diy solar

diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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So unfortunately the laws protect the molesters here. If society ever breaks down then there will be a purge like you can’t imagine. If the molesters had ever touched my kids.

This father, Gary Plauché was my hero.

no doubt you prefer: Jeffrey Doucet
So unfortunately the laws protect the molesters here. If society ever breaks down then there will be a purge like you can’t imagine. If the molesters had ever touched my kids.
I understand that notion, believe me I do. The problem is that there will be idiots who falsely claim some one is a child molester in order to get away with murder.

Trump himself was accused of raping a 13 year old at a Jeffery Epstein party. Will he be part of that "purge" you speak of so fondly?

Don't be an idiot.

This father, Gary Plauché was my hero.
I know about the case, I could easily have done the same depending on my frame of mind at the time. If I had, I would probably have shot myself as well.

no doubt you prefer: Jeffrey Doucet
Yeah, there you go again with your weird fantasies about me.
Do they? You have some really weird fantasies, I have never had a personal scientist let alone many lol.

But there are more than two sexes naturally.
Did anyone else have that ONE KID in their play group when they were growing up .... the one who always tried to change the rules when they were loosing the game?

Leftists are developing more and more creative ways of doing that.
Actually, it isn't, it is an attack on child molesters. Which happens to be more prevalent among religious leaders than drag queens.
Actually, it isn't, it is an attack on child molesters. Which happens to be more prevalent among religious leaders than drag queens.
How would you know that information? And how would you know it was an accurate assessment? You statement is flawed.
How would you know that information? And how would you know it was an accurate assessment? You statement is flawed.


When you condone any child molester then you have condoned it. All must be condemned equally. The law is the law. . No one has any rights to have sex with an under age minor as determined by law. Does not matter whom they are. If you agree with it then it is wrong and you are an accessory.

There are tales of Jewish rabbi - stated as gnawing foreskin off …sucking circumcisions… never seen it done nor do I want to. = child abuse

Their is a video of a catholic priest slapping a baby for crying while he is blessing it. = Child abuse.

The stories of alter boys being abused are all to common.

The story of the British school boys being fondled - buggered by teachers is all to common was named “english disease“

the list goes on and on if you look for any groups that have abused kids. Some ppl even say “pizza gate”
was real. Children abused and killed for adrenaline. Surely you have heard of it. What do you think? Weird picture of Anderson Cooper at the Family home …his last name is was not cooper…but a vanderbilt.. I learned that from reading about the Qanon ppl. As well as several other things that turned out to be stories of children sacrificed in ritualistic murders:

Michael Obama looks kind of manly to me and the nick name was Big Mike. this woman died of a routine surgery. if they were both married before it was lawful allowed were they illegal and were they criminally holding office of the president When made the white house a rainbow.? Where did their displayed kids come from?
Adams apple ring finger science
ring finger

obama rainbow whitehouse

One of the claimed pictures on Hunter’s Biden’s laptop was of him and one of Obama’s daughters. I never seen it but was the accusation of mentioned content on Hunters laptop. Along with other pictures of claimed child porn. On other side there are pictures of Trump’s daughter sitting on his lap for what appears as inappropriate. from what understand no child abuse evident for any of that but border line.

Most men in this country get their penis circumcised as a new borne infant account it is custom for jews and some arabs. Most USA adopted that custom in WW2 most all men had it done to them in the service. Some ppl consider that circumcision as abuse… to the child. Arabs often remove the female child’s - clit to make it so they are less likely of cheating… on future husband…. done when they are small also genital child abuse.

Offering to change an under ages child's birth sex should fall under sex abuse laws too. Children are not of a sound decision making age - maturity to make that decision. It may well be a phase that children passes through and the transgender fad and phase is short coming. 1 generation of all queers means a society dies and stops existing…. With no procreation. There are only 2 sexes.

Doing what is being done in the attached picture by gays trannies lgbtq is not how you get acceptance. Parents are responsible for guarding not grooming their children until they are considered legal age to make their own decisions. Most ppl did not want to allow queers to be accepted for marrying one another. The biggest reason was to keep them from raising children and abusing them. After all if 2 child molesters decided to fake gay then wthey would have access to children - adoption. That has been prosecuted too. Go look for it.

I find it hilarious how gays are getting married now and then they are also getting divorced. Their “partner” is taking half their shit in the divorce.
The gay guy or gay woman losing his or her shit really loses his or her shit…. Money house vehicles pays alimony…. Bahaha hahaha… they fought for rights to get married then get abused - f’ed by the courts just like heterosexuals. Hahaha hahaha does having sex with a sewer pipe appeal to you? It doesn’t appeal to me…. Watching to good looking lesbos go at it is interesting but the fantasy dies when realize they have penis envy and don’t want to risk chance of their strap on going up your arse. I do find it funny how butch lesbo hate men but try to look like and act like men. Is it hatred brought on by the penis envy. Leo what is your take on the reasons you are so angry?


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When you condone any child molester then you have condoned it. All must be condemned equally.
I agree that molesting children should be illegal and I don't care if the perpetrator is a religious leader or a member of the clergy. On the other hand it would be stupid to ban the clergy (or drag queens) because one of their members molested a child.

The law is the law.
It is not that simple, what do you do when a 13 year old has sex with another kid the same age?
I agree that molesting children should be illegal and I don't care if the perpetrator is a religious leader or a member of the clergy. On the other hand it would be stupid to ban the clergy (or drag queens) because one of their members molested a child.

It is not that simple, what do you do when a 13 year old has sex with another kid the same age?
That is way pretending and identifying should not be allowed either. The child molester says, “ Your honor I identify as a 13 year old.” Is there a law against a 13 year old and a 13 year old? There is certainly a define in each State of USA for what is allowed or not the rest is accusation and ruled on in court of law.. Sodomy is still against the law in some States. So…. No queer marriages should be allowed there.



Most sexual predators like child molestors are held in separate special cell blocks of the prison. The general population in prison will murder them. Lot of the prisoners in prison - general population will if questioned found to be abused when younger or someone in their family were abused.. In prison general population molesters don’t do well.…. Openly queers don’t either …. Some of my friends from military became prison guards said “it was a different world in there.”

one of the ppl that Kyle rittenhouse shot was a convicted child molesters …. had raped 5 boys ages 6-12 years old. He assaulted them with sex acts performed sex acts on them burned them with cigarettes …… He was the first 1 that, Kyle Rittenhouse shot. He was shown on video before that screaming “shoot me nigga shoot me “ Rittenhouse shot him after being chased …. Rittenhouse deserves a medal of honor. Sure he cried on the stand but the DA was playing dirty and pressed what was simple self defense as a murder trial.
That is way pretending and identifying should not be allowed either. The child molester says, “ Your honor I identify as a 13 year old.” Is there a law against a 13 year old and a 13 year old? There is certainly a define in each State of USA for what is allowed or not the rest is accusation and ruled on in court of law.. Sodomy is still against the law in some States. So…. No queer marriages should be allowed there.
You are insane.


That is not counting members of the churches, just the leaders....
I think you missed my point Leo. It's not in one place. It's in every demographic.
Evil is everywhere as an example Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are clear examples of "claim" to be religious people that go against there religion.seems to be part of human nature. Goes with "absolute power corrupts absolutely "
I think you missed my point Leo. It's not in one place. It's in every demographic.
I am not missing the point, I am trying to point out that it would be silly to make legislation banning religion based on the fact that some religious people have abused children or banning drag shows because some members of the group have abused children. The problem is that in the US you have populist politicians justifying the banning of drag queens, but not religions, even though the number of child molesters among religious groups is more prevalent.

Evil is everywhere as an example Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are clear examples of "claim" to be religious people that go against there religion.seems to be part of human nature. Goes with "absolute power corrupts absolutely "
I agree that evil is everywhere, which incidentally proves "good" gods do not exists through a thought experiment, an interesting discussion can be found here. As for Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi going against their religion, I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing, maybe you have examples?

If you are talking about abortion, which the pope condemns as murder (he is wrong in my view) , most Americans support it, the only group where the majority does not support abortion are white evangelicals.
Leo’s partner comes home and finds him rubbing vaseline all over his chest and ask “what are you doing?” Leo replies, “vaseline will make my chest hair grow.” Leo’s partner laughs and says “if that were true then you would have a pony tail hanging out of your butt.”

almost all if not all leading men exception maybe Dave Chappell didn’t - wear dresses in hollywood. Kudos to Chappell for pointing that observation out for leading men in dresses. Shakespeare… queer tradition harvey weinstein hollyweird traditions…. Didn’t harvey finally go to prison …. the casting couch was usually reserved for men. The rifle man chuck conners played gay marine porn star… . remember the small boy in rifleman show… no wonder he seemed scared. lot of ppl said no way he was married To a woman.
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Ask your friend murphy what a fluffier is… he watches a lot of porn by all his indications…. you and him champion more then 2 natural sexes. You directly or indirectly even endorsed what is known as man boy lovers for their tag along to the tranny movement. You admitted trannies exposing themselves should be allowed around children. Called it a “weird fantasy when it was shown in a news paper article”. That is all on you.

Murphy did side step that one and finally stated, “kids are to young to make sexual decisions.“ you did not…. What country are you in that allows adults to sexualize children so that in next war it can be leveled. I’d go along with destroying ppl that molest and or hurt children. 100% worth the cost of rope. Call that a fantasy because hanging and torturing child molesters is my fantasy. I’d do it for free.

what goes on in your bedroom is not my fantasy. Keep it there with your vaseline. That is between you and your “partner” if they are of legal agreed consent. Did you go to an english boarding school? The “bugger” you say. It was once called “the English disease” The male teacher buggers the school boys…. Were you buggered ? They say clinically that ppl whom were abused often condone it as adults and abuse other in likewise manner as they were once abused. Just some of that science stuff. Ppl in islam religion often kill both because both are ruined... and will never recover. Contamination.
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The homophobia is a bit over the top here but I gotta say this is probably the most amusing post I have ever seen in this forum. Chuck Conner with his fresh meat Johnny, both shirtless. NAMBLA beefcake shot fer sure.
Ive seen the promo shot for Chucks gay porn film, it really happened. Many of Hollywoods best leading men were gay, most people dont know Raymond Burr was in that club.
The homophobia is a bit over the top here but I gotta say this is probably the most amusing post I have ever seen in this forum. Chuck Conner with his fresh meat Johnny, both shirtless. NAMBLA beefcake shot fer sure.
Ive seen the promo shot for Chucks gay porn film, it really happened. Many of Hollywoods best leading men were gay, most people dont know Raymond Burr was in that club.
It is about 10% of the population. And while I am all for going after rapist and child molesters, you can't throw 10% of the population in prison for the crime of loving some one of the same gender.
It is about 10% of the population. And while I am all for going after rapist and child molesters, you can't throw 10% of the population in prison for the crime of loving some one of the same gender.
Your statement has no base in court of law. The contradiction is if laws are broken then ppl can be thrown in jail-prison. It is called the rule of law. It is and has been used over and over. Charges placed, trial, and sentence of innocent or guilty. The problem comes when it is only applied to some ppl and not everyone fairly and equal.
….. so is that your complaint?

is sodomy allowed in your country? Then stay there and invite ppl to come enjoy sodomy with you. Consolidate like minded ppl and live happy ever after. It will last 1 generation as full gay … then poof forever gone. No procreation.…. Matter of science = extinct. Maybe all the dinosaur suddenly became gender confused and gay.

“The Mayor of Milwaukee, Tom Barrett, reportedly expressed his “complete surprise” that child court Judge Brett Blomme — who “previously headed up an LGBTQ organization that fundraised for ‘drag queen story hour’ among other programs” — was arrested on “tentative” charges of possession of child pornography.”


A person exposing their pickle to children is illegal…. Convicted child sex offenders are not allowed around children by law anyway and for obvious reasons. Stop trying to make excuses for criminals to break the law and endanger children …that makes you an accessory.... you either stop it or someone else will stop them and you…. Most likely in a way that is also unlawful. It is what eventually happens when laws are openly outright allowed to be ignored, discarded, and broken. Chaos, Anarchy and Vigilantly. Leo you strike me as a professional victim where you intentionally cause shit then play victim.

when main stream media and the police - courts do nothing then the ppl should protest because the law was were are broken and not upheld. That is the legal and peacful way But if that fails it is escalation time. Main stream media avoided it too. You know why. . Just like they always go along with the left. This incident below happened several times…for the exposure. Not a 1 time whoops. It was intentional. Why parents subjected their children to this is beyond imagination for a truly caring parent. They - parents as primary protectors are guilty of child endangerment and sexualizing their own kids. Children are very impressionable in their early learning stages. That is why the children experiences are so guarded for some things so as not to warp them… with permanent damage.

even the article writer admits not all transgender are child molesters. Are the transgender policing themselves and shunning the child molesters from them in out right separation?
Beyond the fact that pedo should not be around children is law.

Leo, You just can’t seem to let this illegal activity of sexualizing children go without almost trying to legalize or say nothing vs to see it promoted. You are being noticed As a promoter. The child porn and child molesters tried to embed themselves in the 1990s gay movement the same way you are doing. The gays in their movement had to separate and distance themselves from the “other perverts like child molesters“ to be accepted and get legal blessings. No one has stated child molesters are not hiding in every fabric of society as doctors lawyers teachers clergy religious jewish christian islam police judges or whatever… The fact is the perverts that want access to children are hitch hiking making a demonstrated run on the children. Right there in plain sight.

Why did the transgender immediately head towards the children?
Why did the transgender say whoops in front of children while repeatedly breaking the law?
Most transgender are mentally ill as are most queer. You, Leo seem to be mentally ill too. What happens if two men marry and move to a private island. Will that island become vacant? What happened to Epstein’s Island? Did Epstein really kill himself or did the prisoners murder a pedo?


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You, Leo seem to be mentally ill too.
There is no sane justification for prescribing people how to dress, or to dress at all...

What happens if two men marry and move to a private island. Will that island become vacant?
I have no idea what you are rambling on about...

What happened to Epstein’s Island?
Learn how to use google, or whatever search engine you prefer.

Did Epstein really kill himself or did the prisoners murder a pedo?
We can speculate all we want, but that would be silly. Did you know one of the women claimed Trump raped her at one of Epstein's parties when she was 13 years old? How do we know if that is true or not? But without evidence it would be silly to claim that Trump raped a 13 year old...
i know I know ….. all homophobia …… mental illness skips around for mass murder killers but might want to start looking at more transgenders …Antifa type now..

look another transgender at work … there have been several shooters associated with this sickness.

not doing to well in the public acceptance department

transgenders or potential pedo mass murdering ppl… mental illness. I’d bet if they really dig deep will find most unexplained school shootings took place because the adult of child killer is #1 mentally ill #2 is probably gay or transgender. The more think about that for the unexplained shooters = more think back about particular murderers like Adam Lanza from Sandy Hook and others.

this is not “gun violence“ as the mass media and govt likes to repeat and present…. this is mental illness on display and committing criminal acts of violence. Nothing peaceful about queers and especially tranny if you talk with them. They are mostly mentally ill and disturbed. Maybe we need to dig deeper into the mass murderers from the past. Maybe more of them were gay and or transgender then we realize for undisclosed motivate. Hence we might discover their secrets and dig into the why that always goes unexplained for some of them. Some of their girl friends may not have been women. Definitely some of the women killers are men. It is what happens when you just humor mental illness like these ppl. .

this is just a quick look: oh and why does the news media make it so hard find pictures of killer if they are not white. Are they afraid of being called wacist. They surely put white ppl out there every single time. Every single time Always. Think the news is not slanted in more ways then one. Go look for yourself.

The vegas shooter was unmarked for reason aka motive for his shooting however he was a devote ATHEIST maybe he was a closet queer. His


gf had man hands and man shoulders probably a pickle too.


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we really do get sick of the lgtqb banana abc queer bs.
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diy solar

diy solar