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diy solar

This man while holding a USA Govt job got paid by a Foreign Govt

Germany would have been a single country encompassing Europe entirely and parts of Africa and Asia. Jews and other minorities would have been exterminated.

Japan would have taken China and the rest of Asia and pacific.

Between the two of them they would have dominated trade and industry.
You know not what you speak but present it as fact = that is conspiracy theory…. From Leo. Leo the conspiracy theorist
A lie you say.
How does not finding wmd after we bombed every govt building to their foundation, and the citizens looted everything down to the plumbing, prove they werent there months earlier?
Oh and "congress said nothing".
Your knowledge of US foreign policy is that of a child.
As a matter of fact they did say something. There were several extensive reports, including this one:
Detailing intelligence failures. Note the report does not conclude anyone lied except perhaps joe wilson.
A lie requires someone knows facts other than what they are saying. Not one piece of intelligence has ever come out that was available to Bush which concluded that Saddam had disarmed.
Not a single one.
And as for not finding wmd... So what. Doesnt mean they werent there.
The final report allows the possibility that they were moved or destroyed before the war.

But I guess you wouldnt know that as you think congress and the media didnt say anything?. Where the fuck were you for 5 years?

But no, WMD was not the primary reason for the war.

Petrodollars, killing terrorists, paying up an old debt, beating down a bully that had it coming.

If you were paying attention youd know that. Congress was, thats why they voted for it.
2 decades later people like you think you know about policy by reading a headline in Mother Jones.
Wmd was the exact reason for fighting Iraq the second time.

if it was destroyed it was most likely detectible. Traces they did claim to find something at several spots. I think one turned out to be insect spray factory.
No wmd found news govt everyone said 100% confirmed. Bush stated no WMD at decided end. Well
You say the war was based on a lie.
There was one single document furnished by the government detailing the reasons for the war, The Joint Resolution to Authorize Military Force on Iraq.
Here it is.

Can you point out a single passage or claim in it which turned out to be false?
Yeah i know what bush said afterward. When people cannot be convinced and have made up their minds, you agree with them. Tell them what they want to hear. Thats how you put an issue behind you when your priority is getting re elected.
It worked.

Insect spray? 16 cylinders of organophosphate, hidden at a weapons depot. Banned by sanctions. Insect spray or nerve gas precursor.
Across town were missiles and artillery shells suitable for mixing binary ingredients while airborne.

Remember saddam buried his air force. Over 100 planes, we stumbled upon them by accident. A piece of a tail protruding from the sand.
Wait you said WMD was the reason for the war.

But you also said it was a lie.

So obviously there was another reason, and congress knew it. What do you think it was?
Wait you said WMD was the reason for the war.

But you also said it was a lie.

So obviously there was another reason, and congress knew it. What do you think it was?
There were no wmd found no traces of desteoyed wmd found the story and claim of wmd was evidently an admitted lie. Bush said “no wmd” at the end
again, at freefall speed... 3rd time in history and all three on the same day, all three within their footprint, none topled over.

We all have the choice of who we believe, none of us actually did and physical handling, measuring, calculating etc.. It becomes who do you believe in the end, and I absolutely do not believe the US government. You can tell they are lying if their lips are moving.

Great Thread by the way!
There were reports all that day about 1/4 of the building missing from the ground to 20 floors up. Fires unfought, the city building engineer sighting the building from the street with a transit, noting a pronounced lean.
The building was leaning 3 hours before it fell, okay? Firefighters wouldnt go in because it was "groaning".
Hundreds of tons of steel and concrete fell (up to) nearly a thousand feet onto it. You know how much energy that is?
Theres a reason the argument about bldg 7 starts with "what about?".

When all the facts are against you, you start with no facts.

Heres another fact. AE911Truth has like a dozen civil building engineers among them. Not one has any experience with skyscrapers, nor with structure failure analysis.
Not one expert in the relevent field.
There were no wmd found no traces of desteoyed wmd found the story and claim of wmd was evidently an admitted lie. Bush said “no wmd” at the end
Haha. Funny. So now whatever Bush says must be true?
"Evidently" an admitted lie.
Show us evidence Bush knew better.
There were reports all that day about 1/4 of the building missing from the ground to 20 floors up. Fires unfought, the city building engineer sighting the building from the street with a transit, noting a pronounced lean.
The building was leaning 3 hours before it fell, okay? Firefighters wouldnt go in because it was "groaning".
Hundreds of tons of steel and concrete fell (up to) nearly a thousand feet onto it. You know how much energy that is?
Theres a reason the argument about bldg 7 starts with "what about?".

When all the facts are against you, you start with no facts.

Heres another fact. AE911Truth has like a dozen civil building engineers among them. Not one has any experience with skyscrapers, nor with structure failure analysis.
Not one expert in the relevent field.
I apparently missed that info, can you point me to it? I thought I saw most everything around this building and I did not notice this, No sarchasm, just healthy debate. I would be interested in this info please.
Look at the date on this . A week before the election.

I apparently missed that info, can you point me to it? I thought I saw most everything around this building and I did not notice this, No sarchasm, just healthy debate. I would be interested in this info please.
I can. Itll take some time.
I apparently missed that info, can you point me to it? I thought I saw most everything around this building and I did not notice this, No sarchasm, just healthy debate. I would be interested in this info please.
Don't believe "reports", I can report anything I want and its my opinion, no crime there or even on News can do the same and retract, but people rarely notice enough for that. Thats why at least pictures and analysis.
This will be a lot more fun if some of us debate and not call names, not get hot under the collar, not demean, not approach the topics from a I know everything point of view but rather "I'm pretty sure I know_____" and I am interested to know what others know, AND most of all, I am willing to change my mind if Facts change (not he said she said rather, verifiable, reproducible, facts).

Haha. Funny. So now whatever Bush says must be true?
"Evidently" an admitted lie.
Show us evidence Bush knew better.
As commander in chief if Bush was lied to then it was his duty to investigate and have them prosecuted …. For perjury then alll and anything else to tack on. Do you you drink? Are you drinking now?
I am old enough to remember when he got his job by Reagan. He is a profiteer. He wanted to follow same exact protcol as he did with covid for HIV / AIDS. Think it was Clinton that shut him down. Lot of ppl died from HIV/AIDS. No have not listed to that exact one. Robert Kennedy has made a lot of points at fauci as has Paul.… same for couple other politicians.

Trump let Fauci have keys to Kingdom with his supposed short lock down. But if not he might be on run like brazil president did…. Get this charged with covid murders and neglect…. Haha
In the book, one key "laymans" way of describing what happened during AIDS was that AZT (the supposed cure) actually gave almost identical symptoms as the disease, so even those that "thought" they had aids and took AZT were quickly diagnosed as having aids, essentially a self perpetuating cure / disease combo. Same thing 20 years later during Covid, the primary cure (recommended by Fauci) was Remdesivir. Remdesivir was supposed to be a cancer fighting drug, but in mid 2019 the trials had more deaths from taking the drug than the placebo group so it got shit canned. Notably the causes of death were very similar to COVID, renal failure and respiratory clotting. In comes mid 2020 and Fauci recommends (actually demands in order to GET PAID from MEDICAID) the use of Remdesivir, people die from it as in the trials, it looks just like covid (or close enough since they stopped doing autopsies for some strange reason in 2020) and err go we have a huge body count, fear, extraordinary health department powers enacted from all of the fear, a free pass to release a vaccine with only 2 months of testing (vs a traditional 10 years), no liability for anything given to the companies and Trillions and trillions of dollars going out to pharma to save the world. Fauci is an absolutely BRILLIANT MAN, just on the wrong side of the ledger for me.
And YES, I can produce documents, relevant studies as well, given a bit of time to find where I have them or the links, I have read these things personally, not just watched somebody say it was so.
In the book, one key "laymans" way of describing what happened during AIDS was that AZT (the supposed cure) actually gave almost identical symptoms as the disease, so even those that "thought" they had aids and took AZT were quickly diagnosed as having aids, essentially a self perpetuating cure / disease combo. Same thing 20 years later during Covid, the primary cure (recommended by Fauci) was Remdesivir. Remdesivir was supposed to be a cancer fighting drug, but in mid 2019 the trials had more deaths from taking the drug than the placebo group so it got shit canned. Notably the causes of death were very similar to COVID, renal failure and respiratory clotting. In comes mid 2020 and Fauci recommends (actually demands in order to GET PAID from MEDICAID) the use of Remdesivir, people die from it as in the trials, it looks just like covid (or close enough since they stopped doing autopsies for some strange reason in 2020) and err go we have a huge body count, fear, extraordinary health department powers enacted from all of the fear, a free pass to release a vaccine with only 2 months of testing (vs a traditional 10 years), no liability for anything given to the companies and Trillions and trillions of dollars going out to pharma to save the world. Fauci is an absolutely BRILLIANT MAN, just on the wrong side of the ledger for me.
Hitler, mao zedong, and lenin were also brilliant. ? the later 2 killed more then 1st I have read so much stuff on both sides makes me want to unread all of it. Dump flush dump flush.

I always laugh because most ppl many years ago would laugh say battle of the experts. Now the left and a lot of the right are in agreement because they were not alive when and as things developed or did not pay attention.

one side believes fox other side believes everything else. I trust none of the news agencies. Obvious am a dying breed I can hardly wait… the question is what will it be from? Fauci says leak did not come from his diverted tax payer monies - funded wuhan labs.
Hitler, mao zedong, and lenin were also brilliant. ? the later 2 killed more then 1st I have read so much stuff on both sides makes me want to unread all of it. Dump flush dump flush.

I always laugh because most ppl many years ago would laugh say battle of the experts. Now the left and a lot of the right are in agreement because they were not alive when and as things developed or did not pay attention.

one side believes fox other side believes everything else. I trust none of the news agencies. Obvious am a dying breed I can hardly wait… the question is what will it be from? Fauci says leak did not come from his diverted tax payer monies - funded wuhan labs.
There was a great documentary done around 2005-ish called OutFoxed, Back then i had just begun to question what was on TV, I totally believed every word Bill O'Reilly said. So Much so I argued with people saying "it was on Oreilly/News so it HAS TO BE TRUE!" Finally one day, a fairly respected upper company guy told me "Oreilly is editorial, he can say what he wants and its legal because its his OPINION". That was the beginning of the end for me ever believing news again. Everything now is editorial and the only way you can truely know what was said is to watch CSPAN for hours on end. Anyway, OutFoxed is a bunch of ex-Fox employees ratting out the inside workings of the news network, its very eye opening. One problem came along with that, a group called Outfoxed (has a blog and a website etc) is constantly bashing FOX news all the while totally believing "everything else". It seems they missed divining the "purpose of the lesson". Its ALL corporate media that lies, FOX, CNN, MSNBC, ABC.... At the very least, by the admission of O'reilly being Editorial (And I found an interview with him where he stated he was "Opinion News") this means any news show with someones name as the title is clearly editorial (at minimum).

I have to go do errands,
Great Thread/conversations here today to ALL, even those I disagree with!
Thanks to all for allowing me to participate!
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I apparently missed that info, can you point me to it? I thought I saw most everything around this building and I did not notice this, No sarchasm, just healthy debate. I would be interested in this info please.
Here is a report with diagrams of damage to bldg 7.

I have read it was described as a "chunk of the SW corner as if it were scooped 1/4 of the way into the building".
As commander in chief if Bush was lied to then it was his duty to investigate and have them prosecuted …. For perjury then alll and anything else to tack on. Do you you drink? Are you drinking now?
There was an investigation, I already posted a link. The investigation concluded that there was no intelligence that indicated Saddam had disarmed.
Prosecuted for perjory? Why? They published a finished intelligence product. What does that have to do with perjury?
Oh yes I drink. A gallon of whisky a day. 2 today. I think Ill have another.

I havent drank in 23 years sparky. Whats your excuse?
Here is a report with diagrams of damage to bldg 7.

I have read it was described as a "chunk of the SW corner as if it were scooped 1/4 of the way into the building".

As we have already mentioned, you will never get the whole truth from official sources.
I will repeat again: the government has investigated itself and found that they did nothing wrong!

What you really need to do is turn on your thinking cap, and start analyzing who really benefited from the whole fiasco. If you start connecting the dots, you will quickly discover that its always the same groups of special interest that always come out on top (and billions of billions richer too). The middle class always (always) gets screwed.
A lie you say.
How does not finding wmd after we bombed every govt building to their foundation, and the citizens looted everything down to the plumbing, prove they werent there months earlier?
Oh and "congress said nothing".
Your knowledge of US foreign policy is that of a child.
As a matter of fact they did say something. There were several extensive reports, including this one:
Detailing intelligence failures. Note the report does not conclude anyone lied except perhaps joe wilson.
A lie requires someone knows facts other than what they are saying. Not one piece of intelligence has ever come out that was available to Bush which concluded that Saddam had disarmed.
Not a single one.
And as for not finding wmd... So what. Doesnt mean they werent there.
The final report allows the possibility that they were moved or destroyed before the war.

But I guess you wouldnt know that as you think congress and the media didnt say anything?. Where the fuck were you for 5 years?

But no, WMD was not the primary reason for the war.

Petrodollars, killing terrorists, paying up an old debt, beating down a bully that had it coming.

If you were paying attention youd know that. Congress was, thats why they voted for it.
2 decades later people like you think you know about policy by reading a headline in Mother Jones.

As we have already mentioned, you will never get the whole truth from official sources.
I will repeat again: the government has investigated itself and found that they did nothing wrong!

What you really need to do is turn on your thinking cap, and start analyzing who really benefited from the whole fiasco. If you start connecting the dots, you will quickly discover that its always the same groups of special interest that always come out on top (and billions of billions richer too). The middle class always (always) gets screwed.
It really does come down to subjectivity, who do you believe? None of us were there, none of us "did an investigation", there's multiple voices stating the facts are different, who makes you believe a certain way? Who is the best used car salesman is really at the core of all of this? And who can discern the lies from the truth in the end? Personally, I go with History, historically governments have abused power, lied, stolen and tell the people nothing is wrong/ persecute those that speak out against the current regime. I am a patriot to my "Country" but the government (Which is actually corrupt People!) running it does not deserve my respect (not for a while now). Bureaucracies are the lap dogs that do the bidding of the elected, they are not accountable to the people, rather to the criminals that appoint them. They do the most damage IMO. Follow the money will serve anybody well if they "put the thinking cap on" Aenyc!
The controversy around Iraq was the fact that bunk intelligence was produced to lie us into war after 911 yet we let the Saudis who actually did the attack, off Scott free.

To summarize my views:

Iraq was a lie.

Planes and fires brought the towers down.

Covid escaped from a lab where Fauci funded banned in the u.s. gain of function research as well as providing them with intelligence on how to manipulate the germs.

Fauci lied to cover his tracks.

The MRNA vaccines are deadly and ineffective and government is hiding the data showing as such until pfizer is satisfied with the amount of cash they made.

Global Warming is a hoax. The planet is warming as it always has between glaciations.

Also, anybody remember Orville Redenbacher?

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