diy solar

diy solar

Keep the WHO from dictating our national policy.

Good question. Bad comparison.

Germany, like other countries at the time, was going through a recession and a populist leader, blaming the government of the time for all the ills, became popular. If you listen to the Speeches Hitler gave he started of quite reasonable and slowly worked the crowd into a fever. We are only seeing snippets of those speeches near the end on the news and he looks like a lunatic. It is easy to make Trump (and even Biden) look like a lunatic as well.

He used fear and hatred towards minorities, (Jews, gypsies, foreigners, homosexuals, etc) We see similar things today with nationalist in the US. Coincidentally Germany in that time was mostly protestant as well and Hitler publicly appealed to their sentiments, even though he most likely was an atheist himself. It was nothing new, he build upon existing hate, the seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther, who wrote "Von den Jüden und iren Lügen" A nasty piece of work where he advocated to persecute Jews.

International treaties under Hitler were broken, again similar to what we see today with nationalistic right wing authoritarians who use the fear for international cooperation, like the WHO. Even the hatred towards homosexuals are back in vogue.
Good question. Bad comparison.

Germany, like other countries at the time, was going through a recession and a populist leader, blaming the government of the time for all the ills, became popular. If you listen to the Speeches Hitler gave he started of quite reasonable and slowly worked the crowd into a fever. We are only seeing snippets of those speeches near the end on the news and he looks like a lunatic. It is easy to make Trump (and even Biden) look like a lunatic as well.

He used fear and hatred towards minorities, (Jews, gypsies, foreigners, homosexuals, etc) We see similar things today with nationalist in the US. Coincidentally Germany in that time was mostly protestant as well and Hitler publicly appealed to their sentiments, even though he most likely was an atheist himself. It was nothing new, he build upon existing hate, the seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther, who wrote "Von den Jüden und iren Lügen" A nasty piece of work where he advocated to persecute Jews.

International treaties under Hitler were broken, again similar to what we see today with nationalistic right wing authoritarians who use the fear for international cooperation, like the WHO. Even the hatred towards homosexuals are back in vogue.

Tell us more!
So, I'm curious which ideology did you label me as this time and what specific post lead you to what conclusion?
Your simple minded and uneducated ignorance is not an ideology, its an unfortunate mental health condition.
Triggered both of you..the methadone clinics must have closed early today.
Watching you go full retard over other people's sexuality is like watching a 5 year old throw a temper tantrum.

What's with your interest in other people's genitals?

From reading various news stories, it has been shown time and time again, that the loudest objectors to a such sexuality issues are almost always the ones hiding their own problems. We saw this extensively in the 80's and 90's..

You're obviously hiding something.. psychological projection?
Watching you go full retard over other people's sexuality is like watching a 5 year old throw a temper tantrum.

What's with your interest in other people's genitals?

From reading various news stories, it has been shown time and time again, that the loudest objectors to a such sexuality issues are almost always the ones hiding their own problems. We saw this extensively in the 80's and 90's..

You're obviously hiding something.. psychological projection?
I'm sorry the libtards opened the border and you're getting the tainted Fentanyle, but this thread was about the WHO not your obsession with race and sexuality. If you want to talk about trannies and budlight start your own dam thread.
Watching you go full retard over other people's sexuality is like watching a 5 year old throw a temper tantrum.

I wonder if you'll feel the same way when your daughter takes a baseball hit to the face that was hit by a guy dressed as a girl.

Or when she's in the locker room and bro in a hello kitty shirt goes to change and his hot dog flops out.
I wonder if you'll feel the same way when your daughter takes a baseball hit to the face that was hit by a guy dressed as a girl.
Well now, I draw the line at those kinds of sports because of the male physical superiority issue. I don't have any issue with them participating in certain sports, but when the sport involves one's physical prowess, then I do have an issue with it.

Putting someone born male, with male musculature, in a female sport like baseball, basketball, or boxing, would not be appropriate. However, mixing genders in a sport like target shooting, archery, or other sport that is far less dependent on physical strength doesn't seem to be a problem.

Or when she's in the locker room and bro in a hello kitty shirt goes to change and his hot dog flops out.
Wait a moment here.. things are being conflated. It is my opinion that if you have a penis, you go to the male room.. if you have a vagina, then you go to the female room.. But if you have completed a full sex change with surgery and all, then you go to whatever room is appropriate for your sex change.

The only exception I think is appropriate is the sports issue.. If you were born male, then you have male musculature and you should be restricted from participating in some (but not all) female sports. Specifically, those female sports where physical superiority is a quantifiable advantage. This is because, regardless of their sexual identity or sex change operation, they will still retain most, if not all, of their physical musculature.

Other than that, let them do whatever they want, its none of my business or yours.
Or when she's in the locker room and bro in a hello kitty shirt goes to change and his hot dog flops out.
Five Miss Teen USA 1997 contestants did allege in 2016 that Trump walked into the dressing room as contestants — some as young as 15 years old — were changing.
Well now, I draw the line at those kinds of sports because of the male physical superiority issue. I don't have any issue with them participating in certain sports, but when the sport involves one's physical prowess, then I do have an issue with it.

Putting someone born male, with male musculature, in a female sport like baseball, basketball, or boxing, would not be appropriate. However, mixing genders in a sport like target shooting, archery, or other sport that is far less dependent on physical strength doesn't seem to be a problem.

Wait a moment here.. things are being conflated. It is my opinion that if you have a penis, you go to the male room.. if you have a vagina, then you go to the female room.. But if you have completed a full sex change with surgery and all, then you go to whatever room is appropriate for your sex change.

The only exception I think is appropriate is the sports issue.. If you were born male, then you have male musculature and you should be restricted from participating in some (but not all) female sports. Specifically, those female sports where physical superiority is a quantifiable advantage. This is because, regardless of their sexual identity or sex change operation, they will still retain most, if not all, of their physical musculature.

Other than that, let them do whatever they want, its none of my business or yours.

You're a transphobe.

Just because someone has a penis doesn't mean they aren't a women. You're denying trans people exist bigot.
Just because someone has a penis doesn't mean they aren't a women. You're denying trans people exist bigot.
You are the one who claims that men have penises and women have vaginas...

If you want to argue like a liberal or libertarian, you would say something like, "Regardless of your gender, sexuality, skin colour, you deserve equal protection under the law" If you want to be respectful (and not all liberals are respectful) you could address people how they want to be addressed. But if that is too much effort for you, don't, it is fine by me.

But that is the problem with conservatives like you, you think you are arguing like a liberal, but you have no clue what a liberal position is.