diy solar

diy solar

Taicopower problems. BMS software failing and no support.

Not good initial results, but could also be a connection result. If this cell exceeds 3.65V while the others are still trailing, AND it's not a BMS connection issue, looks like a bad cell.

The SoH of 63% is a very bad sign. This cell may only have ~60% rated capacity...

That's a glaring failure that should generate a warranty replacement without question.
I would recommend popping the top on the suspect battery and then placing a voltmeter between the post and the busbar while under load to determine if you have a connection issue. If there is not a large voltage, then you indeed have a bad cell. If you are going for a warrantee replacement which would be the best since you indeed have a defective Taicopower battery, then disregard attempting to remove the top.
Not good initial results, but could also be a connection result. If this cell exceeds 3.65V while the others are still trailing, AND it's not a BMS connection issue, looks like a bad cell.

The SoH of 63% is a very bad sign. This cell may only have ~60% rated capacity...

That's a glaring failure that should generate a warranty replacement without question.
So check this out... They sold me prismatic cells, but when I opened it, I found these. Is this normal? I can't just change one of these out with that massive high temp solder blob covering the battery "terminals". I put a solder iron on it but it didn't budge. Even if I successfully got the solder to flow and got these apart, they are taped together like no other. I soldered in an active balancer and it is already helping, but I'm so mad at Taicopower for this. I requested a new pack, but I highly doubt they are going to take care of me. They are ignoring me as it is. They were so helpful when I was trying to purchase, but they have gone dark ever since I let them know I was having problems. 1679339734654.png
I would recommend popping the top on the suspect battery and then placing a voltmeter between the post and the busbar while under load to determine if you have a connection issue. If there is not a large voltage, then you indeed have a bad cell. If you are going for a warrantee replacement which would be the best since you indeed have a defective Taicopower battery, then disregard attempting to remove the top.
Also take a look at the post above... but I'm not going to try to take this apart. I just got a dud. These aren't compressed at all, they are just held together with tape wrapped around the cells, and I think I'd do far more harm than good trying to get them apart. 1679340173792.png
I am finally getting around to replacing these cheapo pouch cells... what a mess!

I was just considering buying this Taico rack, the seller said they have EVE cells in them, I guess they make pouch cells as well?

Any luck with this rack? or you threw it in the trash?
I would stay away from Taicopower batteries. I bought wall types and rack types in one pallet. All rack types came defective (one or teo cells out of sixteen were taken down the bms prematurely). Warranty was not honored and talking to them was a month long struggle that produced no outcome. To be honest those warranties are all worthless because shipping customs storage etc are almost as much as the battery itself. I ended up $16000 of junk. What amazes me is that they think they can get away with it in this internet age. Eventually they will get punished for their short term mindset.
I would stay away from Taicopower batteries. I bought wall types and rack types in one pallet. All rack types came defective (one or teo cells out of sixteen were taken down the bms prematurely). Warranty was not honored and talking to them was a month long struggle that produced no outcome. To be honest those warranties are all worthless because shipping customs storage etc are almost as much as the battery itself. I ended up $16000 of junk. What amazes me is that they think they can get away with it in this internet age. Eventually they will get punished for their short term mindset.
I'm would buy them from a local seller with 3 years warranty
He said that they are great batteries and he didn't have any returns yet
But after all that, I won't get near it

The only reason I considered it is because I didn't find a teardown video of them from one of the youtubers
They gotta make one!
For the public!
We live in a society
i had nany problems with Taico batteries and i learned in a hard way that they really do not have any warranty. i made a youtube video for prospect taico customers so that they know what they really get. Link is below: