diy solar

diy solar


There were some 60 completely legal cases made by Trumps team in various states. They were all rejected except one, which had no outcome on the election. Challenging them in courts is completely legal and cool.

Challenging them by getting a mob of people like yourself angry to march on the capitol because you are a sore loser, is a crime.
Virtually none of those cases were heard on their merits. They were dismissed because of process, i. e; the courts lacked the authority to overturn the elections.
Dont try and pretend there isnt evidence the election was sketchy when I just provided it.
Virtually none of those cases were heard on their merits. They were dismissed because of process, i. e; the courts lacked the authority to overturn the elections.
Dont try and pretend there isnt evidence the election was sketchy when I just provided it.

The lies that went into covering up Hunter Biden's laptop are proof the election was stolen.
So who did you vote for in 2020, and who in 2024. If not Trump then Biden, if youre not voting then get out of the discussion, youre too weak to participate in democracy.
Youve been attacking Trump consistently. You just say you dont support biden to avoid association with his disatrous policies. But in a 2 party system with such close election results you dont get that luxury. You support one party or you support the other by attacking them.
Never Trump republicans are biden supporters by default. Certainly not republicans, and this is why party candidates take an unwritten agreement to support the official nominee if it isnt them. You dont get to be a spoiler and make the party lose it you dont get nominated.
On that, Chris Christie needs his ass kicked but we dont have to worry about his career. Its over.
Republicans wont trust him and Dems wont vote for him. They just used him to annoy Trump. Like Liz Cheney. Hows her career going! Cant get elected dogcatcher.

You pick your party based on platform. It’s stupid to vote based upon likeability of a candidate and thats why Trump haters are a bunch of dopes. Hes as charming as a porcupine sometimes but his policy actions were sound and effective and the country was running

Challenging the results of a clearly shady election is not a crime.

And it was shady as hell.
How come so many republican judges including Trump appointed judges, don’t agree with you?
You only like the system of government we have when it works to your advantage.
If it doesn’t, you threaten violence.
BTW; that stupid site doesn’t even load.
It was obviously made by an idiot.
How come so many republican judges including Trump appointed judges, don’t agree with you?
You only like the system of government we have when it works to your advantage.
If it doesn’t, you threaten violence.
BTW; that stupid site doesn’t even load.
It was obviously made by an idiot.
Loads just fine. So..... Who is the Idiot?
How come so many republican judges including Trump appointed judges, don’t agree with you?
You only like the system of government we have when it works to your advantage.
If it doesn’t, you threaten violence.
BTW; that stupid site doesn’t even load.
It was obviously made by an idiot.

The Deep State continues its complete control over who gets “elected”/selected in this country, as they use the captured judicial system as a cudgel to crush the rule of law and our Constitutional rights. The Soros selected District Attorneys, Mayors, Governors, Judges, Secretaries of States, and various other low-level captured bureaucrats, are doing what they were selected to do – destroy the country’s social fabric and create a chaotic disintegration of our community norms.
So who did you vote for in 2020, and who in 2024. If not Trump then Biden, if youre not voting then get out of the discussion, youre too weak to participate in democracy.
It's none of your f***ing business who I voted for. I ignored the armed trump supporters who were stationed outside the voting facilities.
Youve been attacking Trump consistently. You just say you dont support biden to avoid association with his disatrous policies. But in a 2 party system with such close election results you dont get that luxury. You support one party or you support the other by attacking them.
In civilized society we prefer the term disagreeing rather than attacking.
You should try it sometime.
Never Trump republicans are biden supporters by default. Certainly not republicans, and this is why party candidates take an unwritten agreement to support the official nominee if it isnt them. You dont get to be a spoiler and make the party lose it you dont get nominated.
On that, Chris Christie needs his ass kicked but we dont have to worry about his career. Its over.
Republicans wont trust him and Dems wont vote for him. They just used him to annoy Trump. Like Liz Cheney. Hows her career going! Cant get elected dogcatcher.
I think there are a lot of "Dems" that would vote for either Christie or Cheney. If you look at the polls, and I agree they are usually wrong, if either of those two ran, Biden would lose.
You pick your party based on platform. Its stupid to vote based upon likeability of a candidate and thats why Trump haters are a bunch of dopes. Hes as charming as a porcupine sometimes but his policy actions were sound and effective and the country was running splendidly.
I have to disagree with your last sentance. I'd replace the word sometimes with the word most of the time.
As to his policies:
He totally failed on his promise to balance the budget.

Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years

I really liked his border wall idea and fully supported it.
During the period of time that the republicans held both the house and senate, They could have funded it via reconiliation but refused to. Why?

The 26 Republicans who’ve voted against Trump’s border wall “emergency”

What really bothers me most about trump is his recent hitler like speeches.
As you well know he has not been charged with insurrection. Not one person that participated in the " January 7th riot " were charged with "insurrection". So why do you participate in this what I call a "living Lie". It is communistic to think "guilty" tell proven innocent
If trump would stop using every trick in the book to dalay his trial, maybe there would be one found guilty of insurection.
It's none of your f***ing business who I voted for. I ignored the armed trump supporters who were stationed outside the voting facilities.

In civilized society we prefer the term disagreeing rather than attacking.
You should try it sometime.

I think there are a lot of "Dems" that would vote for either Christie or Cheney. If you look at the polls, and I agree they are usually wrong, if either of those two ran, Biden would lose.

I have to disagree with your last sentance. I'd replace the word sometimes with the word most of the time.
As to his policies:
He totally failed on his promise to balance the budget.

Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years

I really liked his border wall idea and fully supported it.
During the period of time that the republicans held both the house and senate, They could have funded it via reconiliation but refused to. Why?

The 26 Republicans who’ve voted against Trump’s border wall “emergency”

What really bothers me most about trump is his recent hitler like speeches.

How do you get to be this big of a pussy?

When an actual Hitler comes along again, will you say his speeches are Trump-like? ?

You are a vessel that other people put thoughts into.
One question for all you trump lovers;

Do you want the constitution suspended?

Stop being an idiot.
Its people who try to block Trump that are suspending the constitution.
And they are not even doing it to block Trump (For who I stopped caring after Covid response). They are doing it, so that they can LEGITEMIZE the process to persecute the proles when the time comes!
So in that sense, maybe Trump was predicting the future - They are AFTER YOU (the true part), but I am in the way (The theater part).
I'm glad all these Trump supporters will be totally OK with Biden questioning the election because of all the documented cases of REPUBLICAN fraud in the 2020 election, and sees evidence of the same in 2024.

And if Biden loses they are OK with Biden scheming for fake electors to come certify the 2024 election for him, and telling Kamala to not certify the election, and then summoning tons of supporters on the day of the certification to "Stop the Steal", while having guests speak about "Trial By Combat", and then Biden himself saying you have to "fight like hell" and to "march on the capitol".

Because otherwise you are all just hypocrites.

And then when Biden does this, I'm sure you will all be OK with ignoring the 14th amendment and not holding him accountable? Right? Because you aren't hypocrites?
I'm glad all these Trump supporters will be totally OK with Biden questioning the election because of all the documented cases of REPUBLICAN fraud in the 2020 election, and sees evidence of the same in 2024.

And if Biden loses they are OK with Biden scheming for fake electors to come certify the 2024 election for him, and telling Kamala to not certify the election, and then summoning tons of supporters on the day of the certification to "Stop the Steal", while having guests speak about "Trial By Combat", and then Biden himself saying you have to "fight like hell" and to "march on the capitol".

Because otherwise you are all just hypocrites.

And then when Biden does this, I'm sure you will all be OK with ignoring the 14th amendment and not holding him accountable? Right? Because you aren't hypocrites?

The Deep State continues its complete control over who gets “elected”/selected in this country, as they use the captured judicial system as a cudgel to crush the rule of law and our Constitutional rights. The Soros selected District Attorneys, Mayors, Governors, Judges, Secretaries of States, and various other low-level captured bureaucrats, are doing what they were selected to do – destroy the country’s social fabric and create a chaotic disintegration of our community norms.
Well hypocrites or gullible conspiracy theorist, or maybe that dudes right some of you are IRA farm peons. I'd imagine some mix of the three are on here- Also makes me wonder, looking back on the spam posts for like Chinese university's or something- that dominated the whole forum til they were deleted- if this sites not a target for foreign influence more than others.
Oh well, happy new year
Well hypocrites or gullible conspiracy theorist, or maybe that dudes right some of you are IRA farm peons. I'd imagine some mix of the three are on here- Also makes me wonder, looking back on the spam posts for like Chinese university's or something- that dominated the whole forum til they were deleted- if this sites not a target for foreign influence more than others.
Oh well, happy new year

Stop being an idiot.
Start taking action at your level that was described a million times on these threads.
There will be no white knight on either side to save you and when (when not if) things become chaotic, i can assure you that the trans-lgbt agenda that you seem so much to care about, will not matter one iota.

“In the middle of a Crisis era, the social mood has reached an unstable balance of hope, fear, and dizzying uncertainty. Americans are like a compressed spring at the point of maximum potential energy. Internally secure yet externally threatened, they are ready for propulsive public action.” Neil Howe – The Fourth Turning Is Here
Events beyond their control are leading them towards their rendezvous with destiny and the speed has begun to accelerate, with 2024 slated to be a historic date in history, on par with 1776, 1861, and 1941. The exact events which will make 2024 historic are obscured by a dense fog of uncertainty, but we can make some educated guesses based upon our current economic circumstances, Biden’s open border purposeful invasion, upcoming elections wrought with fraud, ongoing treasonous governmental and judicial operations, and deepening global conflicts already underway.

Of the three possible paths laid out by Howe, the most likely appears to be the animosity between factions eventually leads to armed conflict within the country. Political dominance by one party is highly unlikely, with the country rallying around the flag against an external enemy. It is more likely our many external foes will take advantage of our internal conflict to further weaken our global hegemony. All paths lead to war at this point.

I sense the delusional masses, still entranced by their electronic gadgets, unending access to debt, NFL fantasy leagues, and oblivious to the lessons of history, are frantically trying to fend off reality by shopping, eating out, partying at bars, and pretending all is well. Critically assessing their true situation is too painful for these snowflakes and gender bending enthusiasts. Their virtue signaling wokeness is about to meet the brutal reality of a violent Fourth Turning climax.
Roughly half of all Americans think a civil war is likely. And a growing number of social scientists agree that the United States now fits the checklist profile of a country at risk. Trust in the national government is in steep decline. Check. Respect for democratic institutions is weakening. Check. A heavily armed population has polarized into two evenly divided partisan factions. Check. Each faction embodies a distinctive ethnic, cultural, and urban-versus-rural identity. Each wants its country to become something the other detests. And each fears the prospect of the other taking power. Check, check, and check.” Neil Howe – The Fourth Turning Is Here

Virtually no one believes civil war is possible, just as no one expected a civil war in 1860, as the presidential election approached. Truthfully, the civil war has already begun, but only those on the left, in conjunction with the FBI, CIA, Big Media, and other governmental agencies, are aggressively fighting. They are vigorously at war against the American people by rigging elections, arresting opposition leaders, and discarding the U.S. Constitution.

The good guys have thus far been too civil. But the simmering anger of heavily armed rural, red state Americans is close to boiling over. All the signs are there, awaiting a triggering event for this undeclared war to engulf the nation. At this point a number of possible triggering events are possible.

If David Webb is correct and those in power initiate the Great Taking, the level of violence in reaction would be unprecedented in U.S. history. Maybe that is their plan. Biden and his handlers could use this event to declare a national emergency, suspending the presidential election because they were going to lose, and instituting martial law. Their attempt to lockdown the country and use the military against civilians would surely result in massive bloodshed, as local animosities would result in assassinations, wholesale slaughter of those considered disloyal to whichever side controls the high ground in that community. Previously petty disputes would suddenly become lethal disputes.
Stop being an idiot.
Its people who try to block Trump that are suspending the constitution.
And they are not even doing it to block Trump (For who I stopped caring after Covid response). They are doing it, so that they can LEGITEMIZE the process to persecute the proles when the time comes!
So in that sense, maybe Trump was predicting the future - They are AFTER YOU (the true part), but I am in the way (The theater part).
Who is the they and what are they going to do to me?
The Deep State continues its complete control over who gets “elected”/selected in this country, as they use the captured judicial system as a cudgel to crush the rule of law and our Constitutional rights. The Soros selected District Attorneys, Mayors, Governors, Judges, Secretaries of States, and various other low-level captured bureaucrats, are doing what they were selected to do – destroy the country’s social fabric and create a chaotic disintegration of our community norms.
Who in the hell is the "deep state" and what the F**k does woke even mean?

diy solar

diy solar