, effectively wearing it out (despite not using the capacity) then it could help.

Thing is, it could be caused just simply by a defective SD card. You said you reformatted it. Guess you could run it and see how it does - if it very quickly starts crashing again, that could point to a failing SD card. Could also be something else. If it runs fine for 6 months at a time and bombs every 6 months, it could be some bug in software.

I really don't know for sure, I've never used SA or any of that. I'm a PC nerd but been out of the game for a while. My personal PC is based on a 2nd gen Intel and it doesn't even get turned on for weeks at a time. I do most personal stuff on my phone anymore (as annoying as a small touch screen is) just because I usually do little bits in spurts here and there to get things done around everything else I have to do.
You are not alone, I killed mine too!
I moved over to a high endurance storage card for the new build.
Well, I think I will try it. It's worth a shot, since I am starting over anyway.
I just received an email from Pierre.
He is going to add a backup/restore function, soon.
This will be an excellent addition.
This solution sounds half baked.

So if you need to get a different kind of storage for this to run reliably, but they don't inform you of that, what else did they not tell you? How is it going to fail next time? They're paying you to be the beta tester for this home brew immature solution right?
This solution sounds half baked.

So if you need to get a different kind of storage for this to run reliably, but they don't inform you of that, what else did they not tell you? How is it going to fail next time? They're paying you to be the beta tester for this home brew immature solution right?
This is the response I received.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2022, 6:38 AM SolarAssistant <> wrote:
Hi Tim

We are going to add an easy backup/restore function soon, that will allow you to restore data if something like this happens again. It's rare that you need to reflash the SD card, unfortunately it's hard to tell why it was necessary.

Kind regards
This is the response I received.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2022, 6:38 AM SolarAssistant <> wrote:
Looks like the kinda place that wrote a program on a computer once, enough to get it running for them, and then immediately tried to turn around and start selling that solution bundled with draconian hardware locked licensing. Since they were FAST to get EG4 battery support, I paid attention to them for about 5 minutes, but when I went to PAY THEM MONEY, and they wanted to play stupid games instead (hardware licensing), I went and found better solutions.
This solution sounds half baked.

So if you need to get a different kind of storage for this to run reliably, but they don't inform you of that, what else did they not tell you? How is it going to fail next time? They're paying you to be the beta tester for this home brew immature solution right?
I don't think anyone who has actually used the software would call it half baked. It's very well done and the developer is very responsive.
The buyer chooses to buy the software with hardware or supply their own. I supplied my own and didn't use an SD Card that was rated for the write endurance, that's not on the dev, that's my fault.
Worse, I actually HAD the High Endurance cards I just didn't grab one when I build the Pi.
I don't think anyone who has actually used the software would call it half baked. It's very well done and the developer is very responsive.
The buyer chooses to buy the software with hardware or supply their own. I supplied my own and didn't use an SD Card that was rated for the write endurance, that's not on the dev, that's my fault.
Worse, I actually HAD the High Endurance cards I just didn't grab one when I build the Pi.
I agree that it's a great product.
I wouldn't want to be without it. Which is why I am seeking solutions for the only issue I have had.
(Sadly, it's a major issue for me)
I don't think anyone who has actually used the software would call it half baked. It's very well done and the developer is very responsive.
The buyer chooses to buy the software with hardware or supply their own. I supplied my own and didn't use an SD Card that was rated for the write endurance, that's not on the dev, that's my fault.
Worse, I actually HAD the High Endurance cards I just didn't grab one when I build the Pi.
If I need to replace a piece of hardware like a raspberry pi, I don't go ask for licensing permission to do it, because I won't run software licensed on these terms.

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diy solar