diy solar

diy solar

Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

I installed yesterday inverter and changed battery from lithium to lead acid because I don't have bms connection, today morning my battery was depleted and no charge at night time from grid ,it went to bypass mode, ,what iam doing wrong here, I have on battery priority in setting ,, any advice for settings.
I installed yesterday inverter and changed battery from lithium to lead acid because I don't have bms connection, today morning my battery was depleted and no charge at night time from grid ,it went to bypass mode, ,what iam doing wrong here, I have on battery priority in setting ,, any advice for settings.
Make sure you have set the charge current but ultimately, make sure you reboot. This inverter is notorious for often requiring reboots for the settings to take.
I can give it a try. My latest firmware before this compares as below:

V14_20220907 (old)


v1.4.13.B02D02 (old)


Hi , can you share your old firmware v14.., v1.4.13.B03D02, I would lkebti try it, I have B03D01

And I am liking the latest firmware.

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How is the reporting with the latest firmware. A unit that i installed reports wrong grid usage amps. I checked with clamp multimeter
Are you sure the CT's are installed with the arrow pointing towards the grid/breaker ?
Yes, also I tested in several ways to monitor the behavior, installing the CTs in wrong direction discharge my battery at full discharge power. I will try without CTs to see what happens.
How is the reporting with the latest firmware. A unit that i installed reports wrong grid usage amps. I checked with clamp multimeter
Overall I say the new firmware is good. I felt it was reading ok, but it was at zero or just below. Before it would take grid and bypass it into the EPS, if needed, to maintain 50 watts/leg. Not sure if it does that now. I have monitored that one leg of the grid runs around 15 watts now that I am disconnected from grid. Instead of importing a set amount to maintain above export, it generates 20 watts putting that leg in export . After almost 10 months the power company calls saying I am back feeding the system in small amounts. The new CT ratio setting do nothing that I can see. Forced to run off grid at the moment.
That sucks.
But what sucks even more is your utility company calling you about you injecting free energy.
They have the politicians in their pocket being a regulated company. I suppose those fee's to get a net meter contract pays more then my little bit of energy.
System is in Self Consume with enough Production to feed the Loads and charge the battery but for some reason is purchasing energy from the grid. I need to export energy so I cannot go offgrid.

I wonder if the approx 100w per inverter idle consumption always comes from the grid? Just a guess, I'm running off-grid.
I'm guessing the inverter is balancing the charges of L1 and L2 from the grid.
The Grid L1 is a negative value (-317W) for some reason.

Grid (L1: -317W 2.9A / L2: 106W/1.4A)
Inverter (L1: 230W/ 2.1A / L2: 230W / 2.1A)
Load (L1: 495W 4.7A / L2: 100W 1.3A)

Battery Discharging -380W
Purchasing 220W
Total Consumption: 600W

The system is suppose to use only battery until 80% DOD with grid available.
I'm guessing the inverter is balancing the charges of L1 and L2 from the grid.
The Grid L1 is a negative value (-317W) for some reason.

Grid (L1: -317W 2.9A / L2: 106W/1.4A)
Inverter (L1: 230W/ 2.1A / L2: 230W / 2.1A)
Load (L1: 495W 4.7A / L2: 100W 1.3A)

Battery Discharging -380W
Purchasing 220W
Total Consumption: 600W

The system is suppose to use only battery until 80% DOD with grid available.
I was playing with some new CT's. I find it interesting that I saw the same thing. -300 watts on one leg and a positive on the other. Not sure which firmware your running. I have the last one posted, and that is when the ct problem started. I can't let mine run for any amount of time when it starts to do this to get any other readings to compare with you. In the past I never seen the inverter try to balance the legs.
I was playing with some new CT's. I find it interesting that I saw the same thing. -300 watts on one leg and a positive on the other. Not sure which firmware your running. I have the last one posted, and that is when the ct problem started. I can't let mine run for any amount of time when it starts to do this to get any other readings to compare with you. In the past I never seen the inverter try to balance the legs.
I have the firmware from December, I tried to change to the one with the generator enabled but there were some errors while uploading the file to the inverter and it can't do it.
I came across a video from Amensolar on You Tube indicating CT1 is on the right and CT2 is on the left regarding the same 8K hardware. This is opposite of the manual. Can anyone verify this? Thanks.1674652677794.png
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I came across a video from Amensolar on You Tube indicating CT1 is on the right and CT2 is on the left regarding the same 8K hardware. This is opposite of the manual. Can anyone verify this? Thanks.
It seems they are wrong, unless all the troubles we are seeing of negative feedback to grid is because of the wrong manual.

They are RIGHT.
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My manuals mainly show that L2 Left, L1 Right... However, not all, lol. Here are 4 different versions:



On this parallel guide, I actually have master at "can2" and slave at "can1"
My manuals mainly show that L2 Left, L1 Right... However, not all, lol. Here are 4 different versions:





On this parallel guide, I actually have master at "can2" and slave at "can1"
What a mess!
I think I will try and contact MR again, but they stopped responding to me all together last time.
I think they are amused by someone asking that many "hard" questions for something that has been sold already .?
I can plug a single CT in to the inverter tonight and just clamp it over a random load line to see which leg the inverter screen shows. I wonder if these ports have changed in different firmwares.
On the printed circuit board where the RJ45 connectors for the CT's are, there are labels:

Left is L2
Right is L1

So the video is right (i removed my comment)
The megarevo manual shows it like that as well.

For fun I switched L1 & L2 ct's and immediately the fans turned on high. My unit was _not_ happy.
After switching back, the fans lowered speed and every thing was normal again.

The manual of the EG4 8000KEXP-240 has L1 left and L2 right
Screenshot from 2023-01-25 11-02-59.png
Could someone with such a unit please take a close-up/macro photo of the PCB underneath the CT connections and post it here ?
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Has anyone managed to get communication working with felicity battery bms? I have the lpbf48300 battery installed at a client of mine and I can't get communication working either with can or rs485. Soc stays at 0%. Leadacid profile doesnt seem to calculate soc based on voltage and capacity too ??‍♂️

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diy solar