diy solar

diy solar


They don’t care. You’ll get nowhere with them by pointing out any facts about trump.

The real evil is in his supporters. They are filled with hatred for our country. The only thing about our country that they want to keep is the name. They have a predilection to violence, bigotry, racism, antisemitism, homophobia, misogyny, intellectualism etc.

They need trump to be perfect to justify their anti-Americanism.

And trump is just giving them what they want

They tend to be lazy, uneducated white men who’s see their only asset as being just that; A white man.

They use every non-white, non-male as an excuse for their own failures. They pretend that if they got rid of everyone else, they would be hired into a high paying job or possibly a high position in an authoritarian military machine. This way they can continue to sit on their fat lazy asses watching/listening to radical right wing pundits while their wives work to pay the bills. It gives them a sense of importance in their otherwise worthless existences.

They blame their ignorance on the education system that favors minority over them. They don’t consider the fact that they are just too lazy to learn. Sitting around hating is so much easier than learning anything.

God help us all if trump unleashes them onto the world. They would start the civil war that they’ve been wanting for decades now.

My defense is to have a supply of maga caps. Since there will be no physical boundaries, and no clear cut distinctions between them and good honest hard working white people, they won’t know who the enemy is and who is not. They will drive all minorities out of the country. They will sink the economy into a depression the size of which will dwarf the great depression. They will destroy the constitution and make the trump family royality.

Given the number of different faction of trump worshipers, they’ll eventually turn on each other.

The future of America as we know will be no more. The best device to survive in that new world is a maga cap.
User blocked. Nothing but abuse.
Eat a big bag of dicks you commie loving shitbag.
That's why I''m just going to give daily reminders that a vote for Trump is a vote for Epstein. Nothing more at this point, you are right they are deaf to everything, no matter how much evidence there is.

A vote for Trump is a Vote for Epstein.
I dont care about any of that shit I care about me and most of my fellow americans. Bidens policies are fucking this country good. There can be nothing good to come of allowing tens of millions of illegals, including unvetted military age males from our enemies, into this country. Thats just one problem and its plenty. You people are too busy with your irrational hate of Trump to have a lick of common sense.
This is getting so bad its not unimaginable the solution will be some form of civil conflict. Insane people should not be in charge of this country and they wont be in charge of my destiny.
Insane is declaring your side needs to save democracy by resorting to rigging elections, covering it up, and your biggest fear is that a successful president is re elected by the legitimate democratic will of the constituants.
Thats fucking nuts.
And you people are so insane youre even spelling it out in print and you dont see a damn thing wrong with it.
Joe Biden, the president who unleashed his justice department against his leading opponent, says that opponent is the biggest threat to denocracy, as his poll numbers continue to fall against Trump.
I suppose as november nears and Trumps numbers rise even higher, democrats will have to forgo the legalities completely and have those 50 intelligence agency officials that wrote that letter, arrest Trump and have him executed.
To save democracy.
Fuck you democrats. Just fuck you. Youre unhinged, and the only way to deal with the unhinged is to become unhinged ourselves.
Think of how sick these people are. The people who deliberately opened the border in order to insure they stay in power are people that grew up in the United States and think this kind of stuff is OK.

How, seriously, how do you get that way?
Its okay because theyre saving democracy ya know.
Posting to make libtards heads reboot with BSOD :)

'Haley Is Gonna Get Smoked' - Christie Caught On Hot Mic Before Quitting GOP Race​

Chris Christie's withdrawal from the 2024 GOP presidential field surely brought smiles to rival Nikki Haley -- until a hot mic caught the former New Jersey governor scoffing at Haley's political prospects as he chatted backstage moments before officially announcing he was bailing out. "She's gonna get smoked," said Christie.

Christie's candor offered an amusingly blunt counterpoint to Big Media's relentless attempts to bolster the warmongering Haley as the establishment's last hope of eliminating Trump -- through standard means, anyhow.

According to Daily Beast, just before he took the stage at a Windham, New Hampshire venue, Christie was talking to former New Hampshire Republican Party chair and Christie-backer Wayne MacDonald. The audio of the two discussing the race with an unidentified woman was heard by anyone tuned into the event livestream:

“People don't wanna hear it, Wayne. We know we're right, but they don't wanna hear it. We couldn't have been any clearer, we couldn't have been any more direct or worked any harder... I mean, look, she's spent $68 million so far -- just on TV -- $59 million by DeSantis, and we've spent 12. I mean, who's punching above their weight, and who's getting a return on their investment? And she's gonna get smoked. And you and I both know it, she’s not up to this.

As the two continue chatting, Christie goes on to say, "DeSantis called me, petrified that I would—." Unfortunately, the audio cuts off, leaving observers to speculate over what Ron DeSantis was purportedly scared of -- a Christie endorsement of Haley?

The audio of Chris Christie’s hot mic moment is clear and high quality.

Just disappointed that it ends where it does.
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) January 10, 2024
When primary candidates drop out, the remaining contenders always hope for an endorsement. In his farewell speech, Christie gave none, choosing instead to take shots at both DeSantis and Haley for being too deferential to Trump. “I would rather lose by telling the truth than lie in order to win,” he said. “And I feel no differently today because this is a fight for the soul of our party and the soul of our country.”

An anti-Trump attack dog for the establishment, Christie's kamikaze campaign against the popular former president never gained traction. As of this week, he was in last place at 3.5% in the RealClearPolitics average -- unless you count former Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson (0.5%), whom most people haven't heard of.

In his final campaign speech, Christie reiterated his condemnation of Trump, and vowed he wouldn't do anything to help him return to the Oval Office.

I promise you this: I will make sure that in no way do I enable Donald Trump to ever be President of the United States again. That’s more important than my own personal ambition.
— Chris Christie (@GovChristie) January 10, 2024
Meanwhile, Donald Trump and DeSantis jumped on the opportunity to amplify Christie's resounding non-endorsement of Haley...

I agree with Christie that Nikki Haley is “going to get smoked.”
— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) January 10, 2024
I dont care about any of that shit I care about me and most of my fellow americans. Bidens policies are fucking this country good. There can be nothing good to come of allowing tens of millions of illegals, including unvetted military age males from our enemies, into this country. Thats just one problem and its plenty. You people are too busy with your irrational hate of Trump to have a lick of common sense.
This is getting so bad its not unimaginable the solution will be some form of civil conflict. Insane people should not be in charge of this country and they wont be in charge of my destiny.
Insane is declaring your side needs to save democracy by resorting to rigging elections, covering it up, and your biggest fear is that a successful president is re elected by the legitimate democratic will of the constituants.
Thats fucking nuts.
And you people are so insane youre even spelling it out in print and you dont see a damn thing wrong with it.
Joe Biden, the president who unleashed his justice department against his leading opponent, says that opponent is the biggest threat to denocracy, as his poll numbers continue to fall against Trump.
I suppose as november nears and Trumps numbers rise even higher, democrats will have to forgo the legalities completely and have those 50 intelligence agency officials that wrote that letter, arrest Trump and have him executed.
To save democracy.
Fuck you democrats. Just fuck you. Youre unhinged, and the only way to deal with the unhinged is to become unhinged ourselves.
you've been unhinged, clearly are unhinged, and are a pedophile supporter. you don't give a shit about your fellow americans, as your last paragraph clearly shows.
Its okay because theyre saving democracy ya know.
I disagree they are installing communist zionism where the new world order has a public face and WEF wants to be front center for the 1 World Govt. Meet the emperors. Part of the 1%.

That is my take on it. The way to deny the truth is call ppl conspiracy nuts or antisemitic or racist or Nazi or unhinged. Btw communism has killed way more ppl then Nazi. Now the best part from WW2 the USA joined ranks to fight and give communism half of Europe to form up the Rothschild and Jacob Schiff dream - USSR. We then spent 50 + years fighting Cold War funneling money everywhere fighting this once ally for both Russia and China. We just kinda stupid As A Country so when I see young ppl with nose rings think Animal Farm is definite Reality.

to much to much to much Look all this stuff up. See for yourself Along the way you might be called an assortment of names and or deleted or banned. I’ve never been called a liar though. ???????

if you dig online will see where Rothschild family members were unhappy with Trump talking about the Federal Reserve and Wall Street. Ever wonder who controlled Wall Street by majority for SEATS? Ever wonder what stock was initially traded on Wall Street? ?? To much to much to much. These wealthy families have been in power for Centuries - All around the World. I think Trump is an outsider like Pelosi had claimed. ?

I remember the LEFT screaming Fuck Trump.…. and remember 4 years of constant insurrection….against Trump.
I disagree they are installing communist zionism where the new world order has a public face and WEF wants to be front center for the 1 World Govt. Meet the emperors. Part of the 1%.

View attachment 188268
That is my take on it. The way to deny the truth is call ppl conspiracy nuts or antisemitic or racist or Nazi or unhinged. Btw communism has killed way more ppl then Nazi. Now the best part from WW2 the USA joined ranks to fight and give communism half of Europe to form up the Rothschild and Jacob Schiff dream - USSR. We then spent 50 + years fighting Cold War funneling money everywhere fighting this once ally for both Russia and China. We just kinda stupid As A Country so when I see young ppl with nose rings think Animal Farm is definite Reality.

to much to much to much Look all this stuff up. See for yourself Along the way you might be called an assortment of names and or deleted or banned. I’ve never been called a liar though. ???????

if you dig online will see where Rothschild family members were unhappy with Trump talking about the Federal Reserve and Wall Street. Ever wonder who controlled Wall Street by majority for SEATS? Ever wonder what stock was initially traded on Wall Street? ?? To much to much to much. These wealthy families have been in power for Centuries - All around the World. I think Trump is an outsider like Pelosi had claimed. ?

I remember the LEFT screaming Fuck Trump.…. and remember 4 years of constant insurrection….against Trump.

He is outsider.

He is a construction real-estate guy with a foul mouth.

Not a banking guy.
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you've been unhinged, clearly are unhinged, and are a pedophile supporter. you don't give a shit about your fellow americans, as your last paragraph clearly shows.
Explain what the benefit is to allowing all these illegals and security risks into America please do stay on topic. You know they're closing New York schools and sending kids home to make room to house illegals in schools believe that.
Explain what the benefit is to allowing all these illegals and security risks into America please do stay on topic. You know they're closing New York schools and sending kids home to make room to house illegals in schools believe that.

Just block it.
On topic:

This man rocks and always cared about america. FF to 32:00 plus. But watch how well he handles the combative phil donahue the entire 45 min show. This is who we want negotiating for our interests at world summits. This is the rock star that our enemies respect and fear. Biden and Harris? Fucking doormats.
Trump haters are insane.
Crazy part is Joe did that on day 1 and created a host of problems vs trying to bind everyone together. Remember him saying he would get everything - everyone back together. Unity was a campaign speech from his basement….. ????

Whoopi is a nut case and her white boyfriend use to do black face and she loved it.
It hasn't been getting much daylight, but it's not just Trump the Dems are trying to keep off the ballot ..... They are also working to keep Democrats off the primary ballot with Biden .... They don't want Dem voters to be the ones who decide who the Democrat nominee is.
That most Dems are simply going along with this is somewhat incredulous by itself. Guess they are OK with a small elite group choosing their nominee for them.

That kind of scumbaggery is also why Rfk Jr is now running as an independent .... They must be working so hard to keep people off the ballot because ..... they love democracy so much.

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As if there weren't enough ways to cheat in 2020, Wisconsin decided to deploy "mobile drop boxes" in 2022 ...... Well, the courts just declared that illegal.

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I dont care about any of that shit I care about me and most of my fellow americans. Bidens policies are fucking this country good. There can be nothing good to come of allowing tens of millions of illegals, including unvetted military age males from our enemies, into this country. Thats just one problem and its plenty. You people are too busy with your irrational hate of Trump to have a lick of common sense.
This is getting so bad its not unimaginable the solution will be some form of civil conflict. Insane people should not be in charge of this country and they wont be in charge of my destiny.
Insane is declaring your side needs to save democracy by resorting to rigging elections, covering it up, and your biggest fear is that a successful president is re elected by the legitimate democratic will of the constituants.
Thats fucking nuts.
And you people are so insane youre even spelling it out in print and you dont see a damn thing wrong with it.
Joe Biden, the president who unleashed his justice department against his leading opponent, says that opponent is the biggest threat to denocracy, as his poll numbers continue to fall against Trump.
I suppose as november nears and Trumps numbers rise even higher, democrats will have to forgo the legalities completely and have those 50 intelligence agency officials that wrote that letter, arrest Trump and have him executed.
To save democracy.
Fuck you democrats. Just fuck you. Youre unhinged, and the only way to deal with the unhinged is to become unhinged ourselves.

That's Murphy .... McKravitts is Leo.
And you're a gd russian.
i keep saying be something if 2024 Trump wins and they - democrats say nope you won 2020 so not eligible hold office in 2024. What would happen?

this should be interesting if it happens. Should of already been done. Imho This guy is a weasel. His fat buddy, Gabriel Sterling is a bigger weasel…. Did some weird money grabbing

i keep saying be something if 2024 Trump wins and they - democrats say nope you won 2020 so not eligible hold office in 2024. What would happen?
Or what if Biden just claims widespread fraud, has Kamala not certify the election, arranges for alternative electors to come to DC, and summons a mob to interrupt the certification process. And the supreme court rules immunity. What then?

diy solar

diy solar