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diy solar

Solar and the Economy Your Thoughts??? Or anything else on your mind!

It comes in other ways too - EYES. Watching ppl with their phones always cracked me up. Never cleaned it most of the times so ....... mopp 4 was military standard and then decontamination stations ...... watching ppl in restaurants was hilarious too.... safe zone to eat. Hahaha I still laugh how everyone social distance outside in fresh air but stacks in restaurants

you realize all the over used antibacterial soaps and cleaners will produce a super bug then nothing will protect ...... simple soap and water was the best. Just think at least most restaurant employees were finally washing their hands at least once while at work
100% Agree.
Just some advice from a guy in medicine for over 30 yrs. If someone try’s to scare you into anything then better run far far away. Fear nothing, concentrate on yourself and let others live their own lives. I have no concern about the way others live their lives. I think the “pandemic” is a perfect case study on how not to implement medical care. As in all walks of life the medical community by and large sold their souls for money. Loved ones died because they trusted the very people they shouldn’t have and now they will pay a terrible price for that mistake.
If your medical provider is currently pushing the boosters it’s time to find a new provider. Any medical professional that is still recommending the Vax is a dishonest fraud and should be shamed or shunned out of town.
I cannot make the blind see. They are living a fantasy albeit a short one but a fantasy nonetheless. I guess I can’t blame them. If I had ingested a poison that will kill me id do it too. Be it cancer, clots, ADE or sudden death the angel of death is coming for them. They can choose to ignore it or face it. In the end the angel of death will not be denied. Ignorance and denial will not save them. Absolutely horrible but choices have consequences.
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But Leo , you do not live in the USA
Not tracking vaccine deaths or injuries. As a matter of fact reports are trickling in of doctors and hospitals “loosing” patient vaccination records. Suddenly no records of patients receiving any Covid vaccines. Keep your paperwork. They are going to deny they administered your death shot.
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Not tracking vaccine deaths or injuries.

As a matter of fact reports are trickling in of doctors and hospitals “loosing” patient vaccination records. Suddenly no records of patients receiving any Covid vaccines. Keep your paperwork. They are going to deny they administered your death shot.
As a matter of fact conspiracy theory reports are trickling in of doctors and hospitals “loosing” patient vaccination records. Suddenly no records of patients receiving any Covid vaccines. Keep your paperwork. They are going to deny they administered your death shot.

There I fixed it for you.
Leo any guess as to why china and india have our population plus a billion more each and yet we in USA died more then them? By population they have very few deaths from covid-19 China recently upped their death totals from ~5200 to a whopping ~60,000 ppl dead from covid where USA has a claimed 1.1 million deaths. Those poor countries did better then us. India is way over crowded and poor.

China ups their covid dying game.

Think the USA over reported? I know the USA were reporting those ppl that got only 1 shot and died from reported covid as unvaxxed.
Not fully vaxed. Hank Arron, Larry King, and couple more like General Powel which was blamed on cancer vs covid like everyone else.

let's look at a country closer to the USA for population - Nigeria. Very few vaccines for Nigeria. Also Nigeria around 3000 reported covid deaths vs USA reported 1.1 million covid deaths.

Nigeria around 220 million ppl population
USA around 330 million ppl population

Nigeria is doing well against covid so USA scientist should look and see why.

We wasted $5 trillion dollars .... put our kids and grand kids under mountain of debt that they can never pay off. Think making minimum payments on credit cards.... never pay off. The Federal Reserve Private holder get's 6%. That 6% of $31-$32 trillion dollars is a lot of money. Most ppl have no idea how it works and worst part is they don't want to know. When it reaches a point it will all fall down. Started around time President Woodrow Wilson signed us up for the privatized Federal Reserve.... "USURY"



  1. The practice of lending money and charging the borrower interest, especially at an exorbitant or illegally high rate.
  2. An excessive or illegally high rate of interest charged on borrowed money.
  3. Interest charged or paid on a loan.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
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Don't need to go to Bill Mar, just go for the source for the information, in this case, posted in the lancet. (On a side note, conspiracy theorists might get a bit of a shock when they see who funded the study.)

It looks like infection-acquired immunity cut the risk of hospitalization and death from a Covid reinfection by 88% for at least 10 months.

The problem of saying "I’m gonna get infected to get immunity" is that you might be one of those people that end up in the hospital or die. Why would you take the risk when you can get immunity through vaccination quite safely?
Here is your problem @Leo. Your WEF globalist propaganda is failing and failing bad. Despite your sticking to the agenda the world is waking up. No longer can you poison our brains with your propaganda. No matter how much you wish it different the fact is the world is coming together and they will soon be hunting down your ilk. There will be no place to hide. No longer will your tactics be allowed to censor and imprison your opponents. No longer will “ conspiracy theorists” be accepted as a standard statement to cover anything you don’t like or to cover for your evil deeds. Your power is waining. Enjoy the time you have left because the piper will be paid. Only 25% of the most intellectual dishonest are left and decreasing daily. Riots are breaking out and the mobs will come for you too. Maybe before they reach the US. Ukraine is about to be leveled and you with it.

Another way to look at it is you’re in good 25% company. The world is taking names and they remember who attempted to deceive them and they will demand a pound of flesh for your evil deeds. No one will be spared. The elites and their minions such as you will be caught up in this.

You can no longer censor and imprison us. We are strong and we are legion and we will rid the world of the evil that has infected us.

How do you propose to do that? Vaccine?
I’m not doing anything. I’m just reading tea leaves. You WEFers sold your soul to Satan and there is no redemption for you and your kind. Riots everywhere Australia, France etc. Your plan failed people died and those that lost their loved ones want payback. You guys are a small minority and the mop up will be easy. So don’t get too comfortable because they will be coming. Your “conspiracy” label no longer works. Your lies and deceptions are laid bare for the world to see. There is no one who will come to your aid. You are on an island and sooner or later judgement will come visit you. The Big Ugly is headed your way. All the money in the world will not be enough to save you guys. Enjoy what power you have left. Only 25% of the world population is even listening to your lies. Even Satan himself cannot stop what is coming. The pot is near full boil and when it erupts well you know. People have long memories and they have realized what has been done to them and they are just getting madder by the day that you took their loved ones unnecessarily. Over 50% of child bearing women are sterile
Once they make the connection to the vax it’s all over. So wherever you are whoever you are those vax pushers are in real trouble.
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I’m just reading tea leaves
I can tell from the quality of your replies.

You WEFers
Huh, you conspiracy nutters sure have some weird fantasies...

sold your soul to Satan
Did you know that I am an atheist and don't believe in the existence of Satan either? Want to guess who does believe in the existence of Satan?

and there is no redemption for you and your kind.
My kind would be humans who treat others with compassion, but I do have a serious problem with bullies.

Riots everywhere Australia, France etc.
That is nothing new, riots happen everywhere, even in the US when people believe conspiracies like "the election was stolen".

Your plan failed people died and those that lost their loved ones want payback.
I have a plan? Is there any limit to your weird fantasies about me?

You guys are a small minority and the mop up will be easy.
How do you propose to do this "mop up"?

So don’t get too comfortable because they will be coming.
Who is "they"?

Your “conspiracy” label no longer works.
Not on you.

Your lies and deceptions are laid bare for the world to see.
I linked to the source of the information Bill Mar in the video clip you posted was talking about and now I am the one who is lying?

There is no one who will come to your aid.
Why not?

You are on an island and sooner or later judgement will come visit you.
How would that "judgement" look like?

The Big Ugly is headed your way.
What are you talking about?

All the money in the world will not be enough to save you guys.
What would I need to be saved from?

Enjoy what power you have left.
Battery is at 76%, it will last the rest of the night.

Only 25% of the world population is even listening to your lies.
What lies, I post links to the research Bill Mar was talking about and you claim they are lies?

Even Satan himself cannot stop what is coming.
Satan does not exist.
I can tell from the quality of your replies.

Huh, you conspiracy nutters sure have some weird fantasies...

Did you know that I am an atheist and don't believe in the existence of Satan either? Want to guess who does believe in the existence of Satan?

My kind would be humans who treat others with compassion, but I do have a serious problem with bullies.

That is nothing new, riots happen everywhere, even in the US when people believe conspiracies like "the election was stolen".

I have a plan? Is there any limit to your weird fantasies about me?

How do you propose to do this "mop up"?

Who is "they"?

Not on you.

I linked to the source of the information Bill Mar in the video clip you posted was talking about and now I am the one who is lying?

Why not?

How would that "judgement" look like?

What are you talking about?

What would I need to be saved from?

Battery is at 76%, it will last the rest of the night.

What lies, I post links to the research Bill Mar was talking about and you claim they are lies?

Satan does not exist.
Sleep well my friend don’t worry everything is fine.
Sleep well my friend don’t worry everything is fine.
It could look something like this. Happening all over the world and it’s just getting started.

Australian man’s wife killed by the vax. He found the doctor that gave it to her:
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Why would you take the risk when you can get immunity through vaccination quite safely?

I am at far higher risk of dying from heart failure from the vax than from COVID. There is nothing "safe" about the vax, particularly for younger people. I have had COVID. I felt like I got hit by a Mack truck for the first 24 hours, then was just wiped out with a fever for the next few days. But I got over it. The vax wasn't going to keep me from getting it, even Pfizer had to finally admit it fails at that and does absolutely nothing to prevent spread.
Another note - nobody can claim the vax is safe because no one knows anything really about the long term safety of it because it is too new. There have not been the years of testing and trials. They also skipped parts, ruined their control groups, ignored the adverse reactions reported, etc.
Look at VAERS lately?

No thank you.
It could look something like this. Happening all over the world and it’s just getting started.

Australian man’s wife killed by the vax. He found the doctor that gave it to her: a n
Wow imagine same group of ppl that wanted Kyle Rittenhouse locked up saying they would shoot ppl in Australia. They don't know ppl in Australia drive on different side. They don't know ppl in Australia don't have guns because they were taken up. Hahahaha wow those ppl are not very bright. They are suppose to be journalist types and put the video on there not even asking why the guy was crazy mad at the driver. The Young Turks crack me up...... they are normally anti-gun in the past and anti-self defense such as they displayed over Kyle Rittenhouse yet they want a gun to defend themselves. Kyle Rittenhouse was chased by a nut job convicted child molester screaming shoot me shoot me.

the left only want the right disarmed. But they won't say that. Ppl need to pay attention
I entered your responses into ChatGTP and this is all I get...

Sheep (sheepole) refers to church people. The pastor calls himself a "shepherd" (Sheep herder), and refers to his congregation as his "flock" (flock of sheep).

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diy solar