diy solar

diy solar

This man while holding a USA Govt job got paid by a Foreign Govt

Here is a useful tip for deciding if a youtube video is worth watching, if they contain words like "truth" in the title, they are more often than not, lies and promoting conspiracy theories.
Here is a useful tip for deciding if a youtube video is worth watching, if they contain words like "truth" in the title, they are more often than not, lies and promoting conspiracy theories.
The problem with the news media and tv in general … no comment on explosions at WTC 7? No comment on the found Terrorist passport by our fbi ….. fount it all the mountains of debris and trash scattered everywhere? that video also had an interesting side for the collapse of 1 and 2 but not 7

again Leo when ppl are charged with conspiracy does that make the district attorney a conspiracy theorist ? Those words are meant as insult and to shut down open discussion. They are meant to terminate as in close. Ppl don’t like that. No more then the jews liked wearing stars or ppl forced to wear mask in public.


  • C7FB1862-A72D-49F2-A5F6-EE84A4957165.jpeg
    386.7 KB · Views: 2
Best view put out of building 7

to bad fauci wasn’t in it with the cia

Building 7 collapsed from the fires and damage it sustained when hit by columns from the collapsing WTC.

I assume this video is asserting that the windows shattering when the building began to sag are actually explosives going off, correct?
The problem with the news media and tv in general … no comment on explosions at WTC 7? No comment on the found Terrorist passport by our fbi ….. fount it all the mountains of debris and trash scattered everywhere? that video also had an interesting side for the collapse of 1 and 2 but not 7

again Leo when ppl are charged with conspiracy does that make the district attorney a conspiracy theorist ? Those words are meant as insult and to shut down open discussion. They are meant to terminate as in close. Ppl don’t like that. No more then the jews liked wearing stars or ppl forced to wear mask in public.

Do things ever explode in building fires?
Building 7 collapsed from the fires and damage it sustained when hit by columns from the collapsing WTC.

I assume this video is asserting that the windows shattering when the building began to sag are actually explosives going off, correct?
Those were explosives unless faked.
Those were explosives unless faked.

So no windows should have broken as the structure began to collapse?

And, why did the building stay intact in the areas of the explosions?

And, why would only one window blow out and not the window right next to it?

And, why wouldn't the fires and damage we could all see, make the building collapse?
About same as gun fire and muzzle flashes coming from the vegas shooter. Flash suppressor can only do so much. ?

what you seen was controlled explosions

You lost me. Are you saying the Vegas guy was fake and that windows won't break in a structure that is beginning to crumble?
If you're struggling with the mechanics of building 7 (you diverted away from the towers to talk about building 7 as all truthers always do and as I said you would do).

Watch this video. Single point column failure due bending it slightly causes an extensive collapse.

If you're struggling with the mechanics of building 7 (you diverted away from the towers to talk about building 7 as all truthers always do and as I said you would do).

Watch this video. Single point column failure due bending it slightly causes an extensive collapse.

My post about 9-11 and building 7 in a follow up to batvette is as it stands from page 1 of this post. This post was in fact about Fauci and how our govt has stolen around $27 trillion dollars since 9-11. I’m not trying to trick you. I have no reason. If got $27 trillion dollars would drop all the buildings on you …. Come back with my grill and eat you. ?? bring me $27 trillion dollars and find out. Up front I don’t like hot dogs so Leo Murphy or one of the others can have it.

if you watch the video you can see the explosions going off. They are visible. Just like the las vegas shooter had help doing the shooting. There were several muzzle flashes at several points of that vegas building when it happened for the shooting.

go back to page 1 already talked about building 7….

go back and watch the video again…for the explosions bldg 7…. . Looks just like demo set charged buildings in other videos. There is another video somewhere out there that does just that. It shows side by side. Most of those building including the vegas hotel where the shooter was don’t have normal glass in them. It is a different type of glass then what ppl have in their homes.

I don’t blow buildings up and doubt you do either.

you seem to be tore up over this …. why?
My mind is made up unless that video is a fake for the explosions. again started post one page 1 of this fauci post and addressed building 7.
Am not trying to trick you. Why would I waste my time?
My post about 9-11 and building 7 in a follow up to batvette is as it stands from page 1 of this post. This post was in fact about Fauci and how our govt has stolen around $27 trillion dollars since 9-11. I’m not trying to trick you. I have no reason. If got $27 trillion dollars would drop all the buildings on you …. Come back with my grill and eat you. ?? bring me $27 trillion dollars and find out. Up front I don’t like hot dogs so Leo Murphy or one of the others can have it.

if you watch the video you can see the explosions going off. They are visible. Just like the las vegas shooter had help doing the shooting. There were several muzzle flashes at several points of that vegas building when it happened for the shooting.

go back to page 1 already talked about building 7….

go back and watch the video again…for the explosions bldg 7…. . Looks just like demo set charged buildings in other videos. There is another video somewhere out there that does just that. It shows side by side. Most of those building including the vegas hotel where the shooter was don’t have normal glass in them. It is a different type of glass then what ppl have in their homes.

I don’t blow buildings up and doubt you do either.

you seem to be tore up over this …. why?
My mind is made up unless that video is a fake for the explosions. again started post one page 1 of this fauci post and addressed building 7.
Am not trying to trick you. Why would I waste my time?

Why wouldn't what you saw be present within the official explanation for the collapse?
Why wouldn't what you saw be present within the official explanation for the collapse?
Why do you think it should be there for the official govt version? I can say the govt lies…think you know that…. . Anyone that has dealt with the govt knows that they lie. If politicians lips are moving probably lying. If knew all the ins and outs and had the power then it would be exposed. I have none of that except videos that get yanked down all the time. Better watch it before gone. Why does youtube always delete videos? Why not leave them up? Let ppl decide for themselves. You know why.

Why do you think it should be there for the official govt version? I can say the govt lies…think you know that…. . Anyone that has dealt with the govt knows that they lie. If politicians lips are moving probably lying. If knew all the ins and outs and had the power then it would be exposed. I have none of that except videos that get yanked down all the time. Better watch it before gone. Why does youtube always delete videos? Why not leave them up? Let ppl decide for themselves. You know why.

I'm looking for a strictly technical discussion.

Nothing about youtube pulling videos, government lies etc is relevant in a technical discussion.
I'm looking for a strictly technical discussion.

Nothing about youtube pulling videos, government lies etc is relevant in a technical discussion.
Start a new post just for that. Am sure it will …. Draw more responses then my post draw.. ?
Here is a useful tip for deciding if a youtube video is worth watching, if they contain words like "truth" in the title, they are more often than not, lies and promoting conspiracy theories.

Does this mean your lying because of the word truth in your sentence? By our own logic?

Was that a youtube video with "truth" in the title? Did I say they are always lies? You could try reading for comprehension.
What you guys are arguing here is that the US government, under Bush, deliberately flew multiple planes into buildings. They killed thousands of their own citizens so they could justify a war with Iraq which had no ties with the alleged hijackers.

You'd think they would have planned it better to make sure they could have shown links to Iraq, instead of the manufactured "weapons of mass destruction" allegations.

My post about 9-11 and building 7 in a follow up to batvette is as it stands from page 1 of this post. This post was in fact about Fauci and how our govt has stolen around $27 trillion dollars since 9-11. I’m not trying to trick you. I have no reason. If got $27 trillion dollars would drop all the buildings on you …. Come back with my grill and eat you. ?? bring me $27 trillion dollars and find out. Up front I don’t like hot dogs so Leo Murphy or one of the others can have it.

if you watch the video you can see the explosions going off. They are visible. Just like the las vegas shooter had help doing the shooting. There were several muzzle flashes at several points of that vegas building when it happened for the shooting.

go back to page 1 already talked about building 7….

go back and watch the video again…for the explosions bldg 7…. . Looks just like demo set charged buildings in other videos. There is another video somewhere out there that does just that. It shows side by side. Most of those building including the vegas hotel where the shooter was don’t have normal glass in them. It is a different type of glass then what ppl have in their homes.

I don’t blow buildings up and doubt you do either.

you seem to be tore up over this …. why?
My mind is made up unless that video is a fake for the explosions. again started post one page 1 of this fauci post and addressed building 7.
Am not trying to trick you. Why would I waste my time?
"The government lies".

As if the government is one autonomous entity. If one official lies, everyone else just falls in line.
Theres a reason your silly accusations dont name a single individual. Youre accusing over 2 million people of committing mass murder. An action that wrecked our economy and caused wars that cost trillions.
Which is why youre accusing no one.
Youre asserting these buildings were brought down by explosives, yet not an ounce of explosives or their residue, or blasting caps, or remote detonators, or wiring was ever found anywhere at ground zero. Tens of thousands of people worked on that for nine months.
Not a bit of evidence supporting your claim was ever found by anyone. Why is that?
"The government lies".

As if the government is one autonomous entity. If one official lies, everyone else just falls in line.
Theres a reason your silly accusations dont name a single individual. Youre accusing over 2 million people of committing mass murder. An action that wrecked our economy and caused wars that cost trillions.
Which is why youre accusing no one.
Youre asserting these buildings were brought down by explosives, yet not an ounce of explosives or their residue, or blasting caps, or remote detonators, or wiring was ever found anywhere at ground zero. Tens of thousands of people worked on that for nine months.
Not a bit of evidence supporting your claim was ever found by anyone. Why is that?
Real simple Iraq “weapons of mass destruction.” Everyone lied Then at the end Bush comes out and says no weapons of mass destruction.
President says it, congress says it, and news media repeats it. We go to war with Iraq for a second time spend aka waste more money and get ppl murdered for what? “Weapons of Mass Destruction” Bush finally says hey no weapons of mass destruction. Congress says nothing news says nothing … hmmmmm ” no weapons of mass destruction” why invade Iraq? 100% beyond shadow of doubt weapons of mass destruction…. Whoops.
Real simple Iraq “weapons of mass destruction.” Everyone lied Then at the end Bush comes out and says no weapons of mass destruction.
President says it, congress says it, and news media repeats it. We go to war with Iraq for a second time spend aka waste more money and get ppl murdered for what? “Weapons of Mass Destruction” Bush finally says hey no weapons of mass destruction. Congress says nothing news says nothing … hmmmmm ” no weapons of mass destruction” why invade Iraq? 100% beyond shadow of doubt weapons of mass destruction…. Whoops.

WMD's was definitely a lie. Even Mainstream media sources now say so....or shall I say, every news station has tried the Tucker Carlson but then quickly wets their pants and backs out.

Yeah, planes and fires brought the towers down. The lie are the reasons why Al Quaeda did it and of course covering up the fact they had intelligence they were going to do it and of course, instead of government officials feeling shame, they lied their way into war in Iraq.

Apparently, it was the black dudes fault.

The speech set out to detail Iraq’s weapons program, but as the intelligence would later confirm, that program was nonexistent.

diy solar

diy solar