diy solar

diy solar

When getting YouTube content is more important than finding your battery disconnect.


Nov 15, 2019

1: Doesn’t determine where the battery disconnect is prior to first ride.
2: See subject line.
3: Proceeds to blow into the smoke like a dragon, giving it oxygen and no doubt assisting in the eventual flashover, guess he never built a campfire before, blowing makes them bigger not smaller dingleberry.
Added bonus for not even needing to use his phone to record and could have used both hands, as he obviously had a chest mount GoPro. I’m not sure, does it void your warranty when you do over 40mph on a pedal assist bike? Lol… He was haulin there for a bit, and was only in mode 2. This fire probably saved his life, that regen braking almost didn’t stop him at the light, and it obviously cost the bike when it did kick in.


He should have put the $6,000.00 into covering the house wrap on his shed with some siding, not burning up e-bikes on the side of the road, but at least he was polite to those who stopped to help.

Love how he kicks back and has a smoke and watches it burn then proceeds to shoot B roll video and do voice overs (get an e-bike they said) for Youtube, pathetic.

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It looks like the battery pack (shorted out) caught on fire, not the load (motor), so disconnecting the load from batteries will not help.
I don't agree with the sentiment.

This looks like a catastrophic failure associated with normal operation.

I do not perceive this as the rider's fault. If this was any Lithium BUT LFP, it was going to catch fire had he blown on it or not. IMHO, the moment smoke started coming from the battery area, this bike was going up in flames. There is absolutely nothing the rider could have done.

He MIGHT have been able to save the bike had he been able to remove the entire battery quickly, but I wouldn't say he should risk injury to do so.
1: I don't agree with the sentiment.

2: This looks like a catastrophic failure associated with normal operation.

3: I do not perceive this as the rider's fault.
1: And thousands of US service members lost their lives so you have that right, God Bless America!
2: I don't disagree with you, the only comment I made about how he operated it was how fast he was going.
3: I never said he was at fault for anything, my observations were about his videography taking priority over anything else, like perhaps not forcing OTHERs to call the fire dept for you so you don't have to stop filming your video that you don't have to film with your phone cus you're also wearing a GoPro chest cam.
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1: Doesn’t determine where the battery disconnect is prior to first ride.
2: See subject line.
3: Proceeds to blow into the smoke like a dragon, giving it oxygen and no doubt assisting in the eventual flashover, guess he never built a campfire before, blowing makes them bigger not smaller dingleberry.
Added bonus for not even needing to use his phone to record and could have used both hands, as he obviously had a chest mount GoPro. I’m not sure, does it void your warranty when you do over 40mph on a pedal assist bike? Lol… He was haulin there for a bit, and was only in mode 2. This fire probably saved his life, that regen braking almost didn’t stop him at the light, and it obviously cost the bike when it did kick in.


He should have put the $6,000.00 into covering the house wrap on his shed with some siding, not burning up e-bikes on the side of the road, but at least he was polite to those who stopped to help.

Love how he kicks back and has a smoke and watches it burn then proceeds to shoot B roll video and do voice overs (get an e-bike they said) for Youtube, pathetic.

Wow ouch .

1: Doesn’t determine where the battery disconnect is prior to first ride.
2: See subject line.
3: Proceeds to blow into the smoke like a dragon, giving it oxygen and no doubt assisting in the eventual flashover, guess he never built a campfire before, blowing makes them bigger not smaller dingleberry.
Added bonus for not even needing to use his phone to record and could have used both hands, as he obviously had a chest mount GoPro. I’m not sure, does it void your warranty when you do over 40mph on a pedal assist bike? Lol… He was haulin there for a bit, and was only in mode 2. This fire probably saved his life, that regen braking almost didn’t stop him at the light, and it obviously cost the bike when it did kick in.


He should have put the $6,000.00 into covering the house wrap on his shed with some siding, not burning up e-bikes on the side of the road, but at least he was polite to those who stopped to help.

Love how he kicks back and has a smoke and watches it burn then proceeds to shoot B roll video and do voice overs (get an e-bike they said) for Youtube, pathetic.

heh, I'm not sure on what you are blaming the guy for, this is pretty much how any average shlub would have acted, the average joe is going to get on it and gun it just like he did.

The bike should have safety features that stop users from putting it a situation like this. Consumer products need to be idiot proof as a basic standard.
Personally , i seem to notice most ebike fire,s seem to happen in cold places . Especially in New York City in the winter. Doubt that any of these have low temperature disconnect? Would be interesting to find out they don't. Sitting outside below freezing temperatures and plug in the charger!
heh, I'm not sure on what you are blaming the guy for, this is pretty much how any average shlub would have acted, the average joe is going to get on it and gun it just like he did.

The bike should have safety features that stop users from putting it a situation like this. Consumer products need to be idiot proof as a basic standard.
If you Google that name he has in the title it goes to a Reddit thread where people are talking about the seller, and somebody there posted a link to a Youtube video titled 'How to bypass BMS for higher power set up'. (Meanwhile the comment thread of course is a bunch of people who can't wait to take the opportunity to blame electric in general when somebody does something like that.)

1: Doesn’t determine where the battery disconnect is prior to first ride.
2: See subject line.
3: Proceeds to blow into the smoke like a dragon, giving it oxygen and no doubt assisting in the eventual flashover, guess he never built a campfire before, blowing makes them bigger not smaller dingleberry.
Added bonus for not even needing to use his phone to record and could have used both hands, as he obviously had a chest mount GoPro. I’m not sure, does it void your warranty when you do over 40mph on a pedal assist bike? Lol… He was haulin there for a bit, and was only in mode 2. This fire probably saved his life, that regen braking almost didn’t stop him at the light, and it obviously cost the bike when it did kick in.


He should have put the $6,000.00 into covering the house wrap on his shed with some siding, not burning up e-bikes on the side of the road, but at least he was polite to those who stopped to help.

Love how he kicks back and has a smoke and watches it burn then proceeds to shoot B roll video and do voice overs (get an e-bike they said) for Youtube, pathetic.

If he didn’t modify it to make it go faster then that’s a manufacture problem.

Once battery crapped out not sure disconnecting it would have helped.

Good luck getting a replacement or refund though.

diy solar

diy solar