diy solar

diy solar


The Deep State is the FBI when they had twitter (and others) censor people who said Covid came from a lab.
How do you know that they didn't fake it?

Hunter is suing the Laptop repairman for distributing personal information from his Laptop that he left at the repairman's store.

Tough one. :cautious:

Hunter is suing the Laptop repairman for distributing personal information from his Laptop that he left at the repairman's store.

Tough one. :cautious:
It wasn’t him who dropped it off. It was a member of the deep state
We have to appoligize to everyone on this forum. They hepled us get to the bottom of this BS.
Trump is a member of the deep state and he's their manchurian candidate.
It couldn't be any clearer.
The reason trump knows the election was rigged is because he helped rig elections in the past.
He tried to rig the last one, but the democrats out did him.
With everyone rigging elections there is no way to know who really won!!
Nothing is more crystal clear once you figure it out.

Who is the they and what are they going to do to me?

Who are they you ask?

Newsflash: contrary to the worries of conspiracy realists, global government is NOT a far-off, distant threat waiting for us in some potential dystopian future.

No, it's not a future threat. The truth is that global government is already set up and functioning. Here. Now.

In fact, it's not even happening in secret. It's happening in the most visible way possible: a party.

Oops! Did I say "party"? I meant "Conference of the Parties," of course, aka the mechanism by which individual nation-states have been willingly ceding their sovereignty to the globalist technocrats for decades now.

Never heard of "Conference of the Parties," you protest? Of course you have. I talk about the COP of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP pretty much every year. In fact, I've been covering it since at least COP 15 in Copenhagen in 2009. Lest we forget, 2009 was the year EU President (and Bilderberg lackey) Herman von Rompuy declared to be "the first year of global government," specifically citing the COP in Copenhagen as "another step towards the global management of our planet."

Another step, indeed.

Fast forward to 2023. The globalists are fueling up their private jets and chauffered limosines for another wine-and-dine fest—this time COP 28 in Dubai. Yes, it's just a matter of weeks until we get to bear witness to the annual ritual of these would-be global rulers jetting in to lecture us peons about how we're not doing enough to save the planet.

But do you know what a COP really is? And did you know that the UNFCCC's COP is not the only COP being run by the de facto global government? And did you know that the real point of the World Health Organization's (WHO) so-called "pandemic treaty" is to establish yet another COP chamber in this increasingly bloated shadow government?

Get in, buckle up and hold on. You're in for one of the most important lessons of your life.
I have absolutely been convinced there was a huge conspiracy to get Biden elected by the deep state. In fact, I along with 82 million people who voted for Biden, are all in the deep state and in on the conspiracy to get him elected.
The reason trump knows the election was rigged is because he helped rig elections in the past.
He tried to rig the last one, but the democrats out did him.
With everyone rigging elections there is no way to know who really won!!


And no matter how big a guys cock is you still can't tell if he's male or female because woke science! :cool:
All those web site that claim republicans were the one's that commited fraud, are all fake news.
And the one's that claim that the democrats are commiting fraud are fake news as well.
Is there any real news?
I have absolutely been convinced there was a huge conspiracy to get Biden elected by the deep state. In fact, I along with 82 million people who voted for Biden, are all in the deep state and in on the conspiracy to get him elected.
Finally, someone who admits that they are a member.
Could you please tell me what I have to do to join the deep state?
All those web site that claim republicans were the one's that commited fraud, are all fake news.
And the one's that claim that the democrats are commiting fraud are fake news as well.
Is there any real news?

All those web site that claim republicans were the one's that commited fraud, are all fake news.
And the one's that claim that the democrats are commiting fraud are fake news as well.
Is there any real news?

I'm sure your schizophrenia diagnosis prevents you from owning firearms already.
The trolls are derailing the thread every time something is posted that exposes the real agenda. Same strategy always.
Notice the overload of "junk" posts every time something of importance is posted.

Ryujin i dont think is a troll, but seems like a single issue voter (lgbtxxx agenda). Probably sees the country being ruined but puts lgbt agenda above that. Big mistake to make as the entire woke movement will be the first one to be absolutely steamrolled when they swing the pendulum in other other direction.
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The trolls are derailing the thread every time something is posted that exposes the real agenda. Same strategy always.
Notice the overload of "junk" posts every time something of importance is posted.

Ryujin i dont think is a troll, but seems like a single issue voter (lgbtxxx agenda). Probably sees the country being ruined but puts lgbt agenda above that. Big mistake to make as the entire woke movement will be the first one to be absolutely steamrolled when they swing the pendulum in other other direction.
No, I'm not a single issue LGBT+ voter, I just have to push back against all the blatant homophobia and bigotry put forth by people in this forum, mainly CheckedOut and Bozo Bob.

I am however a single issue voter when it comes to retaining democracy. Trump said before the election even happened that he wouldn't accept the results if he lost. He then followed through with that threat and did everything in his power to stay in power. I am a single issue voter when it comes to fighting against such obvious dictator aspirations.

Its not like I liked voting for Biden. But just like Hillary was probably the only candidate that would have lost to Trump in 2016, Trump is the only candidate that would have lost to Biden in 2020 (and likely 2024). So if people wanna bitch about Biden- put forward a better option besides Trump.

diy solar

diy solar