diy solar

diy solar

Server Error

Simply clicking on "my content" isn't working right either.
It finds one recent post and then jumps clear back to 2020.
Can you post a screenshot? Where is that button?
It's Here ...

When you click on your content, it normally shows all posts with the newest at the top .... here, it jumps from earlier today all the way back to 2020.
Ohhh I see. Had to scroll a bit. Now it's jumbled. Yes I suppose it uses the search server to sort that list. Strange.
I'm trying to setup a new server and I'll just pay for it. Hoping I can get it to work today. Setup is being a pain
Thanks for the update. I only talked about search, but there was obviously some other issues that were having issues too -- perhaps using the same "container" (if structured that way).

I would be interested in assisting. I'm a network engineer, but we also have systems admin folks who can assist.
We all appreciate all the hard work behind the scene to keep this forum humming along.

The results of a "your content" search are different than yesterday .... but still strange.

Other searches that didn't find anything are working now ..... is it supposed to be back to normal yet?
Should be all good now. Rebuilding the index for 700k+ posts takes some time, and fails sometimes in the middle.
There is still gaps in the "my content." On mine, most of the month of May is missing and the entire month of April.

diy solar

diy solar