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diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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Solar Wizard
Jan 5, 2023
Old days President jimmy carter’s brother promoted and sold “billy beer” man. Ppl were mad because Billy Carter made money from an awful beer. Billy used his brother’s President Jimmy Carter’s position to promote his new brand of beer. It was a total outrage. Everyone was mad. That beer taste terrible too. Even the democrats were mad …. Nobody like bad beer.


But wait now - do compare to info found on the infamous “hunter biden laptop“ about the uncle aka President Joe Biden’s brother…. Give em an inch and they will take a mile. Criminals will be the ultimate benefactor for themselves if unobstructed with their crimes….. Sell Outs…. On Gates Info website
Do men have periods and babies to get aborted…. What pronoun is that…. Certainly more important then this. Is Hunter’s laptop finally being discussed on MSN?

don’t miss that tracking ad
Dirtbag senile criminal JOE BIDEN aka "the kook running the country into the ground" was on the staff at penn center to the tune of almost a million dollars over 3 years while the center accepted about 50million from chinese donors.

He is so compromised.
Puppet in chief. Just like all the other puppets in chief before him.
Funny that you should mention that since kushner is a reported jew. Of course read a long time ago the supposed members of royal family were too. So maybe he was in their back pocket. Ivanka being his converted jewish wife means what?

how much did obama cost his all his trips back and forth to Hawaii?

Biden acts like he at the petting zoo - a president should keep his hands to himself.

The toucher:

Like Trump hate Trump it was a lot better with him before the Leftist started waging their Cold Hot War on the Right.

open war declarations, incited crimes, and commanded attacks - assaults on video. The left are on display in that video….

There are reasons this is restricted = truth of crimes committed

Biden has been an idiot since he started…. Paw dog perv. Liar bottom of his class. Biden

trump banned bump stocks and pushed covid vaccines - you have trump sticking in you…… how does trump feel inside you? Are you trumping it for the trump injection? I hear he likes to piss on ppl too.

1994 crime bill - Biden but blm backed him
This is probably last time the right stood up to the democrat government besides ppl like at ruby ridge waco and bundy ranch. Probably others but…

The democrats murdered a black republican voter and were stealing an election. The Right - war vets actually fought back.

This was basically all for nothing and next election year republicans let the corrupt democrats have it back. Oh well.
I notice you never post anything negative about the current empty suit in office, who is at least as bad as the previous two. He is just as embarrassing as Trump could be, lies as much and is just as divisive as his two predecessors, and seems to be about two functioning neurons away from a drool cup.
Good luck getting an answer from him- Leo.

The one in office is and has been in politics for over 50 years, Biden has been a sorry shit since him and Byrd left the Vietnamese to die at the hand of the VC and NVA communist. The pull out of Vietnam was more shameful then Afghanistan. Very few remember it and all the ppl, equipment, and such we left there. Biden and Byrd - their political committee group voted - left the South Vietnam allies more then likely because ppl escaping communism do not vote democrat. The one in office, Biden is more or less ruining out the Jimmy Carter era all over again. Most ppl can’t see it is a game to them for the powers that be. We are merely their playing pieces.

I can’t believe Biden lasted over 50 years. Professional liar.

Leo is a foreigner that will not state what country he is from but yet he talks on and on about USA politics. Leo also talks on about USA spending. Leo acts like a typical Brit or someone close in that aspect. The Brits that I knew from meeting them while in U.S. Military were exactly like Leo talk talk talk about World politics but not their own country.
I can’t believe Biden lasted over 50 years. Professional liar.
If you are willing to play their game, you will last forever. You would have to lack any kind of moral, but psychopaths dont have moral to start with so no issue at all
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The sad thing there is a lot of things, Leo says that I will agree about.

Somethings that I won’t like Covid and the forced way they NWO Rulers went about it. Freedom of choice was subjection to cohesive means ie: “do it or lose job” A job is an investment in your future …. We donate - trade best years of our lives for work with agreed expectations in return. Ala indentured servants. The problem is ppl on the other side don’t want to play by the established rules. Telling ppl that we have freedoms but restricting them. A new one sided set of mandates doesn’t set well with me. Why we have had revolutionary wars…. rebellions around the world in the past.
I have about ZERO trust in our govt now and that means both sides. I don’t think am all alone in that thinking. Most ppl know what we should do…. But are desperately holding onto the past to try and reverse what is rapidly developing.…. We like to blame the politicians when in fact we allowed it to this point. The Ppl here have and had the power to stop and change things to way they were but will not and have not. So we are still headed for the cliff.
Agenda 21 was real the Powers that Be never denied it and some openly admitted it. Ppl act like they didn’t don’t hear it.… for World De-Population. You know why they want to kill the USA. We are 5% of the World population….mostly white and christian.. why both of those things are constantly attacked. Why USA is called racist and the other 95% point fingers like they didn’t do nuthin. …. Bad USA. 12CDD38D-7D02-4300-A62D-C90700C52394.jpeg0673562F-DFB2-4F89-BBF8-47974EB4AB68.jpeg
If you are willing to play their game, you will last forever. You would have to lack any kind of moral, but psychopaths dont have moral to start with so no issue at all
The tax payers paid for everything. Trump donated his salary as president did obama?
Did the Obama's charge the secret service to stay at his properties like Trump did?
Trump owned the properties so him getting paid would be no different then if someone else got paid for them staying there.

why doesn’y obama and family live in harlem with his ppl vs living in a white well excluded place like Martha’s vineyard. Do as I say “my niggas not as I do….“ he was reported to have jokingly stated that once. Obama was reported as half white and because of that he can’t play basketball thus liked to attempt to golf with tiger woods. So your point is mute. Where are you from or is that like obama’s birth certificate that a member of hillary’s election committee started?
The tax payers paid for everything. Trump donated his salary as president did obama?
Obama didn't donate his salary, nor did he profit from the holidays.

Trump owned the properties so him getting paid would be no different then if someone else got paid for them staying there.
Sure. But he could have charged cost only.

why doesn’y obama and family live in harlem with his ppl vs living in a white well excluded place like Martha’s vineyard.
Has to do with security, place is hard to get to and there are too many nutters trying to kill him.

Rest of the rant ignored.
Obama didn't donate his salary, nor did he profit from the holidays.

Sure. But he could have charged cost only.

Has to do with security, place is hard to get to and there are too many nutters trying to kill him.

Rest of the rant ignored.
Nothing rant about it except where do you live? Are you warm and protected? Insulated?

How much did obama start with vs what he ended with for monies For his political career? The president job only pays $450,000 a year Fauci made more. Obama gained great wealth from somewhere besides politics while doing politics.
Nothing rant about it except where do you live? Are you warm and protected? Insulated?

How much did obama start with vs what he ended with for monies For his political career? The president job only pays $450,000 a year Fauci made more. Obama gained great wealth from somewhere besides politics while doing politics.
He is a best selling author.

His book deals was tied to his govt education spending for books and courses… so next
Trump made a lot of money from cities more or less giving him buildings to invest in communities and rebuild
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