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diy solar

Ezealco EVE 304 order

If those are the ones from the current product page, my cells are actually not on those reports. Not too worried about that part, but maybe in your wisdom the report is important.

Correction: Some of my cells are, some are not. Possible I'm just skimming the sheet too fast.
Well its a paper trail so is someone makes bs up you have something concrete to pin them with.

Also if you look at your QR code you'll notice its made up a a lot tiny dots to form the numbers and letters, many of the fake qr codes use a straight laser they can't replicate the Dotmatrix imprint that the real qr code is made of. I actually think official QR codes are made with an etching machine and not a laser.

Looks like 18650 is going to have some serious competition $120/cell for grade A is a great price.
This packaging I would guess is a prepack in China and is a great way to move them. 2 cells per box.
View attachment 177362
have seen this same foam packaging on all my cells.
They typically put only two cells per box (sometimes three) to keep the weight within some limit for courier (rather than freight) which keeps the costs down I expect. I have seen 16 cells ship in 8 boxes, or 6 boxes, once I had them arrive in 5 boxes (three cells each in four boxes, four cells in one box, one of the boxes of three cells also had the bus bars. The foam works well to protect the cells, never had any with any dents or damage.
New contactor are pricey. Are you award of the low cost battery hookup second hand high quality contactor:
I can't believe 25$ for a 500A contactor with coil economizer.
Wow, thank you I might actually go for that. I'm already planning to use 12v BMS controls so it would be a drop in.

I don't quite understand what they mean by external economizer, but I'm also not sure if I really need an economizer with my new controls design either.
I don't quite understand what they mean by external economizer, but I'm also not sure if I really need an economizer with my new controls design either.
It's simply an integrated device who cause the relay consumption to be way lower than without economizer.
But you are right, some BMS have PWM control who can not work well with a relay with economizer.
But when they say external, is it still included or you have to provide your own external one? I think it actually is included on the back or it.
But when they say external, is it still included or you have to provide your own external one? I think it actually is included on the back or it.
Included. It's the small square box circle in blue.

Also, take care with the integration of those relay, the polarity of the contact is important (of course the polarity of the ctrl is also important).
If interested to learn more, google: relay magnetic blowout.
Relay with coil economizer.JPG
Thank you. Yes I've studied polarity. My design has seperate charge and discharge circuits now with polar contactors, and I would probably still use a brand new nonpolar for the main battery bus safety relay.
I also placed an order for 16 cells after seeing this post a few weeks back (big thanks to you, hwy17!).

I paid $2016.16 with shipping to upstate NY. My cells shipped out on November 8th and were delivered on the 14th. I can save a lot on shipping and brokerage fees as a Canadian by shipping packages to the US and then picking them up and clearing them myself.

Like hwy17, the cells arrived two per box and every one of them was in pristine condition. I checked the voltage on each one and they were all within 1mv of one another (3.284v). I also was able to cross check the QR codes against the test reports, and found each one of my cells.

Although I'm not planning on assembling my battery for a few months, I wanted to buy the cells now, as this seemed like a pretty good deal for high quality cells. For now I'm just planning on storing them in the boxes, while checking the voltage every month or so to make sure they're alright.

The service from Ezealco was great. They sent updates on every step of the process and shipping was prompt. I would definitely order from them again based on this experience.
Placed an order with them for 16, was very impressed. Lowest price I could find, Fedex proof packaging, came with copper busbars (some places send brass), and included sheets for between the batteries. Had them in 4-5 days I believe. They sent me the wrong spreadsheets, had to wait a few days for the correct ones. Nothing saying the spreadsheets are real, but at least they provide them. Emails answered very quickly.

Batteries have a little ripple on the sides, but if anything, they appear to be concave, not bulging. QR code looks legit. All the specs from the sheet show them to be 318-319ah.

diy solar

diy solar