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Tucker for VP

Farmers are under duress all over Europe .... it's part of them trying to force a radical change in the food production.

Traditional media do still control the news to a significant segment of the population .... it's pretty odd how they are trying to hid what's going on.

No way Tucker is going to get into politics.
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Oh Tucker....
What a good con man for marks like you guys, just like Trump
it was basically your response, so point that mirror at yourself you dumbfuck boomer
The child that loves to piss people off to feel powerful and colorful ufinism's. You must be pumped right now. LOL!
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The child that loves to piss people off to feel powerful and colorful ufinism's. You must be pumped right now. LOL!
No. I'm not pumped about the political climate.
I'm terrified.
mostly because there's too many idiots like you and the other regulars here that do want to vote for the guy that:

1) After winning the 2016 election, claimed fraud (possibly because his ego couldn't stand losing the popular vote)

2) Before the 2020 election happened said he wouldn't trust the results if he lost and would not accept defeat.

3) After knowing he lost the 2020 election, he still did his damnedest to stay in power. I have no issue with any of the legal paths he took in courts. That is what courts are for. But failing those, he conspired to have fake electors, pressure Pence to not certify the election, and literally emailed and advertised to tons of supporters (and non supporters, as why I saw it happen live) to come Jan. 6th, "it will be Wild".

4) On January 6th (a day that all congress, R's and D's hid from an angry mob), Trump and his guests told them to "March on the Capitol", "Fight Like Hell", "Have Trial by Combat" etc... They did so, many people were injured, Ashley Babbitt was shot and died while trying to break into a room and being told to stand down.

All of the above are easily verifiable. And if you want to continue to support Trump with those facts, that is your choice. But that's what terrifies me.

If Biden did that and there were tons of democrats still supporting him it would terrify me equally.

Do any of you have objective information (2000 mules isn't that) to change my mind?
No. I'm not pumped about the political climate.
I'm terrified.
mostly because there's too many idiots like you and the other regulars here that do want to vote for the guy that:

1) After winning the 2016 election, claimed fraud (possibly because his ego couldn't stand losing the popular vote)

2) Before the 2020 election happened said he wouldn't trust the results if he lost and would not accept defeat.

3) After knowing he lost the 2020 election, he still did his damnedest to stay in power. I have no issue with any of the legal paths he took in courts. That is what courts are for. But failing those, he conspired to have fake electors, pressure Pence to not certify the election, and literally emailed and advertised to tons of supporters (and non supporters, as why I saw it happen live) to come Jan. 6th, "it will be Wild".

4) On January 6th (a day that all congress, R's and D's hid from an angry mob), Trump and his guests told them to "March on the Capitol", "Fight Like Hell", "Have Trial by Combat" etc... They did so, many people were injured, Ashley Babbitt was shot and died while trying to break into a room and being told to stand down.

All of the above are easily verifiable. And if you want to continue to support Trump with those facts, that is your choice. But that's what terrifies me.

If Biden did that and there were tons of democrats still supporting him it would terrify me equally.

Do any of you have objective information (2000 mules isn't that) to change my mind?
Zuckerbucks rigged the election, thats never been disproven by anyone. Erroneous claims about actual fraud do not negate that suspicions immediately after the election were valid and justified. Trump and supporters knew something was wrong but it took months to discover exactly what.
If its a conspiracy theory why were laws passed in a dozen states to prevent it from happening again.
No legal recourse was possible but stop pretending Trump had no right to challenge.
The democrats ambushed, colluded, outright lied, performed treason, and never stopped the insurrection from the day Trump walked into the White House. 4 years of Hillary Clinton and democrats throwing a temper tantrum. If Trump wins 2024 they will do all these things plus 10x more. They are going to start a Civil War and try to blame everyone else. Typical

Iowa in the Bag for Trump

Trump won 2020 too. Only President to win 3 times since 2 term limit was started.
You can believe anything you want to believe about me that lets you sleep at night, but let me ask you one question.

What is going to be your reaction if Biden supporters storm the capital in January 2025 to stop the Trump inauguration?
damn I know i am late to the party.... but what are they gonna storm the capital with? great big pink and black dildo's? maybe their assless chaps and a strapon?
I'm terrified.

I am terrified too, but it's got nothing to do with the J6 protests and how much they have been blown out of proportion by hypocrites on the left and the useful idiots who parrot the narrative.

No, what terrifies me is the slow destruction of the country by the Biden administration via several avenues, the worst of which is the unprecedented flood of poor and destined-to-be-government-dependent-for-life illegal immigrants into the country while an incompetent administration stands by and watches it happen, with idiots like you cheering them on.
I am terrified too, but it's got nothing to do with the J6 protests and how much they have been blown out of proportion by hypocrites on the left and the useful idiots who parrot the narrative.

No, what terrifies me is the slow destruction of the country by the Biden administration via several avenues, the worst of which is the unprecedented flood of poor and destined-to-be-government-dependent-for-life illegal immigrants into the country while an incompetent administration stands by and watches it happen, with idiots like you cheering them on.
Do "NOT" kid yourself about this. This "incompetent administration" Is doing exactly as it is told to do. And while we piss and moan about differing points of view. The Davos Elites planning there " Pinky and the Brain" type's in there private jets, yachts. Care to guess where the real evil is?
Not incompetent… CRIMINALS will use that and Dementia to get out of any sentences for crimes if they ever get charged,….. look at the stuff Hunter Biden has pulled …. Everyone knows they are dirty including the Left. What does average Lefty get for their troubles? That is what ppl need to ask.


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