diy solar

diy solar

Solar and the Economy Your Thoughts??? Or anything else on your mind!


Balloon of questionable origin detonates EMP. Although localized to a 500 mile radius, it begins a cascade failure of the entire US grid. Within 24 hours all store shelves and gas stations are empty. Most people wait for the Gov to come help. The powers that be are unable to do a black restart on the grid and within 3 weeks cannibalism overtakes all cities of over 10,000 population. 90% of US population dies within 12 months. People see your lights on. They come and barbeque you before you realize any profit on your system. Solar is not a good investment.

Watch the movie "The Road" (2009). A memorable experience to say the least. They kept their "food" alive in the basement until it was time for processing...

Also, in your scenario I highly recommend blackout shades and/or black plastic contractor bags taped on the inside of the windows.

Balloon of questionable origin detonates EMP. Although localized to a 500 mile radius, it begins a cascade failure of the entire US grid. Within 24 hours all store shelves and gas stations are empty. Most people wait for the Gov to come help. The powers that be are unable to do a black restart on the grid and within 3 weeks cannibalism overtakes all cities of over 10,000 population. 90% of US population dies within 12 months. People see your lights on. They come and barbeque you before you realize any profit on your system. Solar is not a good investment.

If you installed solar before buying rifles, you're doing it backwards.
I second this.
I am also worried about future rationing scenarios that our friends in government will no doubtedly come up with in the future, especially once your personal carbon credit score has been exhausted for the month

I third this. I take a picture every month for my carbon credit audit. You know it's coming in some form or fashion.
SMA CO2.jpg
In our county, your dwelling has to be connected to the grid. No grid, no CO.
In my opinion, it's kind of not well thought out if you have your inverter "Connected" to the internet. You know the origin of all these inverters....
In my opinion, it's kind of not well thought out if you have your inverter "Connected" to the internet. You know the origin of all these inverters....
It's not like they don't already know we have solar. If nothing else they can look at the images from the balloons ...
Watch the movie "The Road" (2009). A memorable experience to say the least. They kept their "food" alive in the basement until it was time for processing...

Also, in your scenario I highly recommend blackout shades and/or black plastic contractor bags taped on the inside of the windows.
They're going to see your solar panels. Probably not mine so much since they're on the shop roof facing away from the road and a nearly flat roof, but most panels are pretty visible. I wonder what the status is on camo solar panels?

Don't forget the ammo!
And thermal scope.
And ... okay, I don't wanna go down this rabbit hole. Let's just say solar was high on the list.
We haven't even broached the pole flip yet! The poles and field strength are changing exponential faster. CMEs will be our reintroduction to the stone age.
We haven't even broached the pole flip yet! The poles and field strength are changing exponential faster. CMEs will be our reintroduction to the stone age.

We need a Charles Hapgood thread for that discussion. His book and theory still hold up today, though we know more about the mechanism now. And Einstein wrote the forward for him. Kind of a good endorsement.
On the subject of apocalyptic disasters and solar. Watching the news last night in the coverage of the major earthquake in Turkey and Syria I happened to notice in the building rubble several solar panels. Really tragic all the loss of life and all the destruction. But it is interesting how if you have an interest in something (like a particular car) you notice it more readily.
California and the US gov. pushing electric vehicles. Gasoline taxes bring in $5(?) billion a year in California alone. Where is the replacement for the gasoline taxes going to come from?
No replacement the plan is to lure you into adopting EVs and then it will be report your mileage on your taxes along with the associated road tax. There absolutely will be taxes charged for EVs just a matter of time. Like lambs to slaughter not only that they will be in complete control of your travel.
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On the subject of apocalyptic disasters and solar. Watching the news last night in the coverage of the major earthquake in Turkey and Syria I happened to notice in the building rubble several solar panels. Really tragic all the loss of life and all the destruction. But it is interesting how if you have an interest in something (like a particular car) you notice it more readily.
Terrible deal... I saw those panels as well but didn't get a long enough look to see if they had somehow magically landed on top of the rubble or had been haphazardly put up to charge something.
I think they fully realize that there is not enough lithium (before you even start considering the grid issues) to replace even half of the cars with electric in the US, let alone the world.
Which is why they are already preparing the plebes that private car ownership is bad and should be given up.
Private jets for them, and bugs for you!
So I bought my first grid tied system 9 yrs ago. I used some non qualified retirement money and my reasoning was once retired the name of the game is fixed costs. ROI was 10 yrs but was down to 8 yrs. Solar was a part of my retirement strategy. Late last year I upgraded to AIO and storage I did myself. ROI probably another 10-12 yrs but with world events unfolding as they are self sufficiency is the new name of the game. So I may not get complete ROI but peace of mind is literally priceless
I think they fully realize that there is not enough lithium (before you even start considering the grid issues) to replace even half of the cars with electric in the US, let alone the world.
Which is why they are already preparing the plebes that private car ownership is bad and should be given up.
Private jets for them, and bugs for you!
You will eat ze bugs
No replacement the plan is to lure you into adopting EVs and then it will be report your mileage on your taxes along with the associated road tax. There absolutely will be taxes charged for EVs just a matter of time.
I didn't go there, but I totally agree. Can't wait for them to start charging me per mile. Can't build and maintain roads without it.
I think they fully realize that there is not enough lithium (before you even start considering the grid issues) to replace even half of the cars with electric in the US, let alone the world.
Lithium is fairly abundant on this planet. Converting it is an issue. That is the fundamental issue with any mineral and economics will adjust the price or technology will find more efficient ways of extraction..Whomever "they" are, they are misinformed. Manufacturing capacity is the current issue, not raw materials.
The green agenda is a WEF plan to control the population. We are entering into a period of Grand Solar Minimum that is going to change everything.
Soon it will be Global Warming bring it on.

diy solar

diy solar