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diy solar

Sol-Ark 12k "Signal On" message.


50% of people are below average. (Its a statistic)
Jan 20, 2022
Planet Earth
Does anyone know what the "signal on" means on the Sol-Ark 12K screen?

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Never seen that before!
Does it have something to do with frequently shifting being on?
I emailed support and their reply is below and it kind of makes sense, but leaves me to question why show "Signal On" and a dotted vertical line from grid icon. Doesn't register in my mind for some reason. I mean, to me, a setting is a setting like all others, so the dotted line and "Signal On" doesn't mean much to me when I see it and not sure why Sol-Ark feels the need to show this on the main screen (not saying they're wrong, just saying it doesn't help me to see it). Does this make sense to anyone?

"The "Signal On" on your display means that you allow the systems to charge the battery bank from an AC source (Grid or generator), it is not an error or fault on your systems, so you do not have to worry."
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yes, sorry, I meant "Signal On". I emailed support and their reply is below and it kind of makes sense, but leaves me to question why show "Signal On" and a dotted vertical line from grid icon. Doesn't register in my mind for some reason. I mean, to me, a setting is a setting like all others, so the dotted line and "Signal On" doesn't mean much to me when I see it and not sure why Sol-Ark feels the need to show this on the main screen (not saying they're wrong, just saying it doesn't help me to see it). Does this make sense to anyone?

"The "Signal On" on your display means that you allow the systems to charge the battery bank from an AC source (Grid or generator), it is not an error or fault on your systems, so you do not have to worry."
Sorry yes. Signal on for Grid and Generator. It tells the Inverter it can use them to charge batteries.
I thought you had unchecked those TOU grid charge boxes?
I did and do still have the grid charge boxes UNCHECKED in the TOU settings. Still not sure what the "Signal On" is for exactly. There seems to be a getting for "grid signal" and "gen signal", and people keep saying they are for your Sol-Ark to charge from grid or gen. But there's other settings in the Sol-Ark that I see for grid charge, and gen connected, and gen communication (on/off) so not sure what "signal" is for those two settings.


I have Grid Signal turned ON, Gen Signal turned OFF, still have no clue what they do or control exactly.

I see Grid Charge and Gen Charge, they make sense, I would imagine you turn those ON (either or both depending on what you want to do) if you want to use Grid Charge (this has to be ON if you want to charge in TOU for example). The Gen Charge I haven't messed with since my generator is connected to my main panel via ATS and not to my Sol-Ark.

The "Grid Signal" and "Gen Signal" settings I don't understand. I figured I would learn more about what they do exactly.
I have the Grid Signal on also, I never messed with that.
Maybe the fastest way to solve this is to Send Sol-Ark a picture of that screen shot with the signal and ask them why it is on and how do you turn it off.
I will re-post my post from 3/22 below

I emailed support and their reply is below and it kind of makes sense, but leaves me to question why show "Signal On" and a dotted vertical line from grid icon. Doesn't register in my mind for some reason. I mean, to me, a setting is a setting like all others, so the dotted line and "Signal On" doesn't mean much to me when I see it and not sure why Sol-Ark feels the need to show this on the main screen (not saying they're wrong, just saying it doesn't help me to see it). Does this make sense to anyone?

"The "Signal On" on your display means that you allow the systems to charge the battery bank from an AC source (Grid or generator), it is not an error or fault on your systems, so you do not have to worry."
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My system has been on 07/01/22 and I am seeing this displayed for the first time.
Currently neither Grid Charge or Gen Charge are selected.
Just saw that there is a new icon on my web display that was never there before.


  • new_icon.jpg
    33.2 KB · Views: 12
I have both grid and gen signal on and I have never seen that on my 15k
First thing that popped in my mind is California Rule 21 comm link. Second thing is indicator for external CT sensor setup configured for utility input measurement,
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Is there any better docs than the regular PDFs which are just digital versions of the manual that is shipped with the solark? The config menus available from the mobile/web apps are identical to each other, and vastly different from what is available on the solark itself.

Id really like some documentation on the settings available on the mobile/web apps.
Is there any better docs than the regular PDFs which are just digital versions of the manual that is shipped with the solark? The config menus available from the mobile/web apps are identical to each other, and vastly different from what is available on the solark itself.

Id really like some documentation on the settings available on the mobile/web apps.
Not better but something else to read.
Docs PowerView

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diy solar