diy solar

diy solar

Commifornia (California), no more than 20KWh of Tesla modules's comrades


Nov 15, 2019
Keep an eye out on this if it applies to you…

Looks like us Tesla module owners are classified under the ‘other’ type In this table, or do we count under the 200KWh classification above it? Anyone know?

This is just Commiefornia, check your local/state regs to determine if anything like this Natzi garbage affects your build.

Tesla batteries aren't Li-ion?
Your point? Thanks for noting that Captn Obvious, perhaps that’s why I didn’t put the red square around Li-Ion and said 20 not 600. ?

Your attempt to prove how much smarter you are than me had the opposite effect, well done.
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Your point? Thanks for noting that Captn Obvious, perhaps that’s why I didn’t put the red square around Li-Ion and said 30 not 600. ?

Your attempt to prove how much smarter you are than me had the opposite effect, well done.

YOUR red square is around all types in the other types category. I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is. Do you need a hug?
Keep an eye out on this if it applies to you…

Looks like us Tesla module owners are classified under the ‘other’ type In this table, or do we count under the 200KWh classification above it? Anyone know?

This is just Commiefornia, check your local/state regs to determine if anything like this Natzi garbage affects your build.

View attachment 133490
I'm confused... If you can't get by with 600Kwh when shtf then you're doing something really wrong or really awesome.
What are you trying to show linking a post from years ago and a table or other chemistries that don't really apply to most all here?
But, more importantly, that single forum post from 2 years ago, isn't fact ? do some research.
You posted the table which debunks your own false information spreading.
There are plenty of 3+ powerwall installations around the state.

I was involved in that other thread ? so was @Ampster, for me the restriction involved not using UL listed batteries, so I had to put them 5' from the house. Not a restriction that would apply to a Tesla Powerwall. Maybe Ampster has other input.

But anywhere that current electric code (NEC 2020) applies you can't diy a battery with Tesla modules or any other. So if that was your point it isn't California specific.

Also, my public school, California education made it clear that the Nazis weren't communist, almost like they fought a big war or something...
There is a separate fire code issue, but that went away with UL9540A as I understand it.
Share the code section you take issue with. UL9540A should supersede the raw storage limits. You also need to clarify indoor or exterior.
Share the code section you take issue with. UL9540A should supersede the raw storage limits. You also need to clarify indoor or exterior.
I’m neither your secretary nor am I your Google bitch, if you disagree with my post, ignore it, I could care less and I’m sure as hell not going to spend my time trying to convince you of anything.
I’m neither your secretary nor am I your Google bitch, if you disagree with my post, ignore it, I could care less and I’m sure as hell not going to spend my time trying to convince you of anything.
I occasionally look for unanswered posts to try to breath life into something interesting. I should have left yours in the dead letter box. Lesson learned. Seek therapy.
I have nothing useful to add
I do think we get the govs and regulations we deserve

It’s a question of population…
Place like California used to be lovely
My grandfather used to to go west on the train cross into the USA with some carry luggage spend a little to buy an old car live cheap come home sell car….

Now it’s too expensive
No one can affordable do that on a small pension for the winter
Red tape, renter capitalism, too many people too few resources and space to
It’s a rats of Nihm state
Most of best place are like that now
Nosy gov is required to keep lid on the natives or they grow restless

What is the cary capacity of warm non shitty places in the us Sunny zone?
Doesn’t matter now me thinks
Thought police, woke, right wing hoople headed migrants from hotter shittier possible too dangerous to even live places, incels, Looneys in the woods living off mushrooms
I could go pn
Result… Rob Ford for Mayer….

It can happen anyplace
It’s my opinion population density higher it is less good cheap land and resources the poor and shittier

China and India anyplace too densely populated is going to be way to highly controlled and to nice for long,

Can’t build a wall that will fix that
This is my wall to keep the Pepsis out…
Used to be a nice neighbourhood
Old finlanders in rubber boots, low tax free of silly regulation in an unorganized township
You could pee on your grass behind a tree in your yard and no one was watching

Too many people now
My wall made of snow and dog poo combined with cold weather only offers a few winter months of respite before the crazies come out and start tell me how what yo do again.
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Time for OP to get out of CA. Go to the land of the free in WY or TX.
Life is too short to live in a place and throw so much hate.
Go north. The rate it's heating up it will soon be too hot for humans to live in the south.
Americans are lucky, they have a choice.
People in India, not so much - they'll have to emigrate.
Time for OP to get out of CA. Go to the land of the free in WY or TX.
Life is too short to live in a place and throw so much hate.
Too many people moving there now
I have a step brother in Austin
He’s always talking about walls and fences too
Go north. The rate it's heating up it will soon be too hot for humans to live in the south.
Americans are lucky, they have a choice.
People in India, not so much - they'll have to emigrate.
There used to be this nice burb in the golden horse shoe.
Now we call in Bramladesh.
They are going to move someplace I guess
At least they chased off the Orangemen and they can can make a mean curry ( usually has a fridge full of Carib the only thing that can extinguish a flaming chutney or curry lol)

Seriously though.
The people that move are the rent seekers
They outbid you for a home.
You work for them when they buy the plant rent back your wages you are squeezed in an apartment,
Squeeze you for the Pennie’s that goes a lot further when they Holiday in the punjab and your spending your days in 3 hour commute to work
Cousin Dk is the plant manager slash engineer, he went mit you know
Mumbai institute of technical purchased credentials

That’s my theory….
They great displacement theory
You didn’t go anywhere
Someone with more money and a higher tolerance population density has pushed you to the fringes of capitalism
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Time for OP to get out of CA. Go to the land of the free in WY or TX.
Life is too short to live in a place and throw so much hate.
I have a brother who moved to Wyoming, he loves it, he had -32 degree temps this winter, too cold for me. He built an off grid solar house in California and also built one in another country, his Wyoming house is just on the grid because his power is very cheap.
I have a brother who moved to Wyoming, he loves it, he had -32 degree temps this winter, too cold for me. He built an off grid solar house in California and also built one in another country, his Wyoming house is just on the grid because his power is very cheap.
I don’t even know where that place is
My gut tells me it’s like Manitoba sounds cold enough at any rate….

I’m good it doesn’t get that god forsaken cold here in my snow fort
I don’t even know where that place is
My gut tells me it’s like Manitoba sounds cold enough at any rate….

I’m good it doesn’t get that god forsaken cold here in my snow fort
He is up in the north east corner of Wyoming. I saw -45 degrees in Northern Minnesota, where I live now we can hit 0 but that is rare, It has been a few years since I have seen much below 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
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He is up in the north east corner of Wyoming. I saw -45 degrees in Northern Minnesota, where I live now we can hit 0 but that is rare, It has been a few years since I have seen much below 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
I know where that is
The place with the last whale back laker…
Been there nice people…
Fish boils, firework in July and very cheap beer ( but mostly water you get what you pay for )

Seal the borders
Keep the hoople heads out whilst ye can
Bloody cold though
Keep an eye out on this if it applies to you…

Looks like us Tesla module owners are classified under the ‘other’ type In this table, or do we count under the 200KWh classification above it?
Tesla modules are not UL listed so NEC 2020 may be an issue for you if it has become effective in your jurisdiction. That table is from a 2019 Fire Code, which may have been updated or superseded by NEC 2020.
That was also a two and half year old post of me mine on that forum and things have surely changed. Some for the better and a few jurisdictions for the worse. With NEM 3.0 around the corner and incentivizing batteries I am sure this will get clarified in the future. It is still a local decision on how to interpret or modify code.
For some of those reasons I have chosen to go "behind the meter" with a DIY installation.
Recently I read that my home may be now classified as a fire risk zone. If that is the case I may be eligible for SGIP funding for a battery system. I could do that without jeopardizing my NEM 2.0 GT installation. I will have to take a look when the next SGIP funding round takes place in June.

diy solar

diy solar