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diy solar

WTH is this new Cali BS? Income Based Rate Increase??? I don't understand.... someone look at this PLZ


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You get your information from an alcoholic drug user and drug dealer?
How about the NL government themselves; you know the NL which is trying to take the farmers land for the environment cult and sparked political upheaval. Is a government source good enough?

How about the NL government themselves; you know the NL which is trying to take the farmers land for the environment cult and sparked political upheaval. Is a government source good enough?

I'm not sure about the relevance between the link anec provided and what you provided, but lets focus on your link..

What specifically do you take issue with regarding the information in your link? Please be specific.
I'm not sure about the relevance between the link anec provided and what you provided, but lets focus on your link..

What specifically do you take issue with regarding the information in your link? Please be specific.
The link provided before mine and the one I provided are intrinsically linked. Have you not been watching what's going on in the Netherlands regarding the Dutch farmers and the move to strip their land as a sacrifice to the mother gaia cult? The specific's a bunch of bullshit from the climate change Marxist to take control over the food production. And, it's not just the Netherlands. So, Co2 is bad, Nitrogen is step water is banned and we have to water the crops with Brawndo. Idiocracy was suppose to be humor not a blue print.
The link provided before mine and the one I provided are intrinsically linked. Have you not been watching what's going on in the Netherlands regarding the Dutch farmers and the move to strip their land as a sacrifice to the mother gaia cult? The specific's a bunch of bullshit from the climate change Marxist to take control over the food production. And, it's not just the Netherlands. So, Co2 is bad, Nitrogen is step water is banned and we have to water the crops with Brawndo. Idiocracy was suppose to be humor not a blue print.
You're not making sense, but maybe its just the way you worded things..

Google has produced a trove of links indicating that the Netherlands are being saturated with nitrogen compounds due to (what I can assess) over-fertilization of crops.

The types of nitrogen agriculture uses are very harmful in a variety of ways. This is not the atmospheric nitrogen you and I breath all day long. Atmospheric nitrogen is diatomic (N2) and is pretty much useless and benign to almost everything... But farmers don't use diatomic nitrogen, they use ammonia, which breaks down into various nitrogen oxides.. kills fish, poisons people, causes cancer, causes toxic algae blooms, etc etc.. Its a long damn list of bad things. Those nasty nitrogen compounds will eventually break down, but if you're putting them into the environment faster than they can be broken down, you're going to run into a lot of problems.

The USA had the same problem with phosphates back in the (60's and 70's)?.. we fixed it.. Phosphates are wonderful.. they make better soaps, better laundry detergent, better dishwasher detergent. But they were causing big time problems so we passed laws and regulations to limit their inclusion into household products so as to reduce the pollution.

We don't have a problem with nitrogen here in the USA because our population density is so low and farming area so big.. Here in the USA, we have about 96 people per square mile on average... The Netherlands comes in at over 1300 people per square mile.

Nitrogen makes crops grow faster.. I suspect it also lowers their nutritional value as the faster any plant grows, the lower its density of pretty much everything. Heck, even firewood falls under this rule.. Oak trees make great firewood, they also grow slowly.. pine trees are poor firewood and grow quickly. The same rules apply to most things.
But farm produce is measured in weight and volume, so the faster something grows, the more money the farmer makes.. pour on the nitrogen!

We don't have a problem in the USA because we have lots of farm fields and few people per square mile to feed.. but in the Netherlands, the population density is far far higher, so farmers have to push their crops as much as possible. And now its becoming a problem for the environment.
You're not making sense, but maybe its just the way you worded things..

Google has produced a trove of links indicating that the Netherlands are being saturated with nitrogen compounds due to (what I can assess) over-fertilization of crops.

The types of nitrogen agriculture uses are very harmful in a variety of ways. This is not the atmospheric nitrogen you and I breath all day long. Atmospheric nitrogen is diatomic (N2) and is pretty much useless and benign to almost everything... But farmers don't use diatomic nitrogen, they use ammonia, which breaks down into various nitrogen oxides.. kills fish, poisons people, causes cancer, causes toxic algae blooms, etc etc.. Its a long damn list of bad things. Those nasty nitrogen compounds will eventually break down, but if you're putting them into the environment faster than they can be broken down, you're going to run into a lot of problems.

The USA had the same problem with phosphates back in the (60's and 70's)?.. we fixed it.. Phosphates are wonderful.. they make better soaps, better laundry detergent, better dishwasher detergent. But they were causing big time problems so we passed laws and regulations to limit their inclusion into household products so as to reduce the pollution.

We don't have a problem with nitrogen here in the USA because our population density is so low and farming area so big.. Here in the USA, we have about 96 people per square mile on average... The Netherlands comes in at over 1300 people per square mile.

Nitrogen makes crops grow faster.. I suspect it also lowers their nutritional value as the faster any plant grows, the lower its density of pretty much everything. Heck, even firewood falls under this rule.. Oak trees make great firewood, they also grow slowly.. pine trees are poor firewood and grow quickly. The same rules apply to most things.
But farm produce is measured in weight and volume, so the faster something grows, the more money the farmer makes.. pour on the nitrogen!

We don't have a problem in the USA because we have lots of farm fields and few people per square mile to feed.. but in the Netherlands, the population density is far far higher, so farmers have to push their crops as much as possible. And now its becoming a problem for the environment.
There were several "liberal" prominent Dutch scientist that refuted all this for over a few years now with a plethora of evidence. Dutch rely heavily on decomposition for their fertilizer of which most is cow manure for the N. Also, the Dutch are known as some of the best farmers on the planet and grow the most food for the least amount of space and fertilizer. Using the cycle of life as fertilizer is the cleanest way possible and what the cult used to preach before the mother giai ship beamed down their firmware update. Besides, you don't confiscate land that's been in the family for generations for this. They are also requiring them to kill off something like 2/3 of their cattle for cow farts. But hey..lets just go around and strip mine the earth for toxic heavy metals and call it a green agenda; then lets get China, the most polluting country on earth, to do the dirty work for us so we can virtual single our green electric agenda. This isn't anything remotely close to synthetic phosphates companies were polluting our waterways with back in the days. Remind wasn't long ago that the Dutch were praised by the EU and UN for their ability to grow lots of food with almost no negative environmental impact. And, they've been doing it for what centuries the same way. What changed and why now all the sudden? If they were serious they would be going after the toxic chemicals we dump into the earth, synthetic and or genetically altered food along with all the toxic pharmaceuticals. Lets start there and then work backwards to growing food and eating steak.
There were several "liberal" prominent Dutch scientist that refuted all this for over a few years now with a plethora of evidence.
There was a whole "several" ?? Wow.. no hint of corrupt payoffs there..
Dutch rely heavily on decomposition for their fertilizer of which most is cow manure for the N.
Bull$hit.. Dutch farmers are as industrialized as every other modern country on the planet and use the same basic practices. I have a friend here in Michigan with a 1000 acre dairy farm and I know how it works. He collects the manure and uses a manure spreader to spread it back onto the field.. That's not really fertilizing as much as its waste treatment.. He still spreads nitrogen (urea) in massive quantities that stunned even me.

Also, the Dutch are known as some of the best farmers on the planet and grow the most food for the least amount of space and fertilizer.
That sentence is opinion, vague at best, and also misleading. Fertilizer means money, and the more fertilizer you put down, the more money you make on a scale with a sort of bell curve.. and trust me, every farmer shoots for the top of that bell curve. For crying out loud, do you know anything about farming at all? Or are you getting this crap from some wack-a-doodle website with a political agenda?

The entire planet's land based food supply is based upon a 6 inch layer of soil under your foot.. You can only grow so much food in that soil before the plants strip it of the nutrients needed.. at which point, you must add those nutrients back if you want the plants to continue growing.

In fact, the process is so destructive that, in my own "non expert" opinion, I'm starting to suspect that lack of micro-nutrients in our food chain might be contributing to some of the craziness we're seeing in society. Farmers spread fertilizers with potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.. lacking in this basic fertilizer mix are about two hundred minerals and micro-nutrients that are not required for a healthy plant, but I suspect are required for a healthy plant that produces a fully nutritious produce. That's just my own opinion..

Using the cycle of life as fertilizer is the cleanest way possible and what the cult used to preach before the mother giai ship beamed down their firmware update.
Putting poop back down on the land is only a small part of the life cycle.. Don't get me wrong, its a good start, but poop will never keep up with the ability of the crops to strip the land of nutrients year after year after year. To achieve that level of replenishment, you'd not only have to spread down wood chips, but you'd also have to leave hundreds of dead carcasses to rot, and you'd still need to truck in loads of volcanic ash on top of that.. None of this would be socially acceptable or practical.

Besides, you don't confiscate land that's been in the family for generations for this.
The Netherlands aren't my cup of tea, but do you have a link showing that they have confiscated private land under the pretenses you suggest? I ask because I call BS on that.. but maybe I'm wrong.. I don't live there.

They are also requiring them to kill off something like 2/3 of their cattle for cow farts.
I don't think its just because of cow farts but I suspect that might be a significant reason.. Methane is 20x more powerful than co2.

But hey..lets just go around and strip mine the earth for toxic heavy metals and call it a green agenda; then lets get China, the most polluting country on earth, to do the dirty work for us so we can virtual single our green electric agenda. This isn't anything remotely close to synthetic phosphates companies were polluting our waterways with back in the days. Remind wasn't long ago that the Dutch were praised by the EU and UN for their ability to grow lots of food with almost no negative environmental impact. And, they've been doing it for what centuries the same way. What changed and why now all the sudden? If they were serious they would be going after the toxic chemicals we dump into the earth, synthetic and or genetically altered food along with all the toxic pharmaceuticals. Lets start there and then work backwards to growing food and eating steak.
That is a statement that could be argued both ways, but I would suggest keeping the hyperbole to a minimum as it doesn't help.

Besides, what do you care? Do you live in the Netherlands or are you just hopping on the alt-right wing band wagon for the heck of it? How about we let the Netherlands do what they think is best for the Netherlands? Let their voters create change if needed.
There was a whole "several" ?? Wow.. no hint of corrupt payoffs there..

Bull$hit.. Dutch farmers are as industrialized as every other modern country on the planet and use the same basic practices. I have a friend here in Michigan with a 1000 acre dairy farm and I know how it works. He collects the manure and uses a manure spreader to spread it back onto the field.. That's not really fertilizing as much as its waste treatment.. He still spreads nitrogen (urea) in massive quantities that stunned even me.

That sentence is opinion, vague at best, and also misleading. Fertilizer means money, and the more fertilizer you put down, the more money you make on a scale with a sort of bell curve.. and trust me, every farmer shoots for the top of that bell curve. For crying out loud, do you know anything about farming at all? Or are you getting this crap from some wack-a-doodle website with a political agenda?

The entire planet's land based food supply is based upon a 6 inch layer of soil under your foot.. You can only grow so much food in that soil before the plants strip it of the nutrients needed.. at which point, you must add those nutrients back if you want the plants to continue growing.

In fact, the process is so destructive that, in my own "non expert" opinion, I'm starting to suspect that lack of micro-nutrients in our food chain might be contributing to some of the craziness we're seeing in society. Farmers spread fertilizers with potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.. lacking in this basic fertilizer mix are about two hundred minerals and micro-nutrients that are not required for a healthy plant, but I suspect are required for a healthy plant that produces a fully nutritious produce. That's just my own opinion..

Putting poop back down on the land is only a small part of the life cycle.. Don't get me wrong, its a good start, but poop will never keep up with the ability of the crops to strip the land of nutrients year after year after year. To achieve that level of replenishment, you'd not only have to spread down wood chips, but you'd also have to leave hundreds of dead carcasses to rot, and you'd still need to truck in loads of volcanic ash on top of that.. None of this would be socially acceptable or practical.

The Netherlands aren't my cup of tea, but do you have a link showing that they have confiscated private land under the pretenses you suggest? I ask because I call BS on that.. but maybe I'm wrong.. I don't live there.

I don't think its just because of cow farts but I suspect that might be a significant reason.. Methane is 20x more powerful than co2.

That is a statement that could be argued both ways, but I would suggest keeping the hyperbole to a minimum as it doesn't help.

Besides, what do you care? Do you live in the Netherlands or are you just hopping on the alt-right wing band wagon for the heck of it? How about we let the Netherlands do what they think is best for the Netherlands? Let their voters create change if needed.
You didn't watch any of the science in the court hearing, even when your own team "liberals" come out and refute something you pitch a fit. The dutch are known for growing the best nutrient dense food using mostly organic fertilizer with unrealistic yields using farming techniques over just pouring fertilizer out like grow candy. That's the shit we do here in the USA with petroleum based fertilizer and only concentrate on N more than anything else which is why our food is almost completely void of nutrients. I told you the EU and UN recognized this not long ago. Methane isn't a issue..if it was the shit you liberals spew out your mouth would have killed us all a long time ago.
There was a whole "several" ?? Wow.. no hint of corrupt payoffs there..

Bull$hit.. Dutch farmers are as industrialized as every other modern country on the planet and use the same basic practices. I have a friend here in Michigan with a 1000 acre dairy farm and I know how it works. He collects the manure and uses a manure spreader to spread it back onto the field.. That's not really fertilizing as much as its waste treatment.. He still spreads nitrogen (urea) in massive quantities that stunned even me.

That sentence is opinion, vague at best, and also misleading. Fertilizer means money, and the more fertilizer you put down, the more money you make on a scale with a sort of bell curve.. and trust me, every farmer shoots for the top of that bell curve. For crying out loud, do you know anything about farming at all? Or are you getting this crap from some wack-a-doodle website with a political agenda?

The entire planet's land based food supply is based upon a 6 inch layer of soil under your foot.. You can only grow so much food in that soil before the plants strip it of the nutrients needed.. at which point, you must add those nutrients back if you want the plants to continue growing.

In fact, the process is so destructive that, in my own "non expert" opinion, I'm starting to suspect that lack of micro-nutrients in our food chain might be contributing to some of the craziness we're seeing in society. Farmers spread fertilizers with potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.. lacking in this basic fertilizer mix are about two hundred minerals and micro-nutrients that are not required for a healthy plant, but I suspect are required for a healthy plant that produces a fully nutritious produce. That's just my own opinion..

Putting poop back down on the land is only a small part of the life cycle.. Don't get me wrong, its a good start, but poop will never keep up with the ability of the crops to strip the land of nutrients year after year after year. To achieve that level of replenishment, you'd not only have to spread down wood chips, but you'd also have to leave hundreds of dead carcasses to rot, and you'd still need to truck in loads of volcanic ash on top of that.. None of this would be socially acceptable or practical.

The Netherlands aren't my cup of tea, but do you have a link showing that they have confiscated private land under the pretenses you suggest? I ask because I call BS on that.. but maybe I'm wrong.. I don't live there.

I don't think its just because of cow farts but I suspect that might be a significant reason.. Methane is 20x more powerful than co2.

That is a statement that could be argued both ways, but I would suggest keeping the hyperbole to a minimum as it doesn't help.

Besides, what do you care?

"United States Imports from Netherlands of Meat of swine (pork), fresh, chilled or frozen was US$29.09 Million during 2021"​

Seems like a realistic concern don't you think?
You didn't watch any of the science in the court hearing, even when your own team "liberals" come out and refute something you pitch a fit. The dutch are known for growing the best nutrient dense food using mostly organic fertilizer with unrealistic yields using farming techniques over just pouring fertilizer out like grow candy. That's the shit we do here in the USA with petroleum based fertilizer and only concentrate on N more than anything else which is why our food is almost completely void of nutrients. I told you the EU and UN recognized this not long ago. Methane isn't a issue..if it was the shit you liberals spew out your mouth would have killed us all a long time ago.
I simply don't care about farming politics in the Netherlands.. I don't live there.. You mentioned the nitrogen thing and I though I'd straighten out the science for you because you didn't seem to understand it.

How boring and empty is your life if you're concerned with farming politics in some country on the other side of the planet?

Jeez.. I feel sorry for you now...

"United States Imports from Netherlands of Meat of swine (pork), fresh, chilled or frozen was US$29.09 Million during 2021"​

Seems like a realistic concern don't you think?
Is it a realistic concern? Hmm.. lets examine that.

There are 300,000,000+ people in the USA and we imported $29,090,000 in the year 2021..

Lets use some of that grades school math (most of us) learned when we were like 7 years old.... that works out to $10.31 per person in the year 2021.

Grade school math is a wonderful thing. I suggest everyone learn how to use it.
Is it a realistic concern? Hmm.. lets examine that.

There are 300,000,000+ people in the USA and we imported $29,090,000 in the year 2021..

Lets use some of that grades school math (most of us) learned when we were like 7 years old.... that works out to $10.31 per person in the year 2021.

Grade school math is a wonderful thing. I suggest everyone learn how to use it.
Ya well it may surprise you that many countries are thinking in the same manor including here, so...........
Ya well it may surprise you that many countries are thinking in the same manor including here, so...........
Trivial and inconsequential.. I can't speak for others, but even in retirement, I have more important things to do.
Interesting conversation. I came to read about SDGE wanting $128/month for doing nothing 9 months out of the year. If and when this goes into effect, I am going to figure out how to disconnect. Winter will be hard, but at $1500 a year, I can pay for some gas.
You didn't watch any of the science in the court hearing, even when your own team "liberals" come out and refute something you pitch a fit. The dutch are known for growing the best nutrient dense food using mostly organic fertilizer with unrealistic yields using farming techniques over just pouring fertilizer out like grow candy. That's the shit we do here in the USA with petroleum based fertilizer and only concentrate on N more than anything else which is why our food is almost completely void of nutrients. I told you the EU and UN recognized this not long ago. Methane isn't a issue..if it was the shit you liberals spew out your mouth would have killed us all a long time ago.

You're wasting your time.

He's an omnipresent, omniscient being with no holes to poop or pee out of and therefore no stink.

He hid his diety as a lowly plant electrician turned internet expert.
There are 300,000,000+ people in the USA and we imported $29,090,000 in the year 2021..

Lets use some of that grades school math (most of us) learned when we were like 7 years old.... that works out to $10.31 per person in the year 2021.


Is this the same math you used to analyze CO2 concentrations, man-made global warming vs. natural cycles, and all the rest?

Grade school math is a wonderful thing. I suggest everyone learn how to use it.

I agree.

(The peasants are revolting)

Is this the same math you used to analyze CO2 concentrations, man-made global warming vs. natural cycles, and all the rest?
Huh? I think you have me confused with another member?

Now back to the point of my post, how has that grade-school math been working out for you? ;)

Now back to the point of my post, how has that grade-school math been working out for you? ;)
My math works just fine..

But I'm still missing your point.. are you arguing that volcano's create more co2 than man? Or is there something else?

What's with the cryptic replies?
My math works just fine..

But I'm still missing your point.. are you arguing that volcano's create more co2 than man? Or is there something else?

What's with the cryptic replies?
He's saying you're so retarded you couldn't find water if you fell out of a boat.
My math works just fine..

But I'm still missing your point.. are you arguing that volcano's create more co2 than man? Or is there something else?

What's with the cryptic replies?

If I was your grade school math teacher I would give you an "F" for eFFort.

diy solar

diy solar