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diy solar

My MT Solar Ground Mount with Panasonic 335 watt solar panels


New Member
Nov 2, 2019
I put in a 16.5 kw solar system with Panasonic panels, about a year and a half ago. I put panels on my garage and pole barn roof. I live in Minnesota, so as you know, it does snow here on occasion. I do not have the ability to clean the snow off my pole barn panels as the barn is too tall. Also the pole barn roof has a 18 degree slope so the snow does not fall off the roof easily and can keep the panels covered for a long time. I can clean off my garage panels as the garage is lower in height. After my first year of solar, I saw right away that if I wanted a good winter output of solar power that I needed a new strategy for my 28 panels on my barn roof. I purchased a MT Solar 28 panel multi pole mount. The pole mount tilts. So the winter angle for my latitude is about 60 degrees, spring angle 40 degrees and summer angle 17 degrees. That extreme angle will make cleaning the snow off easily. Plus by being able to follow the sun angle, the panels put out a little more power than a roof mounted unmovable solar panel. Overtime, this slight increase in solar production will add up. There are cheaper tilt systems out there but, I felt this system was heavy duty and the tilting of the panels is very easy. My wife and I can tilt the panels very easily.


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Yes, that will last you!. It's pretty hard to beat their stuff so you obviously did some homework. That mounting software that have is first rate as well.
MT 60 Cell panel Pole mounts:
MT 72 Cell panel Pole Mounts:
MT Mullti-Pole mounts: select for 60 or 72 Cell panels.

I have compared these with other "systems" and these do come up quite high on all the key points, including Price ! Others can be twice a expensive while half as good. Unfortunately for me, in Canada, these are GOLD and the craziness with shipping here crossed the point of ludicrous.

someone wants to tell us about a Great Product they are using and don't provide links or relative info. Seriously?
It's like saying, Ohh I have some panels and a controller so how do I put it together, with no links, no details nothing more than that... many of us just keep browsing for "smartly asked questions" as we do not want to waste our time looking up crap !
MT 60 Cell panel Pole mounts:
MT 72 Cell panel Pole Mounts:
MT Mullti-Pole mounts: select for 60 or 72 Cell panels.

I have compared these with other "systems" and these do come up quite high on all the key points, including Price ! Others can be twice a expensive while half as good. Unfortunately for me, in Canada, these are GOLD and the craziness with shipping here crossed the point of ludicrous.

PET PEEVE 937 : someone wants to tell us about a Great Product they are using and don't provide links or relative info. Seriously?
It's like saying, Ohh I have some panels and a controller so how do I put it together, with no links, no details nothing more than that... many of us just keep browsing for "smartly asked questions" as we do not want to waste our time looking up crap !
Here is the video that you wanted. I don't know how to link it. I hope that isn't pet peeve 938
LMAO ohh My... it all comes back to Grade School when the teacher used to drill us about "How to ask a question properly" with the next sentence always being "If you ask a question, be prepared for an answer you may not like" and then followed by "there is no stupid question, except for the one that is not asked". Although it does seem that in some educational systems these little idioms are not taught to the students. My GF is a Medical University Professor and yes, newbs coming into University do not know these for the most part, they get it taught to them in her Introductions to the courses.
Nice job. We've been selling MT Solar mounts for a number of years. They just keep getting better and better. And the owners of the company are the salt of the earth, good people.

If interested, here's a video I did with the owner a few years ago (his son has since taken over, but he is still very much involved).
And I suppose while I'm at it, here's a video on the Panasonics. That's a really nice system he did.

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