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I don't care what any of you say.

If you support Trump you support someone with so many flights on Epstein's Lolita express.

You have nothing worth saying, and nothing worth listening too.
Deflect Deflect Deflect, there is nothing there besides the fact you support Epstein's long time pal.
Me personally, I'm not voting for ANYONE, CLinton, Gates, Trump on epstiens flight list.
I don't care what any of you say.

If you support Trump you support someone with so many flights on Epstein's Lolita express.

You have nothing worth saying, and nothing worth listening too.
Where's the evidence of that?
Ahh, I see now .... They only go up to 223.

Is yours ? :devilish:
I just traced McKravitts ..... er Leo's IP and it is
If you trace those 2 IP addresses, you will see that we have really low quality trolls ..... I really would have expected more from them.
It's pretty easy to go to the web site below and come up with an IP address that's in any country your heart desires .... They couldn't even manage to figure that out.
Dummy democrats have no critical thinking skills. Trumps businesses are real. Payments to them are returned in goods and services. In most cases the reason these entities did business with Trumps businesses is because of convenience. Trump stays at one of his properties, foreign dignitaries meet him, its convenient they stay at his property. If they didnt someone else would so Trump isnt making any additional revenues.
Hunter on the other hand accepted money to do nothing besides hook his dad up with foreigners needing favors.
Completely different.
God damn you people are stupid. And your president is corrupt, and I bet he sniffs bicycle seats.
Daily reminder if you support Trump you are supporting a frequent associate and flier on Epstein Lolita Express.

There is no excuse or whataboutism towards other people that excuses that.

You support a pedophile.
Did Murphytard get banned? It's weird that he made new screen names if he hasn't been banned.
Shhhhsss we are not suppose to notice the names are gone but their same game remains. I’m still waiting for the licks. Imagine a bunch of alias screen names belonging to 1 or 2 ppl ganging up on a person. Shsssss shssss
Daily reminder if you support Trump you are supporting a frequent associate and flier on Epstein Lolita Express.

There is no excuse or whataboutism towards other people that excuses that.

You support a pedophile.
How about a reminder that you STILL have provided no evidence of this.
I am posting this just to show the VERY low character of the Georgia DA Fani Willis who is the one who "dreamed" up the cases against Trump in Georgia. She had paid her "boy friend" over $600,000 dollars to assist in the investigate ... and in return has gotten many "perks."
Oh, and he is a lawyer but is NOT qualified to assist in this type of case.

One of the Co-Defendants in the case has filed a motion to dismiss the case and disqualify DA Fani Willis.


Fulton County DA Fani Willis was having a sexual affair with private lawyer Nathan Wade who was paid to INVESTIGATE DONALD TRUMP! Michael Roman, a former Trump campaign official who is accused of taking part in the 'fake electors' scheme , filed the claims against Fani Willis today in a motion to dismiss the charges against him. “Willis was in a personal relationship with private lawyer Nathan Wade, who was paid more than $600,000 as a special prosecutor assisting her office's sprawling probe of Trump's election overturn effort.”According to the filing, “Willis and Wade traveled personally together to such places as Napa Valley, Florida and the Caribbean and the special prosecutor has purchased tickets for both of them to travel on both the Norwegian and Royal Carbibean cruise lines. Traveling together to such places as Washington, D.C. or New York City might make sense for work purposes in light of other pending litigation.”

The dismissal filing can be found here:
I am posting this just to show the VERY low character of the Georgia DA Fani Willis who is the one who "dreamed" up the cases against Trump in Georgia. She had paid her "boy friend" over $600,000 dollars to assist in the investigate ... and in return has gotten many "perks."
Oh, and he is a lawyer but is NOT qualified to assist in this type of case.

One of the Co-Defendants in the case has filed a motion to dismiss the case and disqualify DA Fani Willis.

View attachment 187867

Fulton County DA Fani Willis was having a sexual affair with private lawyer Nathan Wade who was paid to INVESTIGATE DONALD TRUMP! Michael Roman, a former Trump campaign official who is accused of taking part in the 'fake electors' scheme , filed the claims against Fani Willis today in a motion to dismiss the charges against him. “Willis was in a personal relationship with private lawyer Nathan Wade, who was paid more than $600,000 as a special prosecutor assisting her office's sprawling probe of Trump's election overturn effort.”According to the filing, “Willis and Wade traveled personally together to such places as Napa Valley, Florida and the Caribbean and the special prosecutor has purchased tickets for both of them to travel on both the Norwegian and Royal Carbibean cruise lines. Traveling together to such places as Washington, D.C. or New York City might make sense for work purposes in light of other pending litigation.”

The dismissal filing can be found here:

Posted that in another thread too. Just amazing how corrupt these ppl are that pretend to hand out charges. They reportedly used Fulton County money to go on sex cruises and vacations. Most ppl would say that was criminal if true. In this day and age we jump straight to guilty or should because that is way ppl on the Right are treated before their day in court. Kind of sad but it is our world now. “ Innocent until proven guilty “ no longer applies. If true given the amounts stolen then this should be long term prison sentences for the 2 of them.

”Just the 2 of us building castles in the sky”
Daily reminder if you support Trump you are supporting a frequent associate and flier on Epstein Lolita Express.

There is no excuse or whataboutism towards other people that excuses that.

You support a pedophile.
They don’t care. You’ll get nowhere with them by pointing out any facts about trump.

The real evil is in his supporters. They are filled with hatred for our country. The only thing about our country that they want to keep is the name. They have a predilection to violence, bigotry, racism, antisemitism, homophobia, misogyny, intellectualism etc.

They need trump to be perfect to justify their anti-Americanism.

And trump is just giving them what they want

They tend to be lazy, uneducated white men who’s see their only asset as being just that; A white man.

They use every non-white, non-male as an excuse for their own failures. They pretend that if they got rid of everyone else, they would be hired into a high paying job or possibly a high position in an authoritarian military machine. This way they can continue to sit on their fat lazy asses watching/listening to radical right wing pundits while their wives work to pay the bills. It gives them a sense of importance in their otherwise worthless existences.

They blame their ignorance on the education system that favors minority over them. They don’t consider the fact that they are just too lazy to learn. Sitting around hating is so much easier than learning anything.

God help us all if trump unleashes them onto the world. They would start the civil war that they’ve been wanting for decades now.

My defense is to have a supply of maga caps. Since there will be no physical boundaries, and no clear cut distinctions between them and good honest hard working white people, they won’t know who the enemy is and who is not. They will drive all minorities out of the country. They will sink the economy into a depression the size of which will dwarf the great depression. They will destroy the constitution and make the trump family royality.

Given the number of different faction of trump worshipers, they’ll eventually turn on each other.

The future of America as we know will be no more. The best device to survive in that new world is a maga cap.
They don’t care. You’ll get nowhere with them by pointing out any facts about trump.

The real evil is in his supporters. They are filled with hatred for our country. The only thing about our country that they want to keep is the name. They have a predilection to violence, bigotry, racism, antisemitism, homophobia, misogyny, intellectualism etc.

They need trump to be perfect to justify their anti-Americanism.

And trump is just giving them what they want

They tend to be lazy, uneducated white men who’s see their only asset as being just that; A white man.

They use every non-white, non-male as an excuse for their own failures. They pretend that if they got rid of everyone else, they would be hired into a high paying job or possibly a high position in an authoritarian military machine. This way they can continue to sit on their fat lazy asses watching/listening to radical right wing pundits while their wives work to pay the bills. It gives them a sense of importance in their otherwise worthless existences.

They blame their ignorance on the education system that favors minority over them. They don’t consider the fact that they are just too lazy to learn. Sitting around hating is so much easier than learning anything.

God help us all if trump unleashes them onto the world. They would start the civil war that they’ve been wanting for decades now.

My defense is to have a supply of maga caps. Since there will be no physical boundaries, and no clear cut distinctions between them and good honest hard working white people, they won’t know who the enemy is and who is not. They will drive all minorities out of the country. They will sink the economy into a depression the size of which will dwarf the great depression. They will destroy the constitution and make the trump family royality.

Given the number of different faction of trump worshipers, they’ll eventually turn on each other.

The future of America as we know will be no more. The best device to survive in that new world is a maga cap.
There it is a bonafide example of a TDS rant with no basis in reality.
Say what you will about Trump, what actually worries me is all the precedent that is being set up using Trump as an excuse. Irregardless of whether you believe Trump is geniune or a puppet, the precedent being set is to establish legal structure for prosecuting the proles when the time comes.
And that is a scary prospect.
Say what you will about Trump, what actually worries me is all the precedent that is being set up using Trump as an excuse. Irregardless of whether you believe Trump is geniune or a puppet, the precedent being set is to establish legal structure for prosecuting the proles when the time comes.
And that is a scary prospect.


And, why do they have to be like that? What is their end game?

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diy solar