diy solar

diy solar

WTH is this new Cali BS? Income Based Rate Increase??? I don't understand.... someone look at this PLZ

From folks who can afford to pay more.

So, those that can't afford their electric bill shouldn't get help. Why should they have to pay less only because they can't afford it?

Generally, people who earn less are expected to buy less.
In practice, people usually decide what to spend their money on. We may not approve of their decisions, but it is freedom. For instance, if someone decides to buy expensive sneakers but can't afford good food.

Ultimately, we could make sure everyone has enough of what they need, regardless of income.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"
Generally, people who earn less are expected to buy less.
In practice, people usually decide what to spend their money on. We may not approve of their decisions, but it is freedom. For instance, if someone decides to buy expensive sneakers but can't afford good food.

Ultimately, we could make sure everyone has enough of what they need, regardless of income.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"
So socialism? With that in mind what happens with the border wide open and millions and millions of illegals pouring across; is America and the west suppose to be the Global welfare machine? You should see what this has done to Texas and our property taxes!
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then it's time to nationalize the infrastructure.
FERC does play a role in standards for regional grids. I am not sure about Nationalization? The only example is TVA or some provincial systems in Canada and I have not looked at them enough to know what the benefits are. I do know that the Municipal Utilities in California do have lower rates than the Investor Owned Utilities in California and they are not regulated by CPUC so maybe the form of "regulation" needs to be analyzed. Deregulation in California did have it's issues with Enron in early 2000s but I have a CCA which gives me better rates for the generation portion of the bill. It is the distribution part that is in question and what this fee is all about.
FERC does play a role in standards for regional grids. I am not sure about Nationalization? The only example is TVA or some provincial systems in Canada and I have not looked at them enough to know what the benefits are. I do know that the Municipal Utilities in California do have lower rates than the Investor Owned Utilities in California and they are not regulated by CPUC so maybe the form of "regulation" needs to be analyzed. Deregulation in California did have it's issues with Enron in early 2000s but I have a CCA which gives me better rates for the generation portion of the bill. It is the distribution part that is in question and what this fee is all about.
Sure, perhaps it would be more accurate to say city/county/state owned, and maybe certain aspects federal (cross state interconnects and what not)
You mean like roads, the military, fire and police services? And how they all work better than private attempts at those? Right ok. Or how nearly every community/city run ISP costs less and works better than nearly every private company ISP? ok.
You mean like the state building the roads and the Federal government saying ahh here’s some free money. Then 20 years later saying if you don’t do what we say we are are pulling our funds.
Same thing with education.

The US highway system was built by the government not for the people but for Troop movement.
The federal government has no funds.
They are taxes collected from us.

Paying taxes for a municipal water system, Police and Fire is not socialism.
It’s a paid service from our tax base.

Military same way. It was to protect the country.
Is everyone’s military Socialist? I think not.

When I bust my ass, make good and bad choices but still continue to improve myself then suddenly I’m being penalized for it to take care of people who want to sit on their asses and plunk out 10 kids.

I am not responsible for those people.

I help people who help themselves.

Don’t waste the bleeding heart stuff here.
I’m only responsible for me and my family. Nobody else.

Giving people money to bring up their level of living taken from people who have earned that money is Socialism. Not having it.
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Don’t waste the bleeding heart stuff here.
I’m only responsible for me and my family. Nobody else.
[removed] Travel more, see the world, meet people unlike yourself and try talking to them.

Edit: Unwatching this thread as it's a dumpster fire.
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No, it's called a functioning society of people who wouldn't let their neighbor die because they made mistakes or couldn't empty a boot of water if the instructions were inside. It's called pooling and distributing resources generally better than individual and local efforts go. it's how we build the road network that keeps the country running, how we defend the country and shipping with the military, how the police and fire departments are run. What a bunch of people are calling "socialism" is actually just the least bad way to run things we've figured out for a modern 1st world nation that attempts to do the most good for the most people.

If you breakdown where "all the money" actually goes all of the welfare is fairly small. Huge chunks of it go to kids (if you are going to argue against that please just don't), unemployment insurance, which is paid for and proportional to any and all paying jobs a person had generally in the past 2 years and is further means tested by the states, as well as generally limited to 6 months per claim. it tends to be 1/4th of what you made, or less, as is still taxed as income, and healthcare for the old and the poor (like really REALLY poor, usually if you have any savings you don't quality, if you are getting UI you don't qualify).

Trying to bring immigration policy into an already wildly off topic discussion is not a strong or useful argument about the subjects already in play.

I really should have disabled notifications for this thread. Too many people getting their words, and world, defined by TV.
I will argue against the kids, I don't have any in the school system and shouldn't have to pay for it period. And, the more illegals that flood in the more the schools take; why should people have to give up their dam home cause they can't pay the property taxes subsidizing other people? If you bleeding heart liberals want to spend your money on others then do it..stop expecting the rest if us to foot the bill cause you guys get all emotional and think your morally superior. I should not have to take care of other peoples responsibilities..especially ones that hopped the fence.
The politest thing I can say is I pity you. Travel more, see the world, meet people unlike yourself and try talking to them.

Edit: Unwatching this thread as it's a dumpster fire.
Bye you are in the basement of the forums - chit chat forum = no lights on and no sunshine here. You will get your feelings hurt here. 50 other forums to chose from. Will Prowse is over generous. . Good luck.
You mean like roads, the military, fire and police services? And how they all work better than private attempts at those? Right ok. Or how nearly every community/city run ISP costs less and works better than nearly every private company ISP? ok.
Eh, the roads around here suck :LOL:
Roads paid for by a gas tax makes more sense as it is still usage based.

I shouldn't have to worry about losing the roof over my childrens' heads because of property tax to send someone else's kid to a school. That's asinine.
Roads paid for by a gas tax makes more sense as it is still usage based.

I shouldn't have to worry about losing the roof over my childrens' heads because of property tax to send someone else's kid to a school. That's asinine.
Exactly in DFW they provide free breakfast and lunch all year...and in the summer they still provide free breakfast if you're enrolled. While people are loosing their homes and can't afford to have quality food themselves. Our ER are being used as a primary care doctor to....and they never collect any money so the tax payer has to pay it while they can't afford their own health care.
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Been all over the world. Spent 20 years in the military.
Saw all kinds of hurt.
Not my responsibility to take care of everyone.
To many of the liberals haven’t seen what the real world is like if they did travel abroad it definitely wasn’t in the same areas we were in, my many years in the navy has definitely changed my desire to travel abroad and go on a cruise
To many of the liberals haven’t seen what the real world is like if they did travel abroad it definitely wasn’t in the same areas we were in, my many years in the navy has definitely changed my desire to travel abroad and go on a cruise

diy solar

diy solar