diy solar

diy solar

Keep the WHO from dictating our national policy.


Make Stuff In America Again!
Jul 4, 2022
More wack-a-doodle nonsense coming from the nonsensical Christian religious orgs.

For those interested this is what's going on and it's moving fast.

Hey Genius, are you not capable of recognizing voter pandering when you see it? Obviously the concept isn't within your grasp.

Maybe you should google "Dumbest federal legislation" to see a list of all the dumbass things some of our elected officials try to introduce.

The United States is the most powerful and richest country on the planet... it is not even possible for us to cede our sovereignty to anyone else.

And while we do occasionally make agreements, unless someone wants to invade us, they're not really binding by any reasonable authority.

Seriously, you need to read some more books, maybe go back to grade school and pay attention this time around. You make yourself look really stupid when you post garbage like this.

This is also being reported on by Justice watch and fox before tucker got canceled; there's is a agreement being drawn up to allow the WHO to dictate our health polices ..specifically in relation to pandemic response.
Hey Genius, are you not capable of recognizing voter pandering when you see it? Obviously the concept isn't within your grasp.

Maybe you should google "Dumbest federal legislation" to see a list of all the dumbass things some of our elected officials try to introduce.

The United States is the most powerful and richest country on the planet... it is not even possible for us to cede our sovereignty to anyone else.

And while we do occasionally make agreements, unless someone wants to invade us, they're not really binding by any reasonable authority.

Seriously, you need to read some more books, maybe go back to grade school and pay attention this time around. You make yourself look really stupid when you post garbage like this.
Go suck the lithium out of your batteries you mentally unstable troglodyte.

This is also being reported on by Justice watch and fox before tucker got canceled; there's is a agreement being drawn up to allow the WHO to dictate our health polices ..specifically in relation to pandemic response.

They really know how to push your buttons.. It's actually quite comical.

This is also being reported on by Justice watch and fox before tucker got canceled; there's is a agreement being drawn up to allow the WHO to dictate our health polices ..specifically in relation to pandemic response.

Here, let me fill you in.. I'm just taking an educated guess here but I suspect I'm probably either spot on or very close.

First off, the WHO, nor any other international body, can dictate anything to the USA... That's the first thing that needs to sink into anyone with an uneducated thick skull that doesn't handle information well.. or someone who doesn't read many books.

Its far more likely that the WHO is asking the USA to hop on the agreement bandwagon as our roll as leaders in the world. You see, by getting us to sign, and getting other modern countries to sign, it encourages the not-so-modern countries to sign up as well. That's how leadership works.. It's right in the definition of the very word "leadership".. IE: To lead, to be the first, to set an example.

By doing so, we get the little dirty countries to also jump on the wagon, because that's probably what the WHO really wants.. They want the dumbasses in the dirt poor countries to trust that the WHO will use their best science and provide the best guidance.. and they want these dirt countries to agree to follow their policies instead of some cuckoo religious leader or dictator nut job surrounded by a bunch of "yes men"

But the WHO can't just walk up to these dirt country thiefdoms and say "trust us, we're here to help".. The who needs a sort of "reference sheet".. which is the agreement signed by the rest of the world's leading countries.

No matter what the USA agrees to, if we don't like the policy, we're not going to honor the agreement, nor would any country.

For crying out loud, you are so easy to manipulate you're like a puppet on strings. Stop reading wacko right wing websites and pick up some real books. Try less internet and more library..

The World Health Organization can make recommendations after the declaration of a global emergency, but it has no control over any nation's decisions.

So why would conservatives in the U.S. falsely claim that amendments proposed by the Biden administration to existing global health regulations, and a new WHO pandemic treaty, will threaten U.S. sovereignty? Are they really that gullible?

This is also being reported on by Justice watch and fox before tucker got canceled; there's is a agreement being drawn up to allow the WHO to dictate our health polices ..specifically in relation to pandemic response.

With a wink and a nod, I think many of us already know which group/country actually runs the United States.

We fully lost our sovereignty in 1948.
For those interested this is what's going on and it's moving fast.

This is the preferred method. Politicians cede control to unelected bodies to shield themselves from negative political consequences and to bypass the legislative process, checks and balances that go along with setting policy.

Pfizer needs to only control the WHO to get many countries to buy their products at once. Much less work than the amount of lobbying they have to do now.
With a wink and a nod, I think many of us already know which group/country actually runs the United States.

We fully lost our sovereignty in 1948.
I agree.. but everybody is too dam scared to talk about it. Notice patterns and your antisemitic. The most protected group on the planet..can't even discuss the issue.
This is the preferred method. Politicians cede control to unelected bodies to shield themselves from negative political consequences and to bypass the legislative process, checks and balances that go along with setting policy.

Pfizer needs to only control the WHO to get many countries to buy their products at once. Much less work than the amount of lobbying they have to do now.
Exactly, and that's what they are doing. They are ceding control to the WHO via a treaty and bypassing congress. What the two retards above can't mentally grasp is these Marxist don't give two shits about the constitution or rule of law and they despise this countries founding principles with a burning hate.
I wonder, are these people Russian bots or are they really so stupid as to believe that the WHO can dictate policy to sovereign states?
Exactly, and that's what they are doing. They are ceding control to the WHO via a treaty and bypassing congress. What the two retards above can't mentally grasp is these Marxist don't give two shits about the constitution or rule of law and they despise this countries founding principles with a burning hate.

The want to feel safe and protected. Spooned, nuzzled and booped by government.

Enjoy the slide downward. I don't think there is much anyone can do.

Pretend you're a liberal when you talk to other liberals. It's funny as hell.
I wonder, are these people Russian bots or are they really so stupid as to believe that the WHO can dictate policy to sovereign states?

My guess is that its just stupidity. I haven't detected any of the normal Russian-English translation glitches that are so common. It takes a full 10 to 15 years to completely eliminate the 2nd language translation glitches so these folks are either well trained and seasoned by decades of practice here in the USA (sleeper agents), or they're just dumb ass Americans without any education.

The sleeper theory seems ridiculous, which leaves dumb ass.. usually defined as lacking college education, religious indoctrination, alcohol, drugs, and a redneck mentality that limits them to manual labor like digging ditches, pounding nails, or driving something.
My guess is that its just stupidity. I haven't detected any of the normal Russian-English translation glitches that are so common. It takes a full 10 to 15 years to completely eliminate the 2nd language translation glitches so these folks are either well trained and seasoned by decades of practice here in the USA (sleeper agents), or they're just dumb ass Americans without any education.

The sleeper theory seems ridiculous, which leaves dumb ass.. usually defined as lacking college education, religious indoctrination, alcohol, drugs, and a redneck mentality that limits them to manual labor like digging ditches, pounding nails, or driving something.

Yes but even the ditch digger you look down on knows that boys have a penis and girls have a vagina.

I do agree though. If someone is educated, they do not question or object to anything government does.
Yes but even the ditch digger you look down on knows that boys have a penis and girls have a vagina.
1000 years ago, we all knew the Earth was flat.
500 years ago, we all knew the Earth was the center of the universe.
200 years ago, we all knew the sound barrier couldn't be broken
100 years ago, we knew the Milkyway was the entire universe.

Just think what that ditch digger might know in the future.

Your predilection for categorizing human sexuality based upon what your eyes can see is so unbelievably ignorant and shallow, it is an embarrassment to society, and an obvious failure of your single working parent who didn't spend enough time with you.

I do agree though. If someone is educated, they do not question or object to anything government does.
That might be in the top ten dumbest things you've ever said in this forum..

When I asked you "How stupid can you be?".. it was rhetorical, it wasn't a challenge.

To look up the word "rhetorical", google is spelled G O O G L E
1000 years ago, we all knew the Earth was flat.
500 years ago, we all knew the Earth was the center of the universe.
200 years ago, we all knew the sound barrier couldn't be broken
100 years ago, we knew the Milkyway was the entire universe.

Just think what that ditch digger might know in the future.

Your predilection for categorizing human sexuality based upon what your eyes can see is so unbelievably ignorant and shallow, it is an embarrassment to society, and an obvious failure of your single working parent who didn't spend enough time with you.

That might be in the top ten dumbest things you've ever said in this forum..

When I asked you "How stupid can you be?".. it was rhetorical, it wasn't a challenge.

To look up the word "rhetorical", google is spelled G O O G L E

1000 years ago, they knew boys have a penis and girls have a vagina.

500 years ago, they knew boys have a penis and girls have a vagina

200 years ago they knew boys have a penis and girls have a vagina.

100 years ago they knew boys have a penis and girls have a vagina.

Apparently, you must have given birth to your children. I'm curious what your hot dog looks like after doing that?

Remember when bugs bunny would jam his finger in the barrel of elmer fudds gun and then when the gun was fired, the barrel split down the center with each half kind curling back like a wheelbarrow mustache?

I'm guessing it looks like that.