diy solar

diy solar

WTH is this new Cali BS? Income Based Rate Increase??? I don't understand.... someone look at this PLZ

If you want to encourage people to save energy, don't charge them $100/month connect fee and $0.15/kW.
Just charge $0.30/kW

If you want to encourage people to save water, don't charge them $100/month for a water meter and ... $0.01/gallon ...

If you want to reduce pressure on natural resources, don't give people more money for having more children. Don't allow immigrants, except those you decide offer something the country wants.
I don't have a problem with any of that, especially the part about children... Maybe not exactly what I would have come up with, but close enough for a thumb's up...
:LOL: Ha, realpinochet is on fire. And why the other guy is blocked. They all have the same kowtow story.

Sounds like a inside job to me.
This is perfect example of control that they are trying to install over everyone. First they bate you into switching everything to electric, then they raise prices, then they ration you. And then if you say something that is not inline with the trend or refuse to take your 99th booster shot, they will cut you off entirely.
Its all right there in front of you. They are not even hiding it anymore.

Sounds like a inside job to me.

I can't believe power costs 33 cents a Kwh down there.


I pay 10 cents and get a 10% rebate check where I'm located.

If solar doesn't work out in California with abundant sun and 33 cents a Kwh, then there is no way in hell it pencils out anywhere else.
This is perfect example of control that they are trying to install over everyone. First they bate you into switching everything to electric, then they raise prices, then they ration you. And then if you say something that is not inline with the trend or refuse to take your 99th booster shot, they will cut you off entirely.
Its all right there in front of you. They are not even hiding it anymore.
There's a bit of truth in your statement... However, you can easily and relatively cheaply generate your own electrical power.. You can not do the same with natural gas or other petroleum products.

Capitalism works great when everything is easy and abundant.. not so much when being squeezed.

Keeping yourself dependent on petroleum means you are keeping yourself dependent on a few very, and very large, international companies who employ very few people relative to what they produce. Weren't you just complaining in another thread about the monopolization of our resources? I don't suppose you plan to drill your own oil well, so what's up?
It least we can agree it's not socialism. It feels like either bureaucratic incompetence, plutocracy, or bribery (political donations, etc) to me. I lean towards the first and last before calling it a political system.
Go ahead and believe that if you must. But......... What if you are wrong?
Conspiracy Theory is a leftest "buzz" word that tries to diminish the truth due to it not fitting there narrative. An example of this is Hunter's laptop and there attempt to hide the Biden family crimes.......
It wasn't even a word in our vernacular until the CIA, which was founded by Atheist communist, created it to shame and smear people.
We'd never know how smart you are if you weren't always telling us.
I have never once made any comment about my intelligence level in this forum.. Not once.

But you keep referring to me as being smart...

Perhaps you should take some time out for a bit of self-reflection to see what is causing you to make such comments? I'm not a psychologist but this seems like a mental health issue to me.
I have never once made any comment about my intelligence level in this forum.. Not once.

But you keep referring to me as being smart...

Perhaps you should take some time out for a bit of self-reflection to see what is causing you to make such comments? I'm not a psychologist but this seems like a mental health issue to me.
I think he was using something called sarcasm.
It wasn't even a word in our vernacular until the CIA, which was founded by Atheist communist, created it to shame and smear people.
Atheist communist? WTF?


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diy solar

diy solar