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Solar and the Economy Your Thoughts??? Or anything else on your mind!

'Self reliant" doesn't work for some ppl that want the Govt to handle most everything and want to be part of a bigger Global system. Welfare dependency is an example.

Nationalism is more about self reliant within a Nation. Trump's policy USA 1st was seen as Nationalism hence why ppl called it racist and or Nazi. Why so many ppl called Trump a racist.... = America First was not Globalism.

Communism and Socialism really doesn't work for me. Both are responsible for killing more ppl in a short time then anything else. However if ask ppl always say Nazi killed more. Socialized - Communist training is very effective at promotion.


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In the end they keep us divided on purpose. The Globalist biggest fear is unification. They poison our brains via the media and they constantly pit one group against the other through wars and divisions. In reality everyone wants the same thing a roof over their heads, food on the table and a safe environment. If we as a people decide to ignore them and work together they become powerless. It’s not that hard one only needs to decide to take back your power and not hand it over by proxy to a group of evil.
Hitler killed less people than Stalin and way less people than Moa or the current Chinese government.
Well, things just got more interesting. USAF just shot down another something. Maybe it was Mork from Ork. Maybe solar payback recalculations are in order. Just add some potasium iodide to your caramel latte. It will all be fine.
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Well, things just got more interesting. USAF just shot down another something. Maybe it was Mork from Ork. Maybe solar payback recalculations are in order. Just add some potasium iodide to your caramel latte. It will all be fine.
Crazy Times how about the USA blew up Nordstream pipeline?
Crazy Times how about the USA blew up Nordstream pipeline?
How about we should have never let it be built in the first place.

Actually, its the only thing the Biden administration has done right. They said they were going to blow it up and they did!

How about we should have never let it be built in the first place.

Actually, its the only thing the Biden administration has done right. They said they were going to blow it up and they did!
We will just have to agree to disagree on that.
We have no business in the Ukraine or messing with Russia. If ppl in Europe want to tie themselves to the russian teet then that is their choice.

Germany use to have nuke reactors but their communist greens party members cried like a bunch of bitches and got it shut down. Same type communist cry babies whined and cried in the USA too that is why we dont have more affordable nuke plants
Seeing the new green deal include nuke plants means they have done a 180 now . To friggin late
Interesting you would point to an OSCE meeting. Did you know the OSCE published a report that Ukraine shelled its own people the week before Russia invaded?
D71 is correct in my opinion and instead of Communist globalist would be more appropriate. Socialism would be more accurate. Either way we want none of it!!! Let nationalism reign worldwide. Their plan will not work ultimately. Just as we have spent the past 60 yrs promoting racial integration which has failed miserably. People naturally migrate toward other people that have similar interests and traditions.

Russia is not the enemy here. Ukraine is a cesspool of corruption.
Russia is not the enemy here. Ukraine is a cesspool of corruption.
Russia chose to be the enemy when they invaded, it was a calculated choice and they miscalculated.

Ukraine WAS a cesspool of corruption, they were in the process of cleaning it up and still have a long way to go. But even IF Ukraine were a cesspool of corruption and Russia were free of corruption, that still does not give Russia the right to invade the country.
I think Russia and Ukraine are both the "bad guys" for different reasons. There is really no good side in this, which is why I think we shouldn't have gotten involved in the proxy war. But ya know, the big guy needs his 10% cut from his son's dirty business dealings...
Russia chose to be the enemy when they invaded, it was a calculated choice and they miscalculated.

Ukraine WAS a cesspool of corruption, they were in the process of cleaning it up and still have a long way to go. But even IF Ukraine were a cesspool of corruption and Russia were free of corruption, that still does not give Russia the right to invade the country.
Europe made a Choice to tell the USA to take their military and leave bases behind. The Europeans in different countrys protested and broke into military bases as a form of protest Like idiots the USA had even hired their nationals on bases to be employed there but when we - usa left paid them severance pay. Their country kicked us out then wanted us to pay their ppl money. Boy were we smart. They left their communist markings and slogans on walls and other things. On military equipment if made it into bases.... with spray paint. We were oftwn called Imperial Pigs
Italy had their Red Faction and Germany had their Green Party. The Red Faction in Italy were the most violent and actively kidnapping and killing Americans and in particular Our Military.

What country are you in, Leo? I'm not asking for anything except your country..... because when you neddle in USA politics and want us to intervene we need to know where you are coming from. Ukraine was taking volunteers. Head over there. Anyone feels the urge strong enough can go join up. We can see you on tv when taken as a prisoner or your dead body. Be my guest.

AGAIN The USA has no business in Ukraine. Let them solve their own problems. Hunter Biden got his pay check. The laptop was real and our govt lied to cover it up..... before 2020 Presidential Election. Election integrity Facts.

The greens party members in Germany were in fact working directly with East German communist. Surprise surprise they outed themselves from my understanding. I looked at communism across the border when there when it was a west and east germany. Use your search engine if you did not have that life experience. I also know the greens party members would confront American soldiers with their presented communism when off base enjoying the local beverages. I was there. I can also tell you that they were arrested after breaking into the bases. The German Police beat the shit out of them more then a few times during protest. Water cannon were deployed and it was hilarous to see the German Police spray the communist down. Were you there?
Example of where the Green Party policed themselves but it took years for the review. The sickle hammer and "fist in the air" art work were all you really needed to see.

The Nuke protesters in the USA were a mix as those ppl were made up from several groups ..... just like blm Antifa mostly white. When their blm leaders out themselves as communist in tv news interviews - flat out state communist then what else should you call them. Do you call men that are dressed as women - ma'am? A guy at my former employer used that transgender change over to gain a top level job in H&R to represent transgenders. Our company went woke and he cashed in. He got a damn good retirement and a set of real surgery titties.... and even stayed married to his same wife of ~30 years. I never asked if his kids celebrated 2 mother's day. He was a simply a man with titties.... that played the system and was rewarded. Can you get made normal again by removing the titties. He developed horrible huge zits from the hormone shots..

Basically a lot of the communist simply wanted the USA to stop everything nuclear. We have a lot of surplus plutonium now from disassebled nuke bombs part of the Salt Treaties. We either shut down or minimized nuke power plant developments and operations. We got so far behind that we hire a lot of folks from India and subcontract them from companies like SUN and Bechtel to advise, train us, monitor, and run our power plants.

Again, Leo jump over to the Ukraine and lace up your combat boots. Shed some blood and prove your beliefs with a test of combat -fire. Or sit around and demand the USA go fight in wars you want to see. Hahaha
Ppl in the USA that want to get involved are not just ignorant they are stupid. Again they can jump on a plane take their families move to Ukraine to defend it. I'll watch the news from here. My involvement with the military is over. I see no use in spending any money or sending our dwindling military there to fight. Anyone that feels the urge to fight ..... again Ukraine will take volunteers so head on over ..... hold up a sign when the news team comes by so we can see you . Your guts our blood shed.

Edit if Biden wants to help Ukraina all he has to do is tell them to visit Afghanistan for all the free USA weapons they can carry. The Taliban might want a few bucks or might just want the place cleaned up. Billions of dollars in arms and weapons left there. Now our military wants a bigger budget to replace those items Had I lost my weapon while in the Military it was a court martial ...... when does Biden and the Top Brass get a court martial?
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Lets just save some time and jump right to it.. don't be afraid. Push the button.
So any country with nukes can just take any territory it wants under the treat of destroying the country or indeed the world if it is denied.

That is insane.
So any country with nukes can just take any territory it wants under the treat of destroying the country or indeed the world if it is denied.

That is insane.
Ask Israel. They started developing their Nukes around 1960's or earlier in middle east but don't want anyone else there to have a nuclear reactor much less actual nukes.

What country are you in? You are awful up front about sending Americans to fight and die .... for your beliefs. To me that is a coward.

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diy solar