diy solar

diy solar

Easun charge controller 60A 190 Voc?

Adrian R

New Member
Apr 14, 2021
Hi everyone,

Any info available about the Easun solar charge controller rated for 60A and 190 Voc ?

I am interested in power standby consumption, performance during cloudy days, how loud the fan is, at what amount of power generated it starts running, anything else relevant.

I am thinking about buying one.

Thank you!
Nevermind, i found a better model - Easun mppt solar charge controller 10048, max Voc is 150v but very good performance!
Epever are generally a bit better than Easun , but both are cheaper brands

Idle consumption shouldn't be an issue for a change controller , it's negligible ( it's inverters that suffer bad idle draw)

They'll all have a little bit of fan noise , if you want silent could look at Morningstar TriStars & probably anything made by victron

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