diy solar

diy solar

This man while holding a USA Govt job got paid by a Foreign Govt

They say the foam was dislodged …. Is why it effected them. Did bldg 7 have the same foam?

ppl get mad and want it to be closed but just don’t see it their way. Govt is not trusted

It can only tolerate heat for so long.

The foam has an hour rating.
Laura Pressley, a candidate for the Austin City Council with a doctorate in chemistry, said she thinks a scientific study proves demolition materials were waiting in the Twin Towers when two jets struck on 9/11.
She hasn’t said Uncle Sam put the materials there.

In a Nov. 10, 2014, interview with us, Pressley said she recognized the techniques used in a 2009 study from her own laboratory experience and believed researchers found a high-tech substance used to melt steel in the dust of the collapsed towers.

"My sandbox is chemistry--analyzing the paper--and this (paper) strongly suggests there was explosive material in the debris," Pressley said. "I don't know what happened, I don't know how the explosive material got there; I just know it's there."

The paper Pressley cited was co-authored by a prominent advocateof the widely-disputed idea that a controlled demolition took downthe two 110-story towers after the planes struck. Physicist Steven Jones, a retired Brigham Young University professor, has discussed controlled demolition on MSNBC and was quoted in September 2006 news reports about 9/11 conspiracy theories in The Washington Post and the New York Times.

The controlled demolition idea is a mainstay for a bloc of people in America and abroad who question federal reports on the cause of the towers’ collapse, including the group Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and TV/radio commentator Alex Jones.

According to a September 2001 Times news story, experts shortly acknowledged the collapse resembled a controlled demolition. Yet that story also said engineers believed the crash of the jets and intense heat generated from thousands of gallons of burning jet fuel weakened the buildings' steel framework, causing upper floors to collapse and beginning an unstoppable chain reaction borne along by gravity.

Was it all an inside job?

According to an October 2006 news story in The Denver Post, Jones acknowledged that only people inside or well connected to the federal government could have rigged the Twin Towers with thermite. That year, meantime, the New York Times reported over a third of Americans believed their government had a hand in 9/11, "and 16 percent said the destruction of the trade center was aided by explosives hidden in the buildings."
We asked Pressley how she thought explosives got into the World Trade Center.
She said: "I think we ought to ask that question. I’m going to ask a lot of questions."
By email, Krawisz, the panelist at the 2012 event, told us he never heard Pressley allege governmental collusion in the disaster. "She believed that there was nanothermite found in the wreckage of the twin towers and that this may be related to the real reason the towers collapsed," he said. "In a later discussion I had with her, she did not commit to any reason that the thermite would have been there."
By phone, Jones told us he called for the 2009 thermite study after getting World Trade Center dust from Janette MacKinlay, whose Manhattan flat was inundated with debris when the towers collapsed. Jones said the dust was studied in a BYU lab. He said the research team submitted the paper to the Bentham journal because they wanted it to be accessible for free and Bentham would publish 25 pages with color photos.
Reports by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in 2002and NIST in 2005 said burning jet fuel melted the towers’ steel structure after the crashing jets dislodged fire-proofing, a few floors collapsed and the buildings’ tops crushed the floors beneath them as they fell.
Jones told us the institute has not responded to his declared discovery of thermite in the towers’ debris, though he said he’s been asking them to engage for five years. The NIST says on its website it did not test for thermite in World Trade Center debris.

A 2012 independent analysis conducted by a Georgia private science consulting group contested the 2009 study. It found particles similar to those described as nanothermite and determined they were paint.

Jones told us by phone he believes the 2012 analysis studied different material than his team had, citing differences in the chemical composition of each study’s samples. He also has published a rebuttal of the 2012 report.

Pressley told us more scientists should review the study by Jones and others

"When the data comes out that there was an explosive found in the debris (of the World Trade Center), we ought to ask more questions," she said.””
You can see the towers starting to collapse right where where they were struck by the planes.

Just ad I stated. Thus is what all 911 truthers do. You're shown why claims about explosives in the tower are silly. You then just say "what about building 7".

That is exactly what you did.
With Respect, Your a walking encyclopedia, you quote the establishment word for word and believe every word they say. I or nobody else can change your belief system. There is no debating, you say their right, you quote them as gospel and ask everybody else to disprove them, you then call anybody else's evidence conspiracy theory because the establishment also says they are wrong which by default self perpetuates your view. There is no arguing or debating with a mindset like that, you occasionally give a free pass to the establishment when needed if I remember some of this very long dialog. Everybody is entitled to their beliefs and opinions, even though I totally disagree with yours, I would defend your right to have it, which is one thing that is being taken away from people the last three years, you had to agree with them or be censored... there's one tidbit of them doing WRONG (freedom of speech). If I had time, which I don't, I could at least put a few holes in the swiss cheese for you, but that requires reasearch time I cant devote to this. Romney selling his hard drives to his aides before he left office, (not corrupt?). How much corruption do you need to actually see to classify the government as a whole "corrupt"? That's subjective too, does it require 51% or 2/3 majority? or could just the most powerful 10 people be enough since that's about all that's needed to totally control the whole thing from an underground perspective? President, speaker of house, senate majority, FBI head, CIA head, Treasury secretary, Fed chairman, a couple chiefs of staff, FCC chairman, SEC chairman maybe I missed afew but that's about all needed to really screw things up pretty good and get anything you want to happen. Its above some peoples pay grade to consider the possibility that rich, powerful people could actually plan and conspire to become more rich and more powerful (like the mafia!), all while telling the people Its for their safety, or were bringing democracy to that country (along with leveling half of it to do so).

Have a great evening!
Your position again rests on an ambiguous villain and offers no evidence nor explanation how the incredibly large number of participants it would take to pull this off, were coerced to do so and remain active participants in the coverup even today.
The "establishment" as you call it, published its story in extensively detailed reports that your side has had up to 20 years to poke holes in. Virtually all of your doubts of a technical nature are explained.
You do realize the scientific method requires not just doubt to be cast on consensus, but your own theory be published to stand up to equal scrutiny and peer review?
Thus I disagree that its simply difference of opinion. Its the scientific method vs faith.
We say. Al qaeda did it with these 19 people specifically, we have the DNA. We have forensic evidence, peer reviewed analysis of the building collapses, radar documentation of the flights, film of the hijackers getting on planes, a history of their escalating jihadist attacks. Thousands of eyes watching planes hit the buildings, the flames roaring, video and photos of the columns buckling when the floors pulled away from the walls.
Conversely, the other side has what? Disbelief of the story, by lay people with no engineering failure analysis degrees, based solely on contempt and distrust of bogeymen they call "government" or "the establishment".
Attempts to find evidence through misrepresentation of any possible fantasy, while producing zero forensic evidence.
Facts vs fantasy sums it up well.
Seriously? Al Qaeda stated in their fatwa the reason they were pissed at America is because of our Iraq policy, the sanctions of which killed one million Iraqis. Since we werent about to leave Saddam and hope for the best, its stupid to assume we wouldnt invade Iraq to finish the job.
Wesley Clark. One of the most milquetoast generals of his time. Was he selling a book here? And why isnt he part of the evil villains in government?
Is he on record saying the government blew up the towers or are we again offering innuendo in lieu of evidence?
Hes lying. We didnt take out 7 countries.
Dr. Niels Harrit is a retired associate professor of chemistry at the University of Copenhagen and one among an international team of scientists who published a paper in The Open Chemical Physics Journal on the discovery of nano-thermite in the dust from the World Trade Center collapses on September 11, 2001. He has recently finished a lecture tour of Canadian universities, where he spoke on the subject.

In this interview on the cable program Face to Face with Jack Etkin, Dr. Harrit discusses this finding and its implications. Dr. Harrit notes that World Trade Center building 7 (WTC 7), a 47-story steel-framed skyscraper that was not hit by one of the planes on 9/11, collapsed symmetrically into its own footprint, and that the official explanation for this is that it was due to fire. However, the finding of nano-thermite in the dust, along with other available evidence, leads inescapably to another conclusion. “There is no doubt that this building was taken down in a controlled demolition,” says Dr. Harrit. “I consider this to be [a] mainstream scientific conclusion. There’s no way around this conclusion. There are so many observations that are only compatible with a controlled demolition.”

“Science is based on observation and experience,” says Dr. Harrit in the interview. Pointing out that it had never occurred before 9/11, he says, “A steel framed high rise simply does not collapse due to fire.”

Among the other evidence is the observation that WTC 7 fell at the acceleration of gravity, or free-fall acceleration. Fire, says Dr. Harrit, cannot do that to a building. “All of these columns had to be cut at the same time for this phenomenon to happen,” he says.

While conventional thermite is an incendiary, made from a mixture of powdered aluminum and iron oxide, Dr. Harrit explains that nano-thermite is manufactured from the atomic scale up. The ingredients are much more intimately mixed, he says, so they react with each other much faster. Unlike thermite, “Nano-thermite can be used as an explosive,” notes Dr. Harrit. “You can use thermite for cutting the steel beams, and it’s soundless,” he adds.

Discussing the relevance and importance of the conclusion that the three World Trade Center towers were destroyed in a controlled demolition, Dr. Harrit says, “I think what happened on September 11, 2001 is the most important event to our generation, and for our children…. And the consequences of this event should be obvious to everyone. But it’s not. But it’s happening at such a slow pace that people maybe do not connect the dots.”

It’s not just about getting history right and understanding what truly happened on 9/11, according to Dr. Harrit. “I think the whole civilization is in the balance these days,” he says. “Planet Earth will still be there no matter what we do…. But what we call civilization — if you care about music, this is what we’re talking about. If you care about the health of your grandparents, this is what we’re talking about. If you care about theater, literature, kids playing in the playground. Whatever you care for, whatever you love, this is what’s at stake here. Civilization. And it’s very fragile. And it can easily be lost.””

the govt tells you to “put the lotion on the skin or it gets the hose again”
Silence of the lambs No it is… Sheep sheeep sheeeple sheep govt branded and bred….. if you trust the govt roll up your sleeve and take the shot.
Laura Pressley, a candidate for the Austin City Council with a doctorate in chemistry, said she thinks a scientific study proves demolition materials were waiting in the Twin Towers when two jets struck on 9/11.
She hasn’t said Uncle Sam put the materials there.

In a Nov. 10, 2014, interview with us, Pressley said she recognized the techniques used in a 2009 study from her own laboratory experience and believed researchers found a high-tech substance used to melt steel in the dust of the collapsed towers.

"My sandbox is chemistry--analyzing the paper--and this (paper) strongly suggests there was explosive material in the debris," Pressley said. "I don't know what happened, I don't know how the explosive material got there; I just know it's there."

The paper Pressley cited was co-authored by a prominent advocateof the widely-disputed idea that a controlled demolition took downthe two 110-story towers after the planes struck. Physicist Steven Jones, a retired Brigham Young University professor, has discussed controlled demolition on MSNBC and was quoted in September 2006 news reports about 9/11 conspiracy theories in The Washington Post and the New York Times.

The controlled demolition idea is a mainstay for a bloc of people in America and abroad who question federal reports on the cause of the towers’ collapse, including the group Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and TV/radio commentator Alex Jones.

According to a September 2001 Times news story, experts shortly acknowledged the collapse resembled a controlled demolition. Yet that story also said engineers believed the crash of the jets and intense heat generated from thousands of gallons of burning jet fuel weakened the buildings' steel framework, causing upper floors to collapse and beginning an unstoppable chain reaction borne along by gravity.

Was it all an inside job?

According to an October 2006 news story in The Denver Post, Jones acknowledged that only people inside or well connected to the federal government could have rigged the Twin Towers with thermite. That year, meantime, the New York Times reported over a third of Americans believed their government had a hand in 9/11, "and 16 percent said the destruction of the trade center was aided by explosives hidden in the buildings."
We asked Pressley how she thought explosives got into the World Trade Center.
She said: "I think we ought to ask that question. I’m going to ask a lot of questions."
By email, Krawisz, the panelist at the 2012 event, told us he never heard Pressley allege governmental collusion in the disaster. "She believed that there was nanothermite found in the wreckage of the twin towers and that this may be related to the real reason the towers collapsed," he said. "In a later discussion I had with her, she did not commit to any reason that the thermite would have been there."
By phone, Jones told us he called for the 2009 thermite study after getting World Trade Center dust from Janette MacKinlay, whose Manhattan flat was inundated with debris when the towers collapsed. Jones said the dust was studied in a BYU lab. He said the research team submitted the paper to the Bentham journal because they wanted it to be accessible for free and Bentham would publish 25 pages with color photos.
Reports by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in 2002and NIST in 2005 said burning jet fuel melted the towers’ steel structure after the crashing jets dislodged fire-proofing, a few floors collapsed and the buildings’ tops crushed the floors beneath them as they fell.
Jones told us the institute has not responded to his declared discovery of thermite in the towers’ debris, though he said he’s been asking them to engage for five years. The NIST says on its website it did not test for thermite in World Trade Center debris.

A 2012 independent analysis conducted by a Georgia private science consulting group contested the 2009 study. It found particles similar to those described as nanothermite and determined they were paint.

Jones told us by phone he believes the 2012 analysis studied different material than his team had, citing differences in the chemical composition of each study’s samples. He also has published a rebuttal of the 2012 report.

Pressley told us more scientists should review the study by Jones and others

"When the data comes out that there was an explosive found in the debris (of the World Trade Center), we ought to ask more questions," she said.””
Bentham journal not a credible scientific pub.
Nanothermite doesnt exist.
Thermite not an explosive.
No custody chain on the sample.
The study deemed nonsense by experts.
Thermite itself is a compound of aluminum oxide and iron oxide, two elements expected to be all over the site anyway.
Experiments attempting to cut similar iron beams horizontally failed.
No evidence of any controlled demolition ever occurring anywhere with thermite.

This is old debunked news. Trolling.

We all watched planes slam into buildings at max speed full of fuel, burn uncontrolled almost an hour with all their contents soaked with fuel...the buildings failed and fell to the ground.

"We think it was something else."/
‘‘On January 17, 1961, Eisenhower gave his final televised Address to the Nation from the Oval Office.[299] In his farewell speech, Eisenhower raised the issue of the Cold War and role of the U.S. armed forces. He described the Cold War: "We face a hostile ideology global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method ..." and warned about what he saw as unjustified government spending proposals. He continued with a warning that "we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military–industrial complex."[299]” wiki

few years before he was murdered concerning secret societies and the press expectations:

the news is govt absorbed.
With Respect, Your a walking encyclopedia, you quote the establishment word for word and believe every word they say. I or nobody else can change your belief system. There is no debating, you say their right, you quote them as gospel and ask everybody else to disprove them, you then call anybody else's evidence conspiracy theory because the establishment also says they are wrong which by default self perpetuates your view. There is no arguing or debating with a mindset like that, you occasionally give a free pass to the establishment when needed if I remember some of this very long dialog. Everybody is entitled to their beliefs and opinions, even though I totally disagree with yours, I would defend your right to have it, which is one thing that is being taken away from people the last three years, you had to agree with them or be censored... there's one tidbit of them doing WRONG (freedom of speech). If I had time, which I don't, I could at least put a few holes in the swiss cheese for you, but that requires reasearch time I cant devote to this. Romney selling his hard drives to his aides before he left office, (not corrupt?). How much corruption do you need to actually see to classify the government as a whole "corrupt"? That's subjective too, does it require 51% or 2/3 majority? or could just the most powerful 10 people be enough since that's about all that's needed to totally control the whole thing from an underground perspective? President, speaker of house, senate majority, FBI head, CIA head, Treasury secretary, Fed chairman, a couple chiefs of staff, FCC chairman, SEC chairman maybe I missed afew but that's about all needed to really screw things up pretty good and get anything you want to happen. Its above some peoples pay grade to consider the possibility that rich, powerful people could actually plan and conspire to become more rich and more powerful (like the mafia!), all while telling the people Its for their safety, or were bringing democracy to that country (along with leveling half of it to do so).

Have a great evening!
Well said.
With Respect, Your a walking encyclopedia, you quote the establishment word for word and believe every word they say.
He doesn't, no sane person who has looked at US politics believes "the establishment", but a sane person would also look for evidence of their assertions. Conspiracy nutters are not sane.

I or nobody else can change your belief system.
What would it take for you to accept that the vaccines are safe and have saved lives?

There is no debating, you say their right, you quote them as gospel and ask everybody else to disprove them.
That is how science is supposed to work, you formulate a theory, make predictions, test if those predictions hold true in experiments or real world data, invite peers to review the conclusion and the methodology to come to the conclusions and then publish your findings for others to shoot holes in.

you then call anybody else's evidence conspiracy theory because the establishment also says they are wrong which by default self perpetuates your view.
You are the conspiracy theorist by definition, the way you are using terms like "the establishment" proves that.
There is no arguing or debating with a mindset like that
There is, open minded and following the evidence is how you should debate. If I have to choose between structural engineers who investigated the collapse and some random guy on the internet, who do you think I will be more likely to believe?

, you occasionally give a free pass to the establishment when needed if I remember some of this very long dialog. Everybody is entitled to their beliefs and opinions, even though I totally disagree with yours, I would defend your right to have it, which is one thing that is being taken away from people the last three years, you had to agree with them or be censored... there's one tidbit of them doing WRONG (freedom of speech). If I had time, which I don't, I could at least put a few holes in the swiss cheese for you, but that requires reasearch time I cant devote to this. Romney selling his hard drives to his aides before he left office, (not corrupt?). How much corruption do you need to actually see to classify the government as a whole "corrupt"? That's subjective too, does it require 51% or 2/3 majority? or could just the most powerful 10 people be enough since that's about all that's needed to totally control the whole thing from an underground perspective? President, speaker of house, senate majority, FBI head, CIA head, Treasury secretary, Fed chairman, a couple chiefs of staff, FCC chairman, SEC chairman maybe I missed afew but that's about all needed to really screw things up pretty good and get anything you want to happen. Its above some peoples pay grade to consider the possibility that rich, powerful people could actually plan and conspire to become more rich and more powerful (like the mafia!), all while telling the people Its for their safety, or were bringing democracy to that country (along with leveling half of it to do so).
Bring evidence when you can, if you can't your opinion is just an unqualified opinion a wild idea.

Trump lied on average approximately 21 times per day by the end of his presidency. Why don't you post those if you are upset with this "establishment" of yours...
Bentham journal not a credible scientific pub.
who says or is it Your opinion?
Nanothermite doesnt exist.
Your opinion again or proof?
Thermite not an explosive.
Show proof, or in your opinion?
No custody chain on the sample.
The study deemed nonsense by experts
What experts paid by whom? Experts say is used over and over by the MSM
Thermite itself is a compound of aluminum oxide and iron oxide, two elements expected to be all over the site anyway.
Show proof or again your opinion? Especially the last statement
No evidence of any controlled demolition ever occurring anywhere with thermite.
Your opinion?
This is old debunked news. Trolling.
Your opinion?

Even if you show a paper on everything I just debunked that you debunked (which is debunked - debunked which = 0.00) you have to vet each entire paper for accuracy, that the scientific methodology in each had a chain of custody, had no financial competing interests, and have outside qualified people verify. You got Exactly as much as everybody else here... NOTHING And I was NOT talking about 911 I was talking about government corruption as a whole which you conveniently deflected and put in the 911 category.

So I ask DIRECTLY: Do you think our government is made up of Non-corrupt Good, wholesome God worshiping people who have the best interest of regular Joe and Sally Soccermom in their mind every morning when they wake up, saying to themselves " What can i do today to make the world a better place for the citizens of the USA"? This is the Crux of the debate here, You say the evidence from the government debunks the evidence that independent sources say debunks the governments evidence. IT ABSOLUTELY is Faith vs Faith here that you claim is Fact vs Fantasy,
You have total faith in the "facts you look up and totally buy into"

What would it take for you to accept that the vaccines are safe and have saved lives?
Pfeizer approved its vaccine for humans based on a study in 8 mice (Yes there were human trials but they did not produce the results needed so were unused) its here at this link , I cannot say which paper but you will be able to read the pfeizer studies yourself.
Pfeizer approved its vaccine for humans based on a study in 8 mice (Yes there were human trials but they did not produce the results needed so were unused) its here at this link , I cannot say which paper but you will be able to read the pfeizer studies yourself.
What would it take for you to accept that the vaccines are safe and have saved lives?
What would it take for you to accept that the vaccines are safe and have saved lives?
Proper studies (which is subjective and we can debate a long time) most of all, company liability which mostly centers around safety, if you have no liability you have not as much incentive to do safety. Vaccine liability burden has been shifted to the tax payer in National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, the companys themselves cannot be sued with few exceptions. I'm sure many arguements can be made here but its quite simply wrong that any injuries for "pills" medicines etc are all fully liable to litigation but for vaccines they are not. Is that conspiracy theory? If I had a product that the majority of liability compensation went to a federal department for arbitration and payment.and I personally did not have to pay this, that would be a cash cow for me, I would do some testing but I would by the corporation's credo of increasing profits, NOT do the super expensive tests if I could get away with it. Its just not the correct relationship of corporations keep the profits and public pay the liability. Plus I have read some of the vaccine study papers. NONE have done a comparison to a placebo, they always compare the bad results vs another vaccines bad results (kind of like in court using presidance of earlier cases) which makes the study look good. Its important to read the actual studies not just take an editorialized synopsis from someone else that said they read it, they often only read the conclusion and not the methodology. Covid has been stated out of Fauc's mouth himself its not effective. "It prevents symtomatic spread" that means you still get it it just doesnt show symptoms, unless it becomes BAD, so people spread it but dont think they do. Which is worse, knowing you have it and staying away from grandma or not knowing and kissing her on the mouth possibly killing her?
Proper studies
Studies that are published in respectable peer reviewed places like Nature?

(which is subjective and we can debate a long time) most of all, company liability which mostly centers around safety, if you have no liability you have not as much incentive to do safety.
It is not subjective, there are well established norms for publishing tscientific studies.

Ignoring the rant, it has nothing to do with my question.
Studies that are published in respectable peer reviewed places like Nature?

It is not subjective, there are well established norms for publishing tscientific studies.

Ignoring the rant, it has nothing to do with my question.
Here is the link to NO or massively limited liability on vaccines passed in 1986 and still active today. Read it carefully it says it all

Nature is bought and paid for by pharma, used to be respectable but no longer. I'm not going to look it up in my files but they HAD to retract the Solidarity Study (or there was another one I cant remember the name right off) about hydroxychloroquin (helping treat covid patients). The gave intentional toxic doses to patients that DIED all to say hydroxychloroquin did not work (60% of the people in the study died, the REAL study in Elsevir by Didier Raoult had 4000 patients with only like 100 dying). 600mg max dose per day and they gave patients 2400mg. YES, I read it straight off nature and the retraction they had to also post (No Nature did not do the study BUT they had to vet it as real science or not and they clearly did not). I don't do very much serious commenting unless I read the study (and on 911 I did not push any issues if you read back, I just believe a different engineer group than you do).

In closing: I appreciate ALL of you, we are all brothers in the DIY solar world and are here to help each other, learn and make a better world when possible. Thank you for being polite and engaging. I could stay here full time debating with all of you but I have several things that are going to pull me away from this thread to only check in occasionally. Thank you for welcoming me (A new guy) here and I will see y'all in the near future :)

diy solar

diy solar