diy solar

diy solar

This man while holding a USA Govt job got paid by a Foreign Govt

Sorry you took it as an attack and yeah, in my opinion it was either fake or the flashes are the result of something other than explosives. Maybe some day I will be proven wrong, but that day hasn't come yet and I doubt that it ever will.
Did you watch the live news during 9-11? Did you see it Live as it was played out?
Sorry you took it as an attack and yeah, in my opinion it was either fake or the flashes are the result of something other than explosives. Maybe some day I will be proven wrong, but that day hasn't come yet and I doubt that it ever will.
Btw am not mad at you nor think you attacked me … i did say ppl want to. Not everyone but some ppl are only in it to fight and argue not discuss. I have made my statements as see fit.… are they correct maybe or maybe not as you say time might tell but probably not. The govt causes these things by not being open honest and transparent.
Watch and decide, they DO produce all studies and documents for us to read, verify debunk, whatever you want. Unlike regular news which NEVER produces the "footnotes". Give it 15 minutes and decide for yourself, not what others say (of course they are called names, anybody against the machine is WRONG, crazy, conspiricy theorist, un-american... ad nauseam) just what you personally think. Theres one news show per week and an archive.

There are some epps that are mind blowing with verifiable, documented info.
Every talking point you and other conspiracy theorists have ever brought up, were repeatedly debunked years ago.

Yet you keep repeating them, unwilling to recognize anything contradicting your beliefs.

Between the four above videos, virtually all the arguments you and other truthers have presented, are exposed as mistruths if not just plain lies.

Your whole position on 9/11 is based on falsehoods, that have the truth easily found.

Isnt it a little troubling that youre making your lifes work proclaiming ambiguous villains in government lied?

You think its wrong that people are now just downright rude and dismissive about this stuff now?

Not only is it stupid, but its running interference for the people who really did it, and disrespects the veterans who sacrificed to track them down and end that threat. They were over there fighting al qaeda, and their allies in the taliban, who were given moral assistance with claims the government did this.

I guess free speech gives you the right to be an ass, but to continue to hold your beliefs, all of which have been debunked, takes a special detachment from reality.
Every talking point you and other conspiracy theorists have ever brought up, were repeatedly debunked years ago.

Yet you keep repeating them, unwilling to recognize anything contradicting your beliefs.

Between the four above videos, virtually all the arguments you and other truthers have presented, are exposed as mistruths if not just plain lies.

Your whole position on 9/11 is based on falsehoods, that have the truth easily found.

Isnt it a little troubling that youre making your lifes work proclaiming ambiguous villains in government lied?

You think its wrong that people are now just downright rude and dismissive about this stuff now?

Not only is it stupid, but its running interference for the people who really did it, and disrespects the veterans who sacrificed to track them down and end that threat. They were over there fighting al qaeda, and their allies in the taliban, who were given moral assistance with claims the government did this.

I guess free speech gives you the right to be an ass, but to continue to hold your beliefs, all of which have been debunked, takes a special detachment from reality.
Maybe your right! Maybe D71 is Right, Maybe nobody's Right. I did not watch but a scan of the video you posted. All I see is someone telling whoever watches what to believe and think, Probably D71's stuff has similar or exact context. Again, who do you believe because none of us did the actual examination of evidence. We all have to be researchers ourselves and realize its all a Lie, Power does whatever it wants PERIOD, then LIES to all that ask it what did it do. If you can understand that with few exceptions, All in government DO NOT GIVE A RATS ARSE about you or me or our families, only more profit and power. Now take that context and use the old addage "follow the money". If you use that lens evaluating most everything you see on the TV you will, over time, see things quite differently. And I hope it will actually piss you off, it sure has me.

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this guy is either a criminal or he is not. Say he is a criminal? Or say he is not? Say he is confused. It matters not he said what he said
He testified To it then died a few weeks later according to reports suddenly like before covid vaccines even - reported sudden death gone.

he was, Barry Jennings
I think this one is the original I watched many years ago, it was pulled off YouTube but re-uploaded with background noise so the algorithms don't catch it...

Around 40 minutes in to this one there is talk of the detonations.

Follow the money on the inside job.
The last 3 videos i posted are a debunker interviewing one of the producers of "loose change". He is delusional.

The entire video is addressed in "screw loose change".

I will point out again there is ZERO legitimacy to these conspiracy theories, when they dont present an actual THEORY.

Almost every "witness" they allegedly quote, like Barry Jennings, came out and denounced them saying they dont think the govt did it.
The last 3 videos i posted are a debunker interviewing one of the producers of "loose change". He is delusional.

The entire video is addressed in "screw loose change".

I will point out again there is ZERO legitimacy to these conspiracy theories, when they dont present an actual THEORY.

Almost every "witness" they allegedly quote, like Barry Jennings, came out and denounced them saying they dont think the govt did it.
I skimmed through some of them, maybe I'll check out some more.
I'm not arguing that plains didn't hit the towers; however I firmly believe they weren't the only things at play in bringing them down. I also believe T7 should have never fallen because of debris from the other two.

“‘Tis strange—but true; for truth is always strange,—stranger than fiction”
I skimmed through some of them, maybe I'll check out some more.
I'm not arguing that plains didn't hit the towers; however I firmly believe they weren't the only things at play in bringing them down. I also believe T7 should have never fallen because of debris from the other two.

“‘Tis strange—but true; for truth is always strange,—stranger than fiction”
They say the foam was dislodged …. Is why it effected them. Did bldg 7 have the same foam?

ppl get mad and want it to be closed but just don’t see it their way. Govt is not trusted
Just imagine if start posting the U.S.S Liberty and can find the audio tapes where it was known as a U.S. Military ship positive id prior to the attack. …. told to attack anyway. Source - you go find it I read it years ago…. And someone posted audio that got deleted

‘‘1 Israeli pilot was reported as return to base - refused to fire on the U.S.S. Liberty from his jet.” Source - you go find it. I read it years ago and it got deleted for govt transcripts. Somebody was doing snowden before snowden was born releasing govt documents

here is what wiki says,

On the afternoon of 8 June 1967, while in international waters off the northern coast of the Sinai Peninsula, Liberty was attacked and damaged by aircraft of the Israeli Air Force and motor torpedo boats of the Israeli Navy; 34 American crewmen were killed and 174 wounded.[5]: 2  Though Liberty was severely damaged, with a 39-by-24-foot (11.9 m × 7.3 m) hole amidships and a twisted keel, her crew kept her afloat, and she was able to leave the area under her own power. Later, Israel apologized for the attack, stating it had mistaken Liberty for an Egyptian ship, as the incident occurred during the Six-Day War. In total, Israel gave close to $13 million (about $65 million in 2017) to the U.S. in compensation for the incident. This includes compensation to the families of those killed and wounded, and to cover damage of the ship.[9]

The incident has become a subject of controversy and debate, with many books written on the topic.[10]

As a result of the crew's heroic response to the Israeli attack, Liberty is the US Navy's "most highly decorated ship ... for a single action".[11]: 82  For the action with Israeli forces, she was awarded the Combat Action Ribbon (8-9 June 1967) and the Presidential Unit Citation (8 June 1967).[2][8] Although President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Presidential Unit Citation in 1968, it was not formally presented to the crew until June 1991.[12]President George H. W. Bush declined to attend the 1991 White House ceremony, instead merely waving at the crew while passing by.[12]

Commander (later Captain) William McGonagle, Liberty's commanding officer, received the Medal of Honor.[2] Numerous members of the crew were decorated, including 11 members of the crew who were awarded Silver Stars, 20 with Bronze Stars, and over 200 who received Purple Hearts.[13] The unidentified remains of six of Liberty's crew are buried under a single headstone in a mass grave in Arlington National Cemetery.[5]: 1 “ wiki
are you mad at me now or at what happened. Go find it for yourself or accept what you were have and always will be fed…… just what your govt wants.
if you don’t like that then don’t look up the Scorpion submarine that some say Russia took out. While others say we did it with failed attempt to disarm a torpedo…. Others say something else. Navy requested to investigate 2012

“The Navy has extensively investigated the loss of Scorpion through the initial court of inquiry and the 1970 and 1987 reviews by the Structural Analysis Group. Nothing in those investigations caused the Navy to change its conclusion that an unexplained catastrophic event occurred.”​

‘’Call for inquiry: 2012[edit]​

In November 2012, the U.S. Submarine Veterans, an organization with over 13,800 members, asked the U.S. Navy to reopen the investigation on the sinking of USS Scorpion. The Navy rejected the request. A private group including family members of the lost submariners stated they would investigate the wreckage on their own, since it was located in international waters. However, tampering with sunken military vessels is illegal because they are considered military graveyards.[21]” wiki

with all the trillions of dollars the military waste ….. they can’t do a modern updated investigation Into the Scorpion. Some say Johnson about had a heart attack over it. Same with U.S.S Liberty. He was only a 1 term president. “Will not seek re-election”

have we had this discussion before? Do you think it will change now for the results? Get the Navy to reinvestigate the Scorpion first. ? fair enough? Better yet get the govt to release the information that the fbi has obtained and with held. Maybe get the fbi to reveal the bomber that reportedly placed at both republican and democrat bases in Washington on 6 jan 2021. Get those things done. See what the fbi says for 9-11 first.
Leave it to conspiracy theorists to never let a tragedy go unexploited for your own personal forays into stupidity. The loss of the scorpion was extensively investigated. There is zero reason to reopen it, no new evidence has become available.
What would you like them to do about it now? Kill a few thousand people bringing it to the surface?
I skimmed through some of them, maybe I'll check out some more.
I'm not arguing that plains didn't hit the towers; however I firmly believe they weren't the only things at play in bringing them down. I also believe T7 should have never fallen because of debris from the other two.

“‘Tis strange—but true; for truth is always strange,—stranger than fiction”
Many highly qualified people were involved in the failure analysis of WTC7. Hundreds of professionals who hold degrees in respective fields. Real people youll have to confront with accusations of conspiracy to commit mass murder. Whats your basis for doubting their professional findings?

Youve read their comprehensive report? What section specifically in the failure model do you differ with?

You know that you can file an alternative hypotheses with one of their professional societies for peer review? Thats how science works.

It had better have more substance than "youre with the government, everything you say is a lie and i dont need an engineering degree, my distrust is enough".
Maybe your right! Maybe D71 is Right, Maybe nobody's Right. I did not watch but a scan of the video you posted. All I see is someone telling whoever watches what to believe and think, Probably D71's stuff has similar or exact context. Again, who do you believe because none of us did the actual examination of evidence. We all have to be researchers ourselves and realize its all a Lie, Power does whatever it wants PERIOD, then LIES to all that ask it what did it do. If you can understand that with few exceptions, All in government DO NOT GIVE A RATS ARSE about you or me or our families, only more profit and power. Now take that context and use the old addage "follow the money". If you use that lens evaluating most everything you see on the TV you will, over time, see things quite differently. And I hope it will actually piss you off, it sure has me.

Anything resembling the conspiracy being suggested requires the participation of many thousands- tens of thousands- of regular peons like you and I. Whats in it for them?
Tens of thousands of workers cleaned up at ground zero.
How much would larry silverstein have to pay each one to participate in the killing of thousands of people?
Your distrust of government is not a bit of evidence for anything but your own paranoia.
Of course powerful people can lie and enrich themselves. Many more less powerful people spend their lives exposing them or trying to take it for themselves.
Isnt it funny that at no point do you people actually name names? Because youd have to confront them. Call them murderers to their face. Youd see their bank accounts, see the absurdity of thinking they stashed away billions of dollars doing this.

On the flip side we have a documented history of al qaeda declaring war, escalating attacks, pissed off at our real policies that killed their fellow arab muslims.

Sanctions in Iraq killed about a million iraqis, mostly children. Al qaeda cited this in their fatwa. Why are you doubting this?

Im about done with this for now but you also might know that at this point with all the evidence being fully viewed, many in the mental health field are attributing these beliefs to mild forms of paranoid delusions. What else to say to people who think thousands of people conspire in the horrible murders of fellow countrymen, for no other reason than they had govt jobs? Or think a disaster site of that scale could even possibly scrubbed of explosives evidence by any amount of people, with as much time as they wanted? And lamely make these accusations with most of the potential evidence in a landfill within sight of manhatten? Youre so concerned about the evils in the world you cant rent a dinghy and go to fresh kills with a shovel and bring a few buckets back, tainted with these explosives you claim were so obvious? Its as if you know damn well the whole thing is ridiculous, because you wont lift a finger to prove it.
At first it was sensible, we all had questions. We found answers. Many of you were given answers and just kept coming back asking the same questions.
True believers dwindle by the year. They wont listen to reason, have zero evidence or professional qualifications, and always seem to fall back on this contempt for government and powers that be. Thats all they have.

Well theres no such thing. Theres no government. Theres politicians, employees, federal agents, military personnel, administrators. Lots of individuals. All people, working for the people. A good number of self serving, some liars, many more good people.
I can safely assert not nany of them, if any at all, are capable of killing 3,000 people, many their peers and colleagues, for any motive whatsoever.
If youve got suspects name them specifically. You cant because its absurd as it sounds.
They say the foam was dislodged …. Is why it effected them. Did bldg 7 have the same foam?

ppl get mad and want it to be closed but just don’t see it their way. Govt is not trusted
Why are you asking this? Its addressed in the report.

this guy is either a criminal or he is not. Say he is a criminal? Or say he is not? Say he is confused. It matters not he said what he said
He testified To it then died a few weeks later according to reports suddenly like before covid vaccines even - reported sudden death gone.

he was, Barry Jennings
Barry Jennings is on record as saying he believes planes flown by muslims brought down the towers, and nothing else. He died of leukemia, no mystery. Why are you misrepresenting this?
It is covered in the first of those 4 videos.
Barry Jennings is on record as saying he believes planes flown by muslims brought down the towers, and nothing else. He died of leukemia, no mystery. Why are you misrepresenting this?
It is covered in the first of those 4 videos.
no planes hit building 7 …none.. he states in video he heard explosions and bldg 7 was hit by explosions he explains he was an old boiler guy …. Explosions says it was not the fuel tank that was explained…. By 9-11 commission

so these guys are all they could muster….. no more attacks our border wide open …. No more want to attack us? Really? America has a very soft belly easy to attack all kinds of things for terrorist so why haven’t they done more…. The 9-11 report says they are not sure where the money came from but it was only 300,000-500,000 dollar operation It sid money was not from bin laden.

oh and let me repeat on that video Barry Jennings states he is confused as to how and why bldg 7 came down.


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Lalalla lalalal
bababa bababa
boo the words of and from a dead man

OMG you-you-you mean no planes hit WTC7? Really? Well thats a revelation in the face of absolutely nobody ever claiming they did.
Why would they have to when the kinetic energy of all the debris that fell on it surely exceeded that of the planes that hit the towers?

Its safe to say barry is a non issue. He was confused, the person with him gave testimony conflicting the timeline, he isnt here now, he doesnt believe it was the government, and nothing he claimed excuses that if explosives were used on any building that day the residue would have been strewn all over manhatten. They combed through the rubble and looked at everything. There was none, and youre free to go to fresh kills and look for yourself.
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Continues to quote a man who states it was not an inside job, and that conspiracy theorists have misrepresented his statements.
He said there were explosions after the towers fell. He says that after the first explosions the building was standing and they were taken out through a hole in the wall.
Can you show us examples of controlled demolitions, where the chain of explosives are all set off, the building remains standing with occupants inside, with rescuers able to reach them... And the building just falls 7 or 8 hours later?
If they were stuck in a hole in the building. How could they assess its condition?
Jennings story just adds confusion. It isnt evidence, and there were cameras filming everything everywhere. Nothing captures what youre twisting his testimony to claim.
Jesus christ youre fucking new at this. Putting you on ignore. This shit was examined and explained 22 years ago. The buildings burned and fell. Boom boom boom boom boom sounds about right. Explosives leave evidence, a lot of it, everywhere. There were none.
Anyone who buys into your silly debunked arguments isnt worth arguing with either.
Youve got all the answers, all the experts are sheeple and everyone with a govt job is a mass murderer.

The meme of the perpetually marginalized. Im sure youll go far in life.
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Continues to quote a man who states it was not an inside job, and that conspiracy theorists have misrepresented his statements.
He said there were explosions after the towers fell. He says that after the first explosions the building was standing and they were taken out through a hole in the wall.
Can you show us examples of controlled demolitions, where the chain of explosives are all set off, the building remains standing with occupants inside, with rescuers able to reach them... And the building just falls 7 or 8 hours later?
If they were stuck in a hole in the building. How could they assess its condition?
Jennings story just adds confusion. It isnt evidence, and there were cameras filming everything everywhere. Nothing captures what youre twisting his testimony to claim.
Listen watch
Many highly qualified people were involved in the failure analysis of WTC7. Hundreds of professionals who hold degrees in respective fields. Real people youll have to confront with accusations of conspiracy to commit mass murder. Whats your basis for doubting their professional findings?

Youve read their comprehensive report? What section specifically in the failure model do you differ with?

You know that you can file an alternative hypotheses with one of their professional societies for peer review? Thats how science works.

It had better have more substance than "youre with the government, everything you say is a lie and i dont need an engineering degree, my distrust is enough".
Anything resembling the conspiracy being suggested requires the participation of many thousands- tens of thousands- of regular peons like you and I. Whats in it for them?
Tens of thousands of workers cleaned up at ground zero.
How much would larry silverstein have to pay each one to participate in the killing of thousands of people?
Your distrust of government is not a bit of evidence for anything but your own paranoia.
Of course powerful people can lie and enrich themselves. Many more less powerful people spend their lives exposing them or trying to take it for themselves.
Isnt it funny that at no point do you people actually name names? Because youd have to confront them. Call them murderers to their face. Youd see their bank accounts, see the absurdity of thinking they stashed away billions of dollars doing this.

On the flip side we have a documented history of al qaeda declaring war, escalating attacks, pissed off at our real policies that killed their fellow arab muslims.

Sanctions in Iraq killed about a million iraqis, mostly children. Al qaeda cited this in their fatwa. Why are you doubting this?

Im about done with this for now but you also might know that at this point with all the evidence being fully viewed, many in the mental health field are attributing these beliefs to mild forms of paranoid delusions. What else to say to people who think thousands of people conspire in the horrible murders of fellow countrymen, for no other reason than they had govt jobs? Or think a disaster site of that scale could even possibly scrubbed of explosives evidence by any amount of people, with as much time as they wanted? And lamely make these accusations with most of the potential evidence in a landfill within sight of manhatten? Youre so concerned about the evils in the world you cant rent a dinghy and go to fresh kills with a shovel and bring a few buckets back, tainted with these explosives you claim were so obvious? Its as if you know damn well the whole thing is ridiculous, because you wont lift a finger to prove it.
At first it was sensible, we all had questions. We found answers. Many of you were given answers and just kept coming back asking the same questions.
True believers dwindle by the year. They wont listen to reason, have zero evidence or professional qualifications, and always seem to fall back on this contempt for government and powers that be. Thats all they have.

Well theres no such thing. Theres no government. Theres politicians, employees, federal agents, military personnel, administrators. Lots of individuals. All people, working for the people. A good number of self serving, some liars, many more good people.
I can safely assert not nany of them, if any at all, are capable of killing 3,000 people, many their peers and colleagues, for any motive whatsoever.
If youve got suspects name them specifically. You cant because its absurd as it sounds.
With Respect, Your a walking encyclopedia, you quote the establishment word for word and believe every word they say. I or nobody else can change your belief system. There is no debating, you say their right, you quote them as gospel and ask everybody else to disprove them, you then call anybody else's evidence conspiracy theory because the establishment also says they are wrong which by default self perpetuates your view. There is no arguing or debating with a mindset like that, you occasionally give a free pass to the establishment when needed if I remember some of this very long dialog. Everybody is entitled to their beliefs and opinions, even though I totally disagree with yours, I would defend your right to have it, which is one thing that is being taken away from people the last three years, you had to agree with them or be censored... there's one tidbit of them doing WRONG (freedom of speech). If I had time, which I don't, I could at least put a few holes in the swiss cheese for you, but that requires reasearch time I cant devote to this. Romney selling his hard drives to his aides before he left office, (not corrupt?). How much corruption do you need to actually see to classify the government as a whole "corrupt"? That's subjective too, does it require 51% or 2/3 majority? or could just the most powerful 10 people be enough since that's about all that's needed to totally control the whole thing from an underground perspective? President, speaker of house, senate majority, FBI head, CIA head, Treasury secretary, Fed chairman, a couple chiefs of staff, FCC chairman, SEC chairman maybe I missed afew but that's about all needed to really screw things up pretty good and get anything you want to happen. Its above some peoples pay grade to consider the possibility that rich, powerful people could actually plan and conspire to become more rich and more powerful (like the mafia!), all while telling the people Its for their safety, or were bringing democracy to that country (along with leveling half of it to do so).

Have a great evening!

diy solar

diy solar