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diy solar

This man while holding a USA Govt job got paid by a Foreign Govt


Solar Wizard
Jan 5, 2023
This man got monies paid for his work performance by a foreign govt while holding an advisory U.S. Govt position that lead to USA citizens being locked down and and local governments issuing mask mandates. With local employers issuing vaccine mandates. Say, Dr Fauci.

They really don't disclose, Fauci's 2021 or 2022 monies they do show the $1 million dollars from Israel.... Teva Pharma probably influenced it
Would be nice to see everyones pay in congress and our USA Govt during the $5 trillion dollar covid heist.

Would you murder someone for a million dollars. How about a billion dollars? Do you know how much a trillion dollars is? Can you picture a trillion dollars?
With $5 trillion dollars you could buy a whole lot of ppl. Since 9-11 our entire govt has been raiding the vaults of our children, grand children, and great grand children...... We have sat by and watched it. We allowed criminals to infiltrate our govt and run biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the World.
Pre 9-11 we owed less then $5 trillion dollars for debt. Now we owe more then $31 trillion dollars for a debt. Look around where was that money spent? Why is our country in such disrepair. You - I allowed Bush to say there were weapons of mass destruction and congress backed him. Afterwords they said no weapons of mass destruction.... NO One called them a LIAR. NO ONE QUESTIONED THEM. How many ppl did we kill? No weapons of mass destruction was a lie and we murdered ppl all over the middle east - afghanistan . We have committed war on countries with no backing of proof but found admitted lies By our govt.

Right now our entire country in the USA is more divided then any time in history with maybe exception of the Civil War. Your fight and your anger should not be directed at your neighbors but at the Government that has mis-spent our monies. We should be demanding a full refund. Would you allow a refund on Amazon to go unclaimed if it were large? $5 trillion dollar for Covid-19 response..... we need to know where every single penny went and we want a refund ...... do you agree or not?

I see no undeniable proof the vaccines and lock downs did anything that if not done would have changed matters i see speculation only. I see $5 trillion dollars wasted and added to the USA debt for no reason. We were robbed. Broad daylight biggest transfer of wealth in the World. No one that had anything to do with this $5 trillion dollar heist is innocent. Dr Fauci is direct suspect number 1 with his foreign money. Every EUA vaccine manufacturer owes us a full refund.
anyone that made tax payer paid bank from Covid -19 owes us a refund. Both Presidents Trump and Biden - both administrations owes us a full refund for covid-19.

follow the money.... Bill Gates owes us money from his vaccine profits.

if you are not part of the USA then you have no opinion here. Unless you want to move here and help pay this debt. Why are the ppl coming across the Southern border carrying their countries Flag?


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The unstated reasons for the Iraq war that I know of, there are surely more:
1. Continuing US petrodollar hegemony, threatened both by Saddam putting his oil on the market in euros when sanctions relaxed, and his expected attack on the Saudis when he rearmed.
2.use of Iraq as bait to attract jihadists from the region to try and kill americans.
3. The sanctions regime had to end because we were killing Iraqis which angered al qaeda, yet we couldnt leave saddam alone.

WMD had little to do with it other than we had to attack Iraq before Hans Blix declared Iraq WMD free.

If it makes you feel better about our government "lying" it should be remembered that even 20 years later, not a single intelligence document has surfaced from our govt nor our allies, that was available to Bush, that judged Saddam had disarmed. Furthermore the final CIA report leaves the possibility open that he did have them but moved them before the invasion.

So its really not as bad as the liberal media portrayed it, and we did find 16 cylinders of organophosphate, both a bug killer and the main precursor for nerve gas, hidden at a weapons depot. It was a banned substance, and in the same city UN inspectors earlier found missiles capable of carrying nerve agents, and binary mixing artillery shells. Again both banned.

I do find it bizarre that the whole "lie" blame is placed solely on Bush, when all his claims were based on an NIE prepared by Clintons DCI, with raw intelligence almost entirely dating back to the Clinton administration. The only additional intelligence that came during Bushs tenure was about curveball and he wasnt even in our hands, we got that from Germany.

Making the blame game even more murky is that the Iraq liberation act of 1998 signed into law by Clinton contained the funding that paid for curveballs intelligence, and practically stated outright we wanted intelligence useful to remove Saddam regardless of whether it was accurate or not.

For these reasons I believe the most important reason, continuing the petrodollar scheme, required Bush to take the fall as the bumbling patsy responsible for all of it, and America portrayed as his victims as well. Even though congress knew exactly what was going on.
Bush retires to his ranch a villian, and the rest of us smelling like a rose even though we invaded a country to preserve the dollars value and use the country as an invitational shooting gallery for terrorists. Remember Al Qaeda left Afghanistan when we went in. Where did they go? Most say they fled to Iran, then right into Iraq after we did.
10% of the insurgents killed were foreigners. Fact.
"We are only here for the safety and security of the Iraqi people, and only as long as they want us."
We had drones that can spot a mouse from 10,000 feet above, yet we couldnt keep IEDs off the most travelled 5 miles of highway from the airport to the green zone.
Bullshit. Make Iraq look like a winnable prize for Al Qaeda, and they will come. You dont chase rats. You set traps for them.

Dont pretend the govt would ever divulge any part of this.
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Ah, 9/11.
This one rings so close to home. I nearly lost my dad on that day (he worked for NYC subway and was right there, at WTC site, working. He led his team through the tunnel to Brooklyn, defying the official order to stay. Those who stayed are no longer with us.

Either way start here

On Fauci, i recommend the book "The Real Anthony Fauci". It is very well researched and provides insight on the entire US medical system. Very eye opening to those who have not been paying attention.
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Ah, 9/11.
This one rings so close to home. I nearly lost my dad on that day (he worked for NYC subway and was right there, at WTC site, working. He led his team through the tunnel to Brooklyn, defying the official order to stay. Those who stayed are no longer with us.

Either way start here

On Fauci, i recommend the book "The Real Anthony Fauci". It is very well researched and provides insight on the entire US medical system. Very eye opening to those who have not been paying attention.
Nobody has ever offered any actual evidence that what happened on 9/11 was other than what the official record says it was.
The 9/11 conspiracy theorists have never put together a comprehensive report hypothesizing what they think happened that day, who did it, and their evidence supporting it.
Looking at your link about alleged whistle blowers, none of them have any evidence either, and at least one, Barry Jennings, was on record before his death saying he didnt think anything happened other than planes flying into buildings.
In fact that whole piece is full of mistruths and deception.
One need only look at the photographs taken within a minute of the towers' collapses, to see that what the NIST said happened, is exactly what happened.
I suppose the hundreds of scientists involved in that report were lying? Why would they do that?
7,000 FBI agents worked between the ground zero wreckage and the burial site at fresh kills landfill, sifting every bit for human remains. Not one bit of explosives were found. Were they all in it too? Really? All 7,000?
What about the insurance companies of the airlines and towers? They have paid out untold BILLIONS of dollars in claims. If something was amiss, dont you think their investigators would have looked into it?
Why is the govt story so hard to believe? We killed about 1 million Iraqi Muslim Arabs with our sanctions, and that pissed off Al Qaeda.
And on that, why would Osama Bin Laden let himself be blamed for it and accept a death sentance upon his head?
I doubt any of this will convince you, after 22 years you and the few faithful diehard believers have your faith etched in stone.
Theres a reason nobody in the media gives this story any attention whatsoever, and its not because they are in on it too.
The fact is, after 22 years, a lot of the people in this alleged conspiracy would have died, and there would have to be thousands- even tens of thousands of people with some involvement in the crime and coverup.
Not a single deathbed confession by any of them? What would they have to lose, by absolving their conscience?

They banned gain of function research in the U.S. so creepy little shit fauci who said that even if a leak occurred, the research was still worth it.

So the liberal hero slimeball funded on the back end through labs around the world.

He created the germs and liberals don't hold him accountable so he gets to be the hero for peddling snake oil cures.

Nobody has ever offered any actual evidence that what happened on 9/11 was other than what the official record says it was.
The 9/11 conspiracy theorists have never put together a comprehensive report hypothesizing what they think happened that day, who did it, and their evidence supporting it.

There is plenty of evidence. But it requires critical thinking skills to come up to conclusions. Or did people become so accustomed for experts to not only bite and chew, but also swallow for them?

Looking at your link about alleged whistle blowers, none of them have any evidence either, and at least one, Barry Jennings, was on record before his death saying he didnt think anything happened other than planes flying into buildings.
In fact that whole piece is full of mistruths and deception.
One need only look at the photographs taken within a minute of the towers' collapses, to see that what the NIST said happened, is exactly what happened.
I suppose the hundreds of scientists involved in that report were lying? Why would they do that?
You mean after Covid, where tens of thousands of scientists, doctors and various other pundits totally discredited themselves in eyes of anyone with critical thinking skills? 6 feet rule? Cloth masks? Between Bites? Unproved genetic slurry ready in a few months "safe and effective"? Seriously? Science? And you think this could not have happened with 9/11 along similar lines? I guess in that time people still believed what the govt tells them? (And btw gov't since the beginnings of time has been just a mechanism of special interest to rule over people).

7,000 FBI agents worked between the ground zero wreckage and the burial site at fresh kills landfill, sifting every bit for human remains. Not one bit of explosives were found. Were they all in it too? Really? All 7,000?
What makes you think that even if they did, they would tell you anything? And FBI? After the latest fiascos, it has been proven to anyone (Again anyone using their brain) that FBI is hardly a benevolent organization, and in the case of "honorable rank and file blowing the whistle" - it has been proven time and again that such people will be cancelled, ridiculed and generally "made disappear" from the public profile. (and ofcourse labeled Conspiracy Theorists - establishment favorite tactic when you are right over the target)

What about the insurance companies of the airlines and towers? They have paid out untold BILLIONS of dollars in claims. If something was amiss, dont you think their investigators would have looked into it?

You mean like all the Covid Vaxx deaths that they are attempting to swap under the rug?

Why is the govt story so hard to believe? We killed about 1 million Iraqi Muslim Arabs with our sanctions, and that pissed off Al Qaeda.
And on that, why would Osama Bin Laden let himself be blamed for it and accept a death sentance upon his head?
You clearly did not watch all 3 videos. You cherry picked some information without trying to listen to the greater narrative (along with hyperlinks often to official media among others).

I doubt any of this will convince you, after 22 years you and the few faithful diehard believers have your faith etched in stone.
You most definitely wont convince me. There are too many establishment deep staters that directly benefited from this event. If the shoe fits, wear it. 9/11 has served a major purpose - it established a precedent where the constitution (checks and balances) and rule of law can essentially be abandoned via the "Rule by Emergency" method, where govt can essentially do whatever they want. This was beta tested again during Covid times, and i think to this day, most of the world is in some sort of "Emergency" (and they are always creating one as soon as populace gets tired for the old "emergency").

Theres a reason nobody in the media gives this story any attention whatsoever, and its not because they are in on it too.
I think it has been proven time and again that official media (anywhere in the world) will never ever tell you the truth. Media at this point (and likely since beginning of times) has always been paid for to sell a particular narrative, and that who pays orders the music.
The fact is, after 22 years, a lot of the people in this alleged conspiracy would have died, and there would have to be thousands- even tens of thousands of people with some involvement in the crime and coverup.
Not a single deathbed confession by any of them? What would they have to lose, by absolving their conscience?

I am guessing you are hardly familiar with threats to family members? And with something this big, this most definitely came into play. To give you the most recent examples, look what happened to whistleblowers such as Seth Rich, Snowden and Assange just to take the cherry picks. A reminder to what happens to you if you are REALLY dangerous to the establishment.
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I personally think planes brought the towers down and that building 7 was collateral damage.

Yet that still doesn't mean 911 was or wasn't an inside job.

It stands to reason the us has to take a punch every once in awhile from the middle-easterners who hate us being over there.
Double indemnity terrorist attack insurance ...... just lucky larry... knows all kinds of ppl inIsrael probably dancing israeli film crew too

building 7 did not drop on it's own or the fire. The way it came down has been compared over and over like the towers to controlled explosions.

the World trade centers had 2 strikes.... 1 asbestos filled and 2 structural steel that need replaced- meant the buildings torn down. Crews had been in working on the buildings days before -INSPECTIONS it all happened. There is one guy that gave a testimony on his death bed for rigging explosives.
Snopes did typical snopes just said, "liar" case close. You can trust snopes... look who pays them.

there is or was a whole group of first responders that put forward testimonies of explosions. I'll take their word for it over the experts.
the dancing Israeli caught filming the WTC attack knew it was coming. Our govt used the excuses they weren't sure so need laws and such to violate the constitution. Stop being stupid.

Top Motivators?
~$27 trillion dollars out of USA since 9-11.
Brought the USA to a Debt to GDP ratio of about 120% destroy the USA.
Secured the opium in Afghanistan.
Brought on Laws that ppl would not normally traded their freedom for: Patriot Act, Homeland Security, TSA, Weaponizing the News Media Propaganda, and so on.

I just searched for: "where did Teva get their opium supply" check the response screen shot. Teva is the big pharmacy in Israel that got sued ~ $4 plus billion dollars for drugging the USA with opiates. Largest big pharm law suit ever.

doesn't take a smart person to figure it out. Same as attack on the U.S.S. Liberty... where ship positive id'ed but told hit it anyway. Want to testify against the Clintons-how many suicides now?

The conspiracy is the small groups that put things forward and everyone else promotes it as truth. Some things ppl just refuse to see..... Cognitive Dissonance. They want to remain mushrooms. Who likes to admit they were wrong, fooled or swindled?

the govt charges ppl with conspiracy all the time in a court of law.

ppl also commit murder all the time.

A lot of the children stories told by parents to children was so the kids would question and speak up. "Look the king is a naked pervert with no clothes on said the child." Anyone remember that child hood story of how the king bought clothes that did not exist and all the subjects lied and said how nice he looked in his new clothes. He was naked. Only a child spoke the truth.

edit added follow the money from bush's lips


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The damage from the planes and ensuing fire definitely brought the two towers down.

Building 7 definitely fell due to fire and damage inflicted by the collapse of the other buildings around it.
The damage from the planes and ensuing fire definitely brought the two towers down.

Building 7 definitely fell due to fire and damage inflicted by the collapse of the other buildings around it.
I doubt all of them would have collapsed straight down in the manner they did without help. 'Lucky larry gave order to pull it" and that was audio recorded per his phone conversation.

do you remember lucky larry being on tv crying saying "he couldn't and would not pay anyone killed in there." I do.

I've proved you with many motivators you can think how you please
Lot of what has happened with 9-11 is direct result of why so many things happened in 2020 all at once. Anyone paying attention to everything can see the big picture. Or not. It is a matter of choice

covid is surrounded by experts and vaccine followers are claimed majority
I doubt all of them would have collapsed straight down in the manner they did without help. 'Lucky larry gave order to pull it" and that was audio recorded per his phone conversation.

do you remember lucky larry being on tv crying saying "he couldn't and would not pay anyone killed in there." I do.

I've proved you with many motivators you can think how you please

It's a technical discussion, motive is irrelevant.

In other words a motive for killing somebody isn't needed in order to determine if they died by gunshot, poisoning or knife or whatever.
Lot of what has happened with 9-11 is direct result of why so many things happened in 2020 all at once. Anyone paying attention to everything can see the big picture. Or not. It is a matter of choice

covid is surrounded by experts and vaccine followers are claimed majority

Agree. Government meddling in the middle east resulted in 911 and government sponsorship of the creation of deadly viruses resulted in covid..

In both cases the people that caused the issue also profited from it and were lauded as heros by the left.
Agree. Government meddling in the middle east resulted in 911 and government sponsorship of the creation of deadly viruses resulted in covid..

In both cases the people that caused the issue also profited from it and were lauded as heros by the left.
If I told you planted bombs in wtc to bring it down you would call me a liar.
If I showed you pictures of the bombs being planted you would call me a liar say it was photo shopped.
if I showed you a bar of gold from WTC you would deny it.
If I showed you how the planes were programmed via auto pilot to fly into WTC you would deny it.
if showed you video of Israeli caught filming it and interviewed afterwords you will by proxy deny it.
If you listened to Luck Larry Silverstein say " pull it for the building" you would deny it.

BTW I did none of those things.... at wtc ..... there are things you can find if you look. It is up to you for what you believe or don't from honestly looking with an open mind.

so why not join the Left? You have bought some of it. Take the vaccine. Don't fight it. Be one of them full fledged. I'm serious a time is coming where you are either on that side or on the other side. It is about to that point for civil war or surrender. The media and govt have pushed it there. The founding fathers of the USA were called terrorist by the powers that be..... =British to which they rebelled. ... the founding fathers and ppl that fought the british paid a high price much higher then most comfortable ppl are willing to do today. .

I was in on setting Saddam Hussein up to take Kuwait and the State Dept green lighted him to do it.... not even denied....... we planned it .... we put military foundations in place..... we financed it...... we allowed it then we attacked and made the Iraq the bad guys. First we used the media We had Iraqi ppl come on tv say how bad things were over there. We had iraqi women come on usa tv tell how bad women had it. We showed Hussein doing this and that on tv ...... dehumanized him and Iraqi ppl. Tactic to allow their murder. It is in most simple terms called an AMBUSH. My role would barely be a portion of a single wheel spoke for the USA Govt wheel that rolled over the Iraqi in Desert Storm. "Dirty sand niggers". Wars before "Dirty Communist" "Dirty Germans" "dirty yellow monkey japs"
Ever killed anyone? Like you would admit it.
There is a reason most vets never talk to civilians. We don't want judgmental a-holes pointing their fingers at us or talking about us. I was part of the machine.....I realized what it was while laying in a fox hole dug out.....getting shot at..... I got away from it. At least unlike Vietnam Vets was not called baby killers and spit on. We killed a lot of ppl to save them. You obviously have no idea how the news media lies vs what really happened.

we lost just over 1.1 million claimed ppl due to covid that is like a 0.25 percentage of 1 % for USA population...... a revolution only needs about dedicated 1-3% the left are doing it with less. They captured and control all vitals command and control points. technically they won. Why they are not going to give it up ... send more allowed blm antifa Stop them from destroying cnn and it was so. Command and Control.

If you look at the things we did with media to set up Iraq in desert storm and follow up then you can now see it being done in Ukraine. They use the same cookie cutter over and over because it works. We even set and pushed the japanese into attacking us at pearl harbor by squeezing them into it. slight of hand. Ppl never like to admit they are were fooled.... nor that their support lended to murder.

what is your story.?
The WTC's were brought down by plane crashes and the ensuing fires. The collapses started where the planes hit and fires burned. End of story.

Building 7 came down as the result of being hit by debris from the towers and the ensuing fire within it. End of story.

As far as invading Iraq, yeah that was done on a pretense of plain lies and falsehoods. No argument there.

The dancing Israelis are real because that now meant further U.S. involvement in the middle-east fighting Israels enemies. No argument there.
Lots to address in your single post but yes, the United States often supports and puts dictators in place in other countries only to turn against them once they no longer serve our interests.

No argument there either.
If the population is USA were told the WTC were brought down by our own ppl with 100% proof then what would the result be. What would the american ppl actually do.

I think they would do nothing but carry on. Trying to live comfortable. ??


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If the population is USA were told the WTC were brought down by our own ppl with 100% proof then what would the result be. What would the american ppl actually do.

I think they would do nothing but carry on. Trying to live comfortable. ??


You can see how the non-reaction to finding out covid leaked from a lab.

As the economy gets worse, only government will have money and thus people will be even less apt to challenge it.

As it is, people like the idea of government as parent. If you attack government, they come at you with the same ferocity as a child would if you were attacking their parent.

when ppl in building demo will often say "pull it" end of video explains it ?

Commissioners from the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District, located near Queens, New York, unanimously passed a historic resolution on July 24 that calls for a new investigation into all aspects of 9/11 and which cites “overwhelming evidence” that explosives were planted in all three towers prior to 9/11. The resolution states that the district’s Board of Fire Commissioners “fully supports a comprehensive federal grand jury investigation and prosecution of every crime related to the attacks of September 11…”

“It was a mass murder,” Commissioner Christopher Gioia said in an interview. “Three thousand people were murdered in cold blood.” Gioia, who wrote and introduced the resolution, says the toll on his department from the events of that day has been devastating. Members Thomas J. Hetzel and Robert Evans died at Ground Zero on 9/11. Others, including commissioners Philip Malloy and Joseph Torregrossa, have become ill from exposure to the toxic air during rescue and recovery operations.

“We’re not leaving our brothers behind,” Gioia said. “We’re not forgetting about them. They deserve justice, and we’re going to see that justice is done.”

Ever since a friend alerted him several years ago to the seemingly inexplicable collapse of Building 7, Gioia has poured his passion and time into researching the subject. He found that despite there being only small and isolated fires on just a few floors, the 47-storey building came down symmetrically, into its own footprint, in just under seven seconds on 9/11.

The official investigation into the collapse was conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) — an agency under the U.S. Department of Commerce — which somehow concluded that normal office fires were responsible for the failure of the structure. But the findings of independent 9/11 researchers working with Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) later forced NIST to admit that the building came down at free-fall for at least one-third of its seven-second fall. This is something that could only happen if all the supporting columns failed virtually simultaneously. Despite this admission, NIST sticks to its original conclusion.""

If you do nothing else watch the video above.
See you admit the truth as shown for covid open your eyes and ears and consider whatI have taken my time to show you.

If I am wasting my time then say so. Say you are convinced and nothing will ever make you review your decisions to consider anything else. Therefore will know am wasting my time. Matter of fact just don't do another follow up. Let that be your answer. ????

Edit added the only thing disagree with Gioia video is the American Ppl are to fat dumb happy comfortable to do anything.
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when ppl in building demo will often say "pull it" end of video explains it ?

Commissioners from the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District, located near Queens, New York, unanimously passed a historic resolution on July 24 that calls for a new investigation into all aspects of 9/11 and which cites “overwhelming evidence” that explosives were planted in all three towers prior to 9/11. The resolution states that the district’s Board of Fire Commissioners “fully supports a comprehensive federal grand jury investigation and prosecution of every crime related to the attacks of September 11…”

“It was a mass murder,” Commissioner Christopher Gioia said in an interview. “Three thousand people were murdered in cold blood.” Gioia, who wrote and introduced the resolution, says the toll on his department from the events of that day has been devastating. Members Thomas J. Hetzel and Robert Evans died at Ground Zero on 9/11. Others, including commissioners Philip Malloy and Joseph Torregrossa, have become ill from exposure to the toxic air during rescue and recovery operations.

“We’re not leaving our brothers behind,” Gioia said. “We’re not forgetting about them. They deserve justice, and we’re going to see that justice is done.”

Ever since a friend alerted him several years ago to the seemingly inexplicable collapse of Building 7, Gioia has poured his passion and time into researching the subject. He found that despite there being only small and isolated fires on just a few floors, the 47-storey building came down symmetrically, into its own footprint, in just under seven seconds on 9/11.

The official investigation into the collapse was conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) — an agency under the U.S. Department of Commerce — which somehow concluded that normal office fires were responsible for the failure of the structure. But the findings of independent 9/11 researchers working with Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) later forced NIST to admit that the building came down at free-fall for at least one-third of its seven-second fall. This is something that could only happen if all the supporting columns failed virtually simultaneously. Despite this admission, NIST sticks to its original conclusion.""

If you do nothing else watch the video above.
See you admit the truth as shown for covid open your eyes and ears and consider whatI have taken my time to show you.

If I am wasting my time then say so. Say you are convinced and nothing will ever make you review your decisions to consider anything else. Therefore will know am wasting my time. Matter of fact just don't do another follow up. Let that be your answer. ????

Edit added the only thing disagree with Gioia video is the American Ppl are to fat dumb happy comfortable to do anything.

The buildings fell because of the plane damage and ensuing fires. End of story

Building 7 fell due to damage caused by falling tower debris and fires. End of story.

"Pull" meant pull the firefighters from inside the building.

This strictly a technical issue. Telling me what Larry Silverstein said and other statements out of context don't change anything.

You can clearly see the collapse starting where the planes hit.
The buildings fell because of the plane damage and ensuing fires. End of story

Building 7 fell due to damage caused by falling tower debris and fires. End of story.

"Pull" meant pull the firefighters from inside the building.

This strictly a technical issue. Telling me what Larry Silverstein said and other statements out of context don't change anything.

You can clearly see the collapse starting where the planes hit.
Did you watch the other video by Gioia
if not you are trolling and wasting my time
Did you watch the other video by Gioia
if not you are trolling and wasting my time

No. I looked into the 911 truther claims from 2009 forward back when youtube was still in it's infancy.

I have looked at all the 911 truther claims years ago and all of them are just silly.

You're implying they detonated explosives at the same level the planes hit and somehow these explosives survived a plane hit.

At this point 911 truthers shrug and say "what about building 7"

It got old real quick.

Coupled with the fact that truthers for some reason think the plane hits and fires should have left the buildings unscathed is silly.

Don't do that to yourself.
Just one more video
911 structural steel. This idiot on youtube proves my exact point. I love stupid ppl. I could and should have been a

Bernie Madoff​

okay watch this short video.... watch how he shows it Then watch how it sways and bends..... in his example. It would not have collapsed the way it did straight down into its' own foot print. It would have swayed and toppled. Hahaha these ppl are so willing to prove something just proves what stated the steel beams were all cut and it dropped. Unless it is FM = f ing magic

that guy in video is typical of Americans fat dump and stupid ..... Direct Opposite of smart.
BTW in military we were trained with thermite grenades they were red for fire. ????? the men in black did it.

it is an art to drop buildings that way ..... I was on my first day of vacation when it happened. I spent the rest time watching and recording tv almost day and night. Will admit they got me at first.... was about ready put uniform back on. Nope ..... the more watched the news the more said this is bs.

just like watching ppl trade freedoms with covid--19 and cow down even more. I will never fight to defend anything this govt wants again. My fight is not outside the borders of this country. My fight is trying to restore sight to the blind.
Just one more video
911 structural steel. This idiot on youtube proves my exact point. I love stupid ppl. I could and should have been a

Bernie Madoff​

okay watch this short video.... watch how he shows it Then watch how it sways and bends..... in his example. It would not have collapsed the way it did straight down into its' own foot print. It would have swayed and toppled. Hahaha these ppl are so willing to prove something just proves what stated the steel beams were all cut and it dropped. Unless it is FM = f ing magic

that guy in video is typical of Americans fat dump and stupid ..... Direct Opposite of smart.
BTW in military we were trained with thermite grenades they were red for fire. ????? the men in black did it.

it is an art to drop buildings that way ..... I was on my first day of vacation when it happened. I spent the rest time watching and recording tv almost day and night. Will admit they got me at first.... was about ready put uniform back on. Nope ..... the more watched the news the more said this is bs.

just like watching ppl trade freedoms with covid--19 and cow down even more. I will never fight to defend anything this govt wants again. My fight is not outside the borders of this country. My fight is trying to restore sight to the blind.

That's not how it works. The fire caused the floor trusses to sag which pulled inward on certain columns causing them to fail.

As the upper part moved down, all it has to do is shear the truss to column connections.

You can see the debris from the upper move down through the building, blowing out windows as it goes.

That is why long pieces of column tipped out and hit wtc 7 and the larger portions of the column lower down in the building remained standing.

The lower you go, the larger the columns are and the less lateral support from the trusses is required for them to stand.

So you think they placed explosives in the building and these explosives survived the plane crash?

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