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Anker 767 live/neutral reversed. Fire Hazard?


New Member
Nov 29, 2023
Hi everyone,

I took delivery of my new Anker 767 F2000 yesterday.

It seems to work perfectly, but when checking with a socket tester the AC terminals show Live-Neutral reversed.

I emailed Anker and they immediately said this is only a problem when in by pass mode i.e. plugged into the mains, so check and come back to them.

I double checked and it was definitely reversed when plug into the mains. I'm now waiting for them to reply to my email.

My question is everything seems to work ok, i'm running a monitor, wifi device, kettle etc with no problems. Is this still safe to use? Wouldn't those devices not work if the Live and Neutral was in reverse. I don't know whether I should shut the unit down or maybe it's fine and the socket tester just gives strange results?

To confirm the socket tester works perfectly, i've tested many other sockets including the one the Anker is connected to and it's definitly working fine.

Another thing, the unit is 99% charged, 18c, pulling 40w only, but the fans keep coming on and off. Is that normal?
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Socket testers can read an open ground as a hot neutral reverse.

If it is actually reversed there is a bit of an increased hazard but not a lot, and almost all devices would still work.

It's more about shock hazards than fire hazards.
Huge hazard, remove from use immediately.
Is this the same model that had this problem several months ago ? YEP
Yes, mine is the same. Makes you wonder how many of these are out there, just people don’t know as they wouldn’t think to test.

I love the unit but can’t be comfortable knowing L-N are reversed.

Hopefully they’ll come back to me soon.
Just to answer your specific questions..
My question is everything seems to work ok, i'm running a monitor, wifi device, kettle etc with no problems. Is this still safe to use? Wouldn't those devices not work if the Live and Neutral was in reverse.
The devices will still work as the power is being delivered by AC - it is not directionally specific, current flows in both directions anyway.

My question is everything seems to work ok, i'm running a monitor, wifi device, kettle etc with no problems. Is this still safe to use? Wouldn't those devices not work if the Live and Neutral was in reverse.
No, for a number of reasons, but a key one being that devices are fused to protect the user in case a fault develops. If the device fails and the fuse blows and the L&N are reversed, the failed device is still connected to live = not safe.

Huge hazard, remove from use immediately.
This ^^^^

Makes you wonder how many of these are out there
Makes me wonder why there has not been a recall of all the faulty devices from the distributors, as they knew about the issue more than 6 months ago... Truly shocking (pun not intended) :(
I am. To be fair to Anker their opening line on the first email was 'I understand your concern about the Live and Neutral being reversed on your Anker SOLIX F2000. This is indeed a serious issue and I appreciate you bringing it to our attention.' so i'm sure they'll replace it. It's just annoying as I only had it a day, and now I have to give it back :-(.
Anyone found this issue in the UK? Seems to be the majority are in US. Anker have responded saying they will repair it for me. Not what I was looking for given it's brand new, a replacement would be better. The retailer I purchased the unit from has another unit that is the same, L-N reversed.

Makes you wonder if all units are like this or it's just 50/50 if you get one with the L-N the right way round. Doesn't feel me with confidence.
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Anker have responded saying they will repair it for me.
Reject that option. Under the CRA 2015 you have the right for a full refund (including your return postal costs) within 30 days. The item is not fit for purpose.

You also have the right to choose between a replacement or repair.

Personally, I'd also report the item to either local trading standards office or government HSE. These devices will fail a basic safety tests, and hence will be deemed illegal to sell in the UK because they did not meet the Electrical Equipment Safety Regulations. :mad: They should be removed from sale.
My question is everything seems to work ok, i'm running a monitor, wifi device, kettle etc with no problems. Is this still safe to use? Wouldn't those devices not work if the Live and Neutral was in reverse.
The devices don't care providing no faults exist in the equipment.

Unlike your home electrical system, where you are safe against electric shock with earth leakage protection, RCD, no such protection exists on units like the Anker. With a single device plugged into the Anker you are fairly safe, however as soon as you have multiple devices, long cables, expansion sockets, the risk increases significantly.
Add to that risk, badly engineered equipment with poor quality control, and the risk increases further.

So I went back to Anker saying I would like to replace my faulty device with a new one, and got this reply...

'we cannot guarantee that the replacement unit dispatched to you will be the new version required. Therefore, we recommend returning the original Powerhouse for our warehouse engineers to examine and rectify any wiring issues. Upon completion of the repairs, we will promptly return the unit to you.'

I would understand this if my unit was over 30 days old but i've only had it a few weeks and raised the issue in the first few days. It seems like they aren't confident that a new device won't have the same problem (L-N reversed).

I did go back to the retailer who kindly unboxed the only other brand new device they had and guess what, same issue. Makes you wonder if it's hit or miss and no quality control on the UK versions. All they do is perform a safety test, which doesn't show there's an issue because L-N in reverse is not seen as a problem.

I'm really starting to question the quality of Anker products. In a way I wish I never tested it.
It is a stupid mistake on their part.
The reversed wiring is fully documented in the forum thread, the fact it STILL exists shows lack of concern on their part.
Id respond they not knowing if a new one would not still have the issue, you want a full refund and return the product.

Safety hazzards like this need punishment to the company.
An American company would do a quick pull and repair/replace with no questions asked.
Typical far eastern approach is to defer and ignore because they are far away, they don't give a crap.
Hit up all your local trading standards/electrical safety authorities, social media and stick it to them.
It is a disgrace the way they are ignoring the manufacturing problem and a piss take that they are not recalling them from sale, indeed keep pushing them.
So I went back to Anker saying I would like to replace my faulty device with a new one, and got this reply...

'we cannot guarantee that the replacement unit dispatched to you will be the new version required. Therefore, we recommend returning the original Powerhouse for our warehouse engineers to examine and rectify any wiring issues. Upon completion of the repairs, we will promptly return the unit to you.'
Absolutely shocking - in more ways than one. :mad:

From UK government guidelines...
If a manufacturer discovers that a product it has sold represents a safety risk, it must take action to remedy the issue. This could include issuing new instructions, modifying the product, or requiring consumers to stop using the product and return it for a refund. The manufacturer must contact all the consumers it knows are affected to alert them to the issue and tell them what they should do.

Anker should be forced to recall all these faulty devices and remove all from their stock and the stock of their distributors.

Hit up all your local trading standards/electrical safety authorities, social media and stick it to them.
It is a disgrace the way they are ignoring the manufacturing problem and a piss take that they are not recalling them from sale, indeed keep pushing them.
Do this ^^^^. Not just for your own satisfaction, but to protect others from danger.

Specifically, I would also copy local trading standards and citizen's advice bureau with Anker's actual response - that is not acceptable, especially it appears that they have been aware of this issue for more than 6 months.

I'm really starting to question the quality of Anker products. In a way I wish I never tested it.
NO... be grateful that you did for your safety and the safety of others around you.
Do the neon light indicators on your switched fused spurs remain illuminated when the switch is in the off position?

This is a classic phase reversal behaviour and can verify your diagnosis of the problem.

Not safe and it's your head on the block if someone gets injured/killed now that you have told the world you know about the problem.
Everyone: the last sentence in @cyd comment just means that if you have a known faulty device in operation (for example in your household or business) and don't remedy it you are responsible if something happens. The use of an idiom is not a threat. It doesn't mean OP is responsible for every single device out there because he brought the issue to light - it does mean he's responsible if he keeps a known defective device in operation and something happens due to this particular device causing harm.
#1 - I'm obviously not using the device now I know there's a problem.
#2 - The last sentence in @cyd comment is neither helpful or relevant. This problem has been documented from the beginning. There's a huge amount of posts, youtube video's etc highlighing the issue. I am not telling the world about the problem, it's a well known issue. It's a pointless comment.

Either way, the purpose of the post was to help others that may have found the same problem and to document my own journey into rectifying the issue.

Still, that's it for posts from me. Well done @cyd, if someone gets injured/killed now because they could not see the results of my journey then it's your head on the block. Fortunately, as the moderator explains, this sentence is simply an idiom and not a threat, so good to know my responce will not be removed :cool:
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Everyone: the last sentence in @cyd comment just means that if you have a known faulty device in operation (for example in your household or business) and don't remedy it you are responsible if something happens. The use of an idiom is not a threat. It doesn't mean OP is responsible for every single device out there because he brought the issue to light - it does mean he's responsible if he keeps a known defective device in operation and something happens due to this particular device causing harm.
This blasé attitude to life is sickening.

I'm not a lawyer so I'll let the legal world speak to this.

When electrical accidents occur due to someone else’s negligence, you have the right to pursue legal action against the responsible party. Some of the common scenarios where negligence may lead to electrical injuries include:
  • Negligent Property Owners: Property owners who fail to address known electrical hazards or maintain safe premises, leading to injury, can be held accountable.

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