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Solar and the Economy Your Thoughts??? Or anything else on your mind!

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Why on earth would I listen to politicians for health information?
Well slap me silly I am a health care professional/provider never vaxed never had Covid despite treating many. What do you want to know about Covid and the vax? Oh wait you wouldn’t listen to health care professionals either (honestly I wouldn’t either). They lied millions died!! I know it’s a kick in the head to understand they vaxed you to kill you. Klauss and Gates suckered the masses and now it isn’t pretty.
I suspect @LeoThomson is on borrowed time. These things have a way of working themselves out. Karma can be cruel.


From now on I will only link to conspiracy nutter approved websites /s

No, but the reality is no source is really unbiased. There is a lean one way or another, some more extreme than others. I'm biased. You're biased. Politico is biased. Fox is biased. CNN is biased. etc etc.
Leo is either a bot or the most brainwashed individual I’ve ever witnessed. Intellectually dishonest. Would make a great politician surprised Biden hasn’t snatched him up.
Its a typical strategy employed by these people. Attacking the messenger (person, website) instead of countering the actual message. This strategy has been employed by totalitarian control freaks since beginning of times.
Dont fall for it!!!
Its a typical strategy employed by these people. Attacking the messenger (person, website) instead of countering the actual message. This strategy has been employed by totalitarian control freaks since beginning of times.
Dont fall for it!!!
I agree. Look for reputable sites instead.
Leo is beyond help.
The guy wasn't really a ceo but he was high enough on the pfizer food chain for making decisions that what stated is a maybe definte for actions ..... he seem very honest and out to impress in his evil gay way. Then his outburst and criminal actions at the end of trying to destroy the evidence was obvious too. Right there on video for all to watch but they won't. Can not afford to have anything interfere with their vaccine religion. They pray to the vaccine gods. No doubt form the syringes in an up side down cross symbol. Hahaha over the top. Absolutely.

I buy the pfizer director of research and development saying and acting like he did on video as evidence of guilt and nefarious intent. After all everyone bought 6 jan 2021 in some way or another.
The guy wasn't really a ceo but he was high enough on the pfizer food chain for making decisions that what stated is a maybe definte for actions ..... he seem very honest and out to impress in his evil gay way. Then his outburst and criminal actions at the end of trying to destroy the evidence was obvious too. Right there on video for all to watch but they won't. Can not afford to have anything interfere with their vaccine religion. They pray to the vaccine gods. No doubt form the syringes in an up side down cross symbol. Hahaha over the top. Absolutely.

I buy the pfizer director of research and development saying and acting like he did on video as evidence of guilt and nefarious intent. After all everyone bought 6 jan 2021 in some way or another.
I get it and the vax is a topic that is very inflammatory. The truth is out there IF you want it. If you only get your info from the MSM then you’re lining up for your 4-5 injection. The data clearly indicates the more you get the greater your chance of death. I can absolutely say that cancer, clots and sudden death are now common and historically off the charts. Those that made the choice to vaccinate cannot bring themselves to admit they voluntarily subjected themselves to a horrible future. And let’s not even get into the infertility and spontaneous abortions. Women are going to be on the front lines with pitchforks when they come to grips with what has been done to them.
What difference does it make to you what his sexuality is, unless you want to date him?

You are so weird...
His sexuality was video related to the fact was lured out on a gay date. They dick tricked him. So he was impressing another man with his "sucks for everyone else statement about enhancing (GAIN FUNCTION) covid virus and making next vaccine based on that engineered variant" That means someone has to loose the engineered variant for the stupid - retarded. Him release engineered variant him say we hero here new vaccine ..... more gay dates.
Maybe you should have watched the Pfizer gain of function video.... then watched him blow a gasket when confronted. His career being ended was flashing before him whittle eyes. Gay temper tantrum exploded. Half man half "feline". ??

I stick to the traditional science where there are only 2 sex. Man and Woman. If man and woman only ever go out with same sex then you have nothing else to worry about for humanity...... it will cease to exists.
Maybe the dinosaur turned gay and that is why they died out.

WEIRD; You are a vaccine - nazi. Your butthole gets moist every time you hear a new covid vaccine is going to be required and ManDated. Ask the doc to use a turkey baster for your next injection.


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His sexuality was video related to the fact was lured out on a gay date...
Are you going to post links to the WEF site on how good bugs are as food? LOL
As many have said many times, if someone told you in 2018 that they would lock down the world over minor respiratory illness and force people to inject untested drugs to keep their jobs and go shopping, you would be the first one to claim "conspiracy theory".
"Conspiracy theory" - term the pundits use to discredit you when they see you are right over the target!
So predictable.
Are you going to post links to the WEF site on how good bugs are as food? LOL
Me? I don't find the idea of eating bugs appealing, but if you want to eat them and they are safe to eat, why would I stop you?

As many have said many times, if someone told you in 2018 that they would lock down the world over minor respiratory illness and force people to inject untested drugs to keep their jobs and go shopping, you would be the first one to claim "conspiracy theory".
You and I clearly have different ideas on how many deaths from a airborne virus is "minor".

"Conspiracy theory" - term the pundits use to discredit you when they see you are right over the target!
A conspiracy theory is an explanation for an event or situation that asserts the existence of a conspiracy by powerful and sinister groups, often political in motivation, when other explanations are more probable.

Conspiracy theories are generally designed to resist falsification and are reinforced by circular reasoning: both evidence against the conspiracy and absence of evidence for it are misinterpreted as evidence of its truth, whereby the conspiracy becomes a matter of faith rather than something that can be proven or disproven. Studies have linked belief in conspiracy theories to distrust of authority and political cynicism.

So predictable.
From the viewpoint of a conspiracy theorists, I am sure it is predictable.
The COVID deaths were also grossly overreported, mostly by reporting people who died with COVID vs from COVID. HUGE difference, but they were all lumped together.

Now on the flipside, the COVID vax is "safe and effective" - never mind that there is a huge uptick in excess deaths, heart attacks, myocarditis among the younger population (and they've tried to say it is normal somehow for all these young people to be at risk of heart problems all of a sudden?), and the vax does nothing to prevent spread and what protection it may give you wanes super fast.

But don't worry, just take another booster, hope you don't die from it, you'll be fine...
Seinfeld had the Soup Nazi and we have Leo the Vaccine Nazi. If Leo could force ppl to take the vaccine he would.

Leo never watched the Pfizer vaccine video by Project Veritas because his religion would be shattered. He will never truly admit the vaccines can be harmful.

Don't worry Project Veritas put O'Keefe on leave and will probably pick Pfizer up as an advertising sponsor. When the reporters - news ppl-Stations and Govt employees are also pushing a company for profit then it is suspect for not being unbiased.... unless ppl really are that stupid.

Leo jumps on ppl for denying vaccine, denying climate, denying fair usa elections, and so on. But he mocks God and denies religion. Major Denier telling ppl not to deny. Most atheist will repent and or call out to God right before dying as a safety mechanism if given the chance.

Same tooth gap


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