diy solar

diy solar

Are there any installers that will do a panels only/non grid tied system in CT??


New Member
Jan 6, 2024
I am trying, with exasperation, to find a company that will simply install approx. 8 400w panels on my roof to connect to my 2 Delta Pros. They all seem to want to sell full blown grid tied or whole house battery systems, which I understand (that’s where the money is), but geez Louise…. Anyone in CT found such a company (or anywhere for that matter)? Any suggestions for some alternatives? That kind of diy job is beyond my physical pay grade.
You're probably looking for a handyman with solar experience and references or an installer that does side jobs.
Thanks, I figured. I’ve tried a couple handyman sites but bupkus. Perhaps an ad in a local paper, but that’s so “old fashioned”☺️. Hopefully will find someone, somewhere soon.
You might try FB. This client found me on a local group, wanted it electrified, and couldn't get anyone else to even look at the job. The bottom is a little store and the top is a bar.20211104_121707.jpg

diy solar

diy solar