diy solar

diy solar

3 amp draw with NO LOADS in grid bypass on each Phase!!


New Member
Jul 17, 2023
Starke, Fl
I am Finishing up my instal on my Sun Gold Power SP6548 and as of now I have no battery and no solar hooked up. I have installed my sub panel and a few breakers just to test that everything is functional and works properly in Bypass mode. when I put my clamp meter on my AC OUT circuit breaker each leg is showing 3.5 amp draw with 0 loads! Is this normal? if my math is right thats 420 watts for each leg! because its 120 volts correct? I am hoping this number gets greatly reduced when I switch to PV and Battery. When I shut down the inverters at the inverter control panel it went to 0 amps so it is for sure pulling from the inverters and my main sub panel was off. Have any of you guys experienced this with any of the 6548 inverters?
Does that inverter have an auto-transformer or isolation transformer making 120/240V split-phase, connected in parallel with grid?
If so, it could be trying to rebalance the grid. 420 VA but not 420W (or 840 if 420 per phase), because an inductive load.
Does that inverter have an auto-transformer or isolation transformer making 120/240V split-phase, connected in parallel with grid?
If so, it could be trying to rebalance the grid. 420 VA but not 420W (or 840 if 420 per phase), because an inductive load.
No, it's an LV6548 in a blue outfit.

diy solar

diy solar