diy solar

diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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Look for something more 2023… come on it is not hard.

look atwhat Bob found. Was fauci wearing a mask? Him and others violated their own suggested mandates so much it got Governor Newsome recalled in California.

obama’s had a maskless party…. The WEF had a maskless party…. “Ppl like you will always just follow orders” Didn’t work well for some ppl in the past for an excuse. Just a word of caution.

in the military they often made us decide what was lawful or not to follow orders.
They are getting bank records... about 12 banks all together The first bank they got the records from show a 3 million dollar payment from a CCP owned shell company 2 months after Biden left the vice presidency .... that money got divided up among several Biden family members with 1 account only labeled as Biden. The treasury department has been hiding these bank records for years and have finally been forced to release them.
The family lawyer claims it was seed money for a company .... that never materialized. What is the more obvious explanation?
There are 11 other banks to get records from.

They tried to impeach Trump over a phone call made to the leader of Ukraine telling him Ukraine needed to stop the rampant corruption and do some investigating ....... Biden is on video bragging about how he put the screws to a prosecutor who was investigating a company paying Hunter for things he had no expertise in ... He said that if they didn't stop the investigation they wouldn't get their aid package ... then bragged about how the investigation got dropped .... It's just crazy he was never prosecuted for that.
Freedom of speech and the rule of law are vital .... both have been corrupted.
Its worse now that theyre chasing after Trump for a misdemeanor. Using a prosecutor who lets felons walk free. Can you imaging W. Bush having his attorney general arrest John Kerry before the 2004 election... Banana republics pull this stuff. And amazingly democrats call Trump a threat to democracy.
The leading opposition candidate being harassed by democrat prosecutors on the state and local level.
Its worse now that theyre chasing after Trump for a misdemeanor. Using a prosecutor who lets felons walk free. Can you imaging W. Bush having his attorney general arrest John Kerry before the 2004 election... Banana republics pull this stuff. And amazingly democrats call Trump a threat to democracy.
The leading opposition candidate being harassed by democrat prosecutors on the state and local level.
That prosecutor is very politicized if it is the one think …. I haven’t kept up with that. I seen something today Trump or someone related to his campaign are saying he might be arrested. Again have not kept up as to the charges. They have been trying to get him since decided to run against Hillary. …… If Trump was testifying against Hillary he would be like Epstein….. dead
Actually the whole Epstein thing is interesting, especially how Covid craze came right on top of it, as if trying to divert attention as one of its goals. I mean the entire global "elite" top was implicated, so no wonder they had to do something extraordinary.....

Great series on this:

Another great piece deconstructing the entire Covid play

I love this. I used to carry a box with me during the covid mask crazy and show it to the people who demanded i wear one. The look on their face was priceless!!!
They dont want to read or hear that. These ppl are almost full fledged communist buying everything the govt is selling them.. the idiots driving their cars all alone wearing a mask is crazy.

down side to mask wore them to keep pollen, dust, and allergies down - out of sinus when mowing grass. Now don’t want to send wrong message as some ppl might think am frightened about covid if see me cut grass with a mask on. ??? they don’t work absolute for that either
Another Interesting Carlson Tucker…. Seems they are going after Trump over an old hooker?

This one's pretty hilarious. .... is he a member of the chipmunks or not?

Interesting voice over… just imagine if teamsoros scored. If Trump goes to jail or is held accountable then all the rest just opened the door to be held accountable. Not going to happen. Just drama. I dare that fatass da to prove me wrong. They will be next in line for open accusation and criminal charges. What is the connected suicide count for the clintons ~50-60 dead?

the Capitol Police that committed suicide might need to be looked into. They might of been going to spill the beans about the setup and were suicided. Not conspiracy theory but out right accusations for an investigation into each one of their suicides for 6 jan 2021 and clinton associates while we are at it.
Btw when this sensational bs is going on might want to look at what is released and being distracted from for information They have been doing this so long that ppl should always look for what they are distracting from for a bigger real story
Btw when this sensational bs is going on might want to look at what is released and being distracted from for information They have been doing this so long that ppl should always look for what they are distracting from for a bigger real story
It to bad most people watch the circus and not the robbery........

It to bad most people watch the circus and not the robbery........
Bob, you. and others know this… I think because we are probably older. I have been tricked several times when younger. The younger generation should be able to spot it right away. Some can.

Do the ppl missing it not want to see and avoid looking? That is the part that amazes me.

Why would someone want to make a video like, Bob posted? It is humor but ppl on both sides will use it as if real by more editing. I see meme like that all the time. I only place value in meme as comedy or humor.. most times they mean nothing because no references are given. H
we don’t want to see your spank material wanker Your scientist say there are more then 2 natural sexes…. A bold face lie and perverted fantasy for your type
we don’t want to see your spank material wanker Your scientist say there are more then 2 natural sexes…. A bold face lie and perverted fantasy for your type
Do they? You have some really weird fantasies, I have never had a personal scientist let alone many lol.

But there are more than two sexes naturally.

You want to hear some really weird shit? I am quite secure in my sexuality and as such I don't care about your sexuality, your kinks or anything else that has to do with sex. But I will treat you as any other human being, regardless of your sexuality. I will even call you what you chose to be called, because I respect your right to self determination and individual freedom.

But I do think it is funny to point out that even Reagan worked as a drag queen...
Do they? You have some really weird fantasies, I have never had a personal scientist let alone many lol.

But there are more than two sexes naturally.

You want to hear some really weird shit? I am quite secure in my sexuality and as such I don't care about your sexuality, your kinks or anything else that has to do with sex. But I will treat you as any other human being, regardless of your sexuality. I will even call you what you chose to be called, because I respect your right to self determination and individual freedom.

But I do think it is funny to point out that even Reagan worked as a drag queen...
Once again you show who you REALY are,
Do they? You have some really weird fantasies, I have never had a personal scientist let alone many lol.

But there are more than two sexes naturally.

You want to hear some really weird shit? I am quite secure in my sexuality and as such I don't care about your sexuality, your kinks or anything else that has to do with sex. But I will treat you as any other human being, regardless of your sexuality. I will even call you what you chose to be called, because I respect your right to self determination and individual freedom.

But I do think it is funny to point out that even Reagan worked as a drag queen...
Leo’s partner comes home and finds him rubbing vaseline all over his chest and ask “what are you doing?” Leo replies, “vaseline will make my chest hair grow.” Leo’s partner laughs and says “if that were true then you would have a pony tail hanging out of your butt.”

almost all if not all leading men exception maybe Dave Chappell didn’t - wear dresses in hollywood. Kudos to Chappell for pointing that observation out for leading men in dresses. Shakespeare… queer tradition harvey weinstein hollyweird traditions…. Didn’t harvey finally go to prison …. the casting couch was usually reserved for men. The rifle man chuck conners played gay marine porn star… . remember the small boy in rifleman show… no wonder he seemed scared. lot of ppl said no way he was married To a woman.

Ask your friend murphy what a fluffier is… he watches a lot of porn by all his indications…. you and him champion more then 2 natural sexes. You directly or indirectly even endorsed what is known as man boy lovers for their tag along to the tranny movement. You admitted trannies exposing themselves should be allowed around children. Called it a “weird fantasy when it was shown in a news paper article”. That is all on you.

Murphy did side step that one and finally stated, “kids are to young to make sexual decisions.“ you did not…. What country are you in that allows adults to sexualize children so that in next war it can be leveled. I’d go along with destroying ppl that molest and or hurt children. 100% worth the cost of rope. Call that a fantasy because hanging and torturing child molesters is my fantasy. I’d do it for free.

what goes on in your bedroom is not my fantasy. Keep it there with your vaseline. That is between you and your “partner” if they are of legal agreed consent. Did you go to an english boarding school? The “bugger” you say. It was once called “the English disease” The male teacher buggers the school boys…. Were you buggered ? They say clinically that ppl whom were abused often condone it as adults and abuse other in likewise manner as they were once abused. Just some of that science stuff. Ppl in islam religion often kill both because both are ruined... and will never recover. Contamination.
Leo’s partner comes home and finds him rubbing vaseline all over his chest and ask “what are you doing?” Leo replies, “vaseline will make my chest hair grow.” Leo’s partner laughs and says “if that were true then you would have a pony tail hanging out of your butt.”
I am not surprised you have gay fantasies about me. You are not the first and you won't be the last.

almost all if not all leading men exception maybe Dave Chappell didn’t - wear dresses in hollywood. Kudos to Chappell for pointing that observation out for leading men in dresses. Shakespeare… queer tradition harvey weinstein hollyweird traditions…. Didn’t harvey finally go to prison …. the casting couch was usually reserved for men. The rifle man chuck conners played gay marine porn star… . remember the small boy in rifleman show… no wonder he seemed scared. lot of ppl said no way he was married To a woman.
I never paid much attention to any of that I find the exaggeration annoying, I prefer European made films, but there are some great holiwood movies as well.

Ask your friend murphy what a fluffier is… he watches a lot of porn by all his indications…. you and him champion more then 2 natural sexes. You directly or indirectly even endorsed what is known as man boy lovers for their tag along to the tranny movement. You admitted trannies exposing themselves should be allowed around children. Called it a “weird fantasy when it was shown in a news paper article”. That is all on you.
You and your weird fantasies about what other people may or may not do.

Murphy did side step that one and finally stated, “kids are to young to make sexual decisions.“ you did not…. What country are you in that allows adults to sexualize children so that in next war it can be leveled. I’d go along with destroying ppl that molest and or hurt children. 100% worth the cost of rope. Call that a fantasy because hanging and torturing child molesters is my fantasy. I’d do it for free.
I wouldn't be surprised of you love for murder. Maybe you should focus on conservatives and the clergy, a whole string of them were recently caught molesting children, I have not yet heard of any drag queen molesting children yet.

what goes on in your bedroom is not my fantasy.
Really, you spend a lot of time imagining it.

Keep it there with your vaseline.
Vaseline? What do you use that for?

That is between you and your “partner” if they are of legal agreed consent.
I agree, none of our business.

Did you go to an english boarding school? The “bugger” you say. It was once called “the English disease” The male teacher buggers the school boys…. Were you buggered ? They say clinically that ppl whom were abused often condone it as adults and abuse other in likewise manner as they were once abused. Just some of that science stuff. Ppl in islam religion often kill both because both are ruined... and will never recover. Contamination.
How do you know all that, do you read a lot about that, or is that your fantasy again?

I am not surprised you have gay fantasies about me. You are not the first and you won't be the last.

I never paid much attention to any of that I find the exaggeration annoying, I prefer European made films, but there are some great holiwood movies as well.

You and your weird fantasies about what other people may or may not do.

I wouldn't be surprised of you love for murder. Maybe you should focus on conservatives and the clergy, a whole string of them were recently caught molesting children, I have not yet heard of any drag queen molesting children yet.

Really, you spend a lot of time imagining it.

Vaseline? What do you use that for?

I agree, none of our business.

How do you know all that, do you read a lot about that, or is that your fantasy again?
So unfortunately the laws protect the molesters here. If society ever breaks down then there will be a purge like you can’t imagine. If the molesters had ever touched my kids.

This father, Gary Plauché was my hero.

no doubt you prefer: Jeffrey Doucet
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diy solar

diy solar