diy solar

diy solar

This man while holding a USA Govt job got paid by a Foreign Govt

I wish I could find a working link for the original "loose change". ... I wish I did alot more archiving back then.
@D71 gets it.
... Follow the money (dump truck loads of gold in this case)
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I don't normally watch or like Tucker but he did good job .... he talks about Ukraine then the recent re-exposure that Covid came from China .... why did USA press cover for China vs doing real investigative journalism. China shills exposed.

I doubt anything will be done about it. Maybe we will invade Ukraine to get even.
Fauci exposed again.
'I'm not watching that it does not suit my thoughts and position.... you are wasting your time".... That is my new position. I am copying you
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness". - Oscar Wilde
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness". - Oscar Wilde
Awww the good ol days when homosexuals were sent to prison and mental hospitals

Oscar Wilde" criminal conviction for gross indecency for consensual homosexual acts in "one of the first celebrity trials","

you can come out of the closet and flatter him
you can come out of the closet
You are really weird. What is your obsession with the gender consenting adults choose to have sex with?

Relax already, I do not care if you have sex with consenting males or females, nor do I care how many of each, or if you like to sniff shoes.
You are really weird. What is your obsession with the gender consenting adults choose to have sex with?

Relax already, I do not care if you have sex with consenting males or females, nor do I care how many of each, or if you like to sniff shoes.
You sniff shoes? No can't do that..... shoes go on your feet. You are on your own.

I just hate to see ppl like you in the closet still. Here is the advancement of degeneration that opening the door brings.... terrifying transvestite hour with the kids ..... same pattern as Oscar Wilde ...... I think most ppl if look can see the directions it is going..... Pedo

edit added this picture is evidence criminal activity... not followed and prosecuted the law is being broken and allowed for criminals to go free. That is the result of District Attorneys not doing their jobs nor police. The change has to start local levels. Ppl on the right looked at Trump as the savior. The ppl on the right have the power to make the changes to make sure laws are enforced. Ppl on the right need to act worse then BLM if the laws are not going to be upheld


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You sniff shoes? No can't do that..... shoes go on your feet. You are on your own.

I just hate to see ppl like you in the closet still. Here is the advancement of degeneration that opening the door brings.... terrifying transvestite hour with the kids ..... same pattern as Oscar Wilde ...... I think most ppl if look can see the directions it is going..... Pedo

edit added this picture is evidence criminal activity... not followed and prosecuted the law is being broken and allowed for criminals to go free. That is the result of District Attorneys not doing their jobs nor police. The change has to start local levels. Ppl on the right looked at Trump as the savior. The ppl on the right have the power to make the changes to make sure laws are enforced. Ppl on the right need to act worse then BLM if the laws are not going to be upheld

Is that pic real??
added this picture is evidence criminal activity
You have posted this picture many times, do you get off looking at that? Why not link to the court documents instead so we can decide for our-self if it was criminal so we don't need to take your word for it.

Or do you want to use it as a excuse to ban transgender people reading to children because one showed something inappropriate? Lets be consistent and ban pastors reading to kids as well?

Yes to my understand no harm no foul no arrest It was editted to hide the pickle

I have seen some bad ones but I'm not sure I would be able to control my rage if I saw that thing doing that in person in front of kids.

Seriously, who takes their kids to crap like this?
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You have posted this picture many times, do you get off looking at that? Why not link to the court documents instead so we can decide for our-self if it was criminal so we don't need to take your word for it.

Or do you want to use it as a excuse to ban transgender people reading to children because one showed something inappropriate? Lets be consistent and ban pastors reading to kids as well?

Like Oscar Wilde doing indecency acts and punished it leads to this more indecent acts if normalized from repetition. I draw the line at pedos... no holds barred termination.... law upheld or if not then no law for anyone pure anarchy..... FULL PURGE RECOMMENDED
Like Oscar Wilde doing indecency acts and punished it leads to this more indecent acts if normalized from repetition. I draw the line at pedos... no holds barred termination.... law upheld or if not then no law for anyone pure anarchy..... FULL PURGE RECOMMENDED
Why do you care who consenting adults have sex with? And why would you want to legislate whatever positions they choose should or should not be legal?

You are really weird...

As for pedophilia, I have no problem locking people up, but this is a whole other debate and where do you draw the line? Even in the US there is no consensus.

Why do you care who consenting adults have sex with? And why would you want to legislate whatever positions they choose should or should not be legal?

You are really weird...

As for pedophilia, I have no problem locking people up, but this is a whole other debate and where do you draw the line? Even in the US there is no consensus.

Only pedos try to normalize pedos The laws have been written but are not being upheld. If we have no rules for certain ppl by exception then we have no laws for all. We are in anarchy. There is either rule of law for all or there is none. The Right need only realize this.... and it is over and done. Total anarchy
Only pedos try to normalize pedos The laws have been written but are not being upheld. If we have no rules for certain ppl by exception then we have no laws for all. We are in anarchy. There is either rule of law for all or there is none. The Right need only realize this.... and it is over and done. Total anarchy
That is utter nonsense, a lot of people who have made loud wild statements condemning pedophilia and homosexuality have been caught out doing it themselves.

Whenever I see you go on and on about it, it reminds me of the line in Hamlet "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
That is utter nonsense, a lot of people who have made loud wild statements condemning pedophilia and homosexuality have been caught out doing it themselves.

Whenever I see you go on and on about it, it reminds me of the line in Hamlet "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
So you are an admitted extreme leftist atheist child pedo advocator.... ... if you don't condemn it then you condone it. I condemn child - pedos.
So you are an admitted extreme leftist
In the US even those on the right who are not extreme right are labeled leftist. It is quite funny really.


child pedo advocator
Again, so many weird fantasies.

.... ... if you don't condemn it then you condone it.
I not only condone you deciding which consenting adult you chose to sleep with, I encourage you to do that if it makes you happy providing you are not hurting any one, I advise you yo use protection though.

I condemn child - pedos.
Maybe you could learn read for comprehension?
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Thanks Leo you just proved why Religion is very valuable... Nigeria on your list are 97% Religious ~ half are christians and others are Islam. That explains why they only had around 3500 covid deaths and small number of covid-19 vaccines. 100 million less ppl then USA population crammed in a country size of texas USA. They prayed vs taking vaccines and were blessed. There is your group.

what country are you in that allows and encourages pedos?


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diy solar

diy solar